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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Which icon are you clicking on? That error doesn't make any sense to me. Are you talking about the short log in the black screen? The UD device log is more like the syslog display, and not the short log. UD devices are supposed to follow the same rules as the Array disks. It does. If the icons are active, the tool tip will show when you hover your mouse over the icon.
  2. The error 22 is a pretty generic error that is not very specific. SMB 1.0 is an old/insecure version and WIndows is trying to phase it out. It's not Unraid trying to get rid of SMB 1.0, it's changes being made to samba. I don't understand what has changed in the latest version of samba. I'll keep trying to find a solution, but it's getting harder when changes are made to samba and I don't know what they are.
  3. It looks like you are mounting a memory card in an Epson Printer. Is there a firmware update for the printer? On one of your previous posts it looks like the printer was responding to the SMB version 2.0 mount. Now it's not. It is failing on SMB 1.0. SMB 1.0 is an older insecire protocol. Can the printer use SMB 2.0?
  4. Not true. Enabling the plugin monitors activity for the Array. The 'Enable for Cache and Pool Disks?' adds monitoring for any Cache and Pool disks. Leave it off and only Array disks are monitored. The plugin excludes the 'appdata' and 'syslog' shares automatically. I should add 'system' to those though so the docker and VM images get excluded. I'll fix this in the next release. If you do a non traditional mapping of appdata, syslog, and system shares, the file activity plugin will monitor those.
  5. Separate them how? What is your use case for a feature such as this?
  6. Your latest log shows a login faikure: Jun 20 18:34:24 9900K unassigned.devices: Mount SMB share '//NAS1/user-pool.nas1megashare' using SMB default protocol. Jun 20 18:34:24 9900K unassigned.devices: Mount SMB command: /sbin/mount -t 'cifs' -o rw,noserverino,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=99,gid=100,credentials='/tmp/unassigned.devices/credentials_user-pool.nas1megashare' '//NAS1/user-pool.nas1megashare' '/mnt/remotes/NAS1_user-pool.nas1megashare' Jun 20 18:34:24 9900K kernel: CIFS: Attempting to mount \\NAS1\user-pool.nas1megashare Jun 20 18:34:24 9900K kernel: CIFS: Status code returned 0xc000006d STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE Jun 20 18:34:24 9900K kernel: CIFS: VFS: \\NAS1 Send error in SessSetup = -13 Jun 20 18:34:24 9900K kernel: CIFS: VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -13 Check your credentials.
  7. Post your current diagnostics zip file. Just posting log snippets isn't helpful.
  8. You don't use the root password to mount remote shares, even the root share.
  9. Your root share is having a problem: un 20 10:16:59 9900K unassigned.devices: Mount SMB share '//NAS1/user-pool.nas1megashare' using SMB default protocol. Jun 20 10:16:59 9900K unassigned.devices: Mount SMB command: /sbin/mount -t 'cifs' -o rw,noserverino,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=99,gid=100,credentials='/tmp/unassigned.devices/credentials_user-pool.nas1megashare' '//NAS1/user-pool.nas1megashare' '/mnt/remotes/NAS1_user-pool.nas1megashare' Jun 20 10:16:59 9900K kernel: CIFS: Attempting to mount \\NAS1\user-pool.nas1megashare Jun 20 10:16:59 9900K kernel: CIFS: VFS: BAD_NETWORK_NAME: \\NAS1\user-pool.nas1megashare Jun 20 10:16:59 9900K kernel: CIFS: VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -2 Jun 20 10:16:59 9900K unassigned.devices: SMB default protocol mount failed: 'mount error(2): No such file or directory Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg) '. Maybe you need to remove the remote share on the 9900K it and reconfigure it? My guess is the mount point changed on nas1.
  10. Looks to be a security issue. Not credentials, but the remote server probably doesn't support the CIFS security. I'll need you to post your diagnostics zip so I take a closer look.
  11. That doesn't make any sense. The SMB Security settings only work once a device is mounted. How did the change allow you to see it? What did you see?
  12. Just removed and re-installed it on my test server. Worked fine. It's something with your server. Flash problem? Ram memory problem?
  13. Check the SMB Security settings in UD settings. There has been a change in SMB sharing. 'No' used to share public, but now doesn't share at all. The 'Public' setting is used to share public.
  14. No. How am I supposed to even guess when all you tell me is it hangs. You already checked the preclear log, so if it doesn't tell you anything I have no idea.
  15. Check the UD SMB Security settings. There was a change in the latest release. The 'No' setting now turns off the SMB sharing instad of sharing public. The 'Public' setting is the new setting that shares public and does what the 'No' setting used to do.
  16. Yes, you can't have an Unraid share and a UD share with the same name. UD checks when a device is mounted and won't mount if there is a duplicate name. There are also some reserved names that are checked along with checking other UD names.
  17. That means that the code to check for duplicate mount points is working, but there seems to be an issue when mounting the devices. I can't figure this one out. The only thing I can suggest for the moment is to reboot to see if that will straighten things out. I'm still looking into the code, but reading code is not the optimum way to find bugs. I'd really like to reproduce your issue.
  18. I have a server that I can force to be SMB 1.0 only and I can reprodice your issue. Let me spend some time looking into the issue. It looks like samba made some additional security changes to SMB 1.0.
  19. Nothing has changed in UD with respect to SMB mounts in many releases. It may have to do with a newer version of samba in 6.10 though. Have you tried to go back to 6.9 to see if the shares will mount? Has anything changed on your remote server?
  20. Click on one of the disk's mount point that won't mount and then click 'Change'. Let me know if you get an error.
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