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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. The fix will be in 6.11, probably the next rc or possibly final if rc4 is skipped.
  2. Feel free to request any tools you feel are necessary to be included in Unraid.
  3. As stated in an earlier post, we are working on a solution for the system temp and auto fan plugins.
  4. He appears to be unavailable at this time If they were to fork the GitHub, they could work on it. No one in the LT team is available to take on the maintenance for this plugin. It would be best to get dmacias's permission and have it properly licensed before forking it. The plugin authors should manage the packages needed for their plugins and not have users do it manually. We are working on a solution to the system temp and auto fan plugins. Work with plugin authors to include all the packages required for their plugins. Added packages you want can be put in the extras/ folder. You can always ask for a package to be included in base Unraid, but it probably won't be included unless it has wide appeal. It's not hard. Unraid is Slackware 15, 64 bit. If you use Slackware 15 pckages, you should have minimal problems. The forum users will be happy to help if you have issues.
  5. Set up a VM or docker container to do these things. Unraid is not meant to be a Linux OS workstation. As @Squid said, it's more like a NAS appliance.
  6. There are other ways to install packages. If you put the package files in the /flash/extra/ folder, Unraid will install them when it is booted.
  7. I suspect it is because ud is caching udev info and doesn't expect any partition changes outside of ud. If you change things outside ud, I think ud will still use the previous udev info and not the updated info. I'll have a look.
  8. There has been a recent change in the SMB sharing setting in UD. Go to the UD settings page and review the setting: The change was that the "No" setting no longer shares UD devices Public. The "Public" setting is used to share devices Public.
  9. When changing the mount point, the disk label is also changed using a Linux utility for the file system being used. The label change on the Samsung flash either failed to change, or the drive doesn't support changing the label. The label is not really important if you change the mount point. It is not used by UD except to set a mount point if it is not user defined. If the mount point is set manually, the label change is really only a convenience to the user. This situation doesn't really confuse UD. If you expect the mount point to be "SAMSUNG" (the disk label), then it might be confusing to you. Post your diagnostics so I can see the result of the labelchange command.
  10. That's UNRAID_BACKUP, not UNRAID_SAVE. UNRAID_SAVE is not a mount point defined in your UD config file, and the mount in the log snippet you posted is /mnt/disks/UNRAID_BACKUP. UD doesn't mount a disk using another disks mount point, unless something is broken in your system. The only thing I can come up with is: The previous disk was not properly unmounted, or Your flash and/or ramfs has a problem. Your best course of action here is a reboot. If that doesn't sort it out, post your new diagnostics.
  11. The partition with label 'SSD_256' never got mounted. No where in the logs does it show anything that got mounted to /mnt/disks/UNRAID_SAVE. As far as the automount, I don't know what is going on with that. My suggestions: Click the double arrows in the upper right corner of the UD webpage. The configuration files in ram may have an issue. This will refresh those. Check your UD mount points and scripts. Your script should not write to a non existant mount point /mnt/disks/UNRAID_SAVE.
  12. I stand corrected. This is not the issue I thought was fixed in 6.11-rc3.
  13. The ntfs-3g driver is built into Unraid. UD used to include that driver, but not since it's been included in Unraid. You would have to feature request that driver be incuded by Limetech. I don't know if that driver could co-exist with the ntfs-3g driver, or would require a rewrite to accomodate the new driver. I looked at the link you provided and one user showed worse performance using ntfs3. For now, I wouldn't recommend that driver until some more information is made available about its performance and reliabiity. Before we switched to the ntfs3 driver, we'd want some assurances we wouldn't be causing users any problems.
  14. Reboot in safe mode, then install the Unassiged Devices plugin and see if the messages occur. I suspect they won't. Then add your plugins back in one at a time and see if the mesages start again. I suspect one of the plugins is causing this log message in UD.
  15. The reboot on the mount button means the device was not unmounted properly. If it is occuring right after a reboot, you may have a bad cable or USB port. Try rebooting with the device removed, then connect it after rebooting to a different USB port.
  16. You can set the following in the config.php file and it will scan for new files: 'filesystem_check_changes' => 1,
  17. You have multiple issues. The log is loaded with SMB messages caused by AD. This is making it hard to find UD messages. Aug 4 20:51:06 TW-NAS winbindd[13584]: idmap_hash_initialize: The idmap_hash module is deprecated and should not be used. Please migrate to a different plugin. This module will be removed in a future version of Samba This is what I found related to your UD disks: Aug 5 14:24:02 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Partition 'sdg1' does not have a file system and cannot be mounted. Aug 5 14:24:02 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Adding partition 'sdg2'... Aug 5 14:24:02 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Mounting partition 'sdg2' at mountpoint '/mnt/disks/backup_nas'... Aug 5 14:24:02 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Partition 'sdg2' is already mounted. Aug 5 14:24:02 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Partition 'backup_nas' cannot be mounted. Aug 5 14:25:37 TW-NAS webGUI: Successful login user root from Aug 5 14:25:44 TW-NAS ntfs-3g[10650]: ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error Aug 5 14:25:44 TW-NAS ntfs-3g[10650]: Failed to read index block: Input/output error Aug 5 14:25:55 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Cannot unmount 'sdg2'. UD did not mount the device or it was not properly unmounted. Aug 5 14:25:55 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Partition 'backup_nas' cannot be unmounted. Aug 5 14:26:02 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Unmounting partition 'sdg2' at mountpoint '/mnt/disks/backup_nas'... Aug 5 14:26:02 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Cannot unmount 'sdg2'. UD did not mount the device or it was not properly unmounted. Aug 5 14:26:02 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Partition 'backup_nas' cannot be unmounted. Aug 5 14:26:04 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Unmounting partition 'sdg2' at mountpoint '/mnt/disks/backup_nas'... Aug 5 14:26:04 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Cannot unmount 'sdg2'. UD did not mount the device or it was not properly unmounted. Aug 5 14:26:04 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Partition 'backup_nas' cannot be unmounted. Aug 5 14:26:05 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Unmounting partition 'sdg2' at mountpoint '/mnt/disks/backup_nas'... Aug 5 14:26:05 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Cannot unmount 'sdg2'. UD did not mount the device or it was not properly unmounted. Aug 5 14:26:05 TW-NAS unassigned.devices: Partition 'backup_nas' cannot be unmounted. Because the disks are marked "Array", and the log messages about how the disk cannot be unounted, it looks like the disks were removed without being unmounted. Your best way out of this predicament is to reboot.
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