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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. There have been cases where a combination of certain hardware and disks have caused this spin up issue. Both your data disks are WD, You said in the thread that the parity disk does spin down. I think your parity disk is a Seagate disk. Do you have another disk you could add to the array that is a different manufacturer just as a test? It can be any size.
  2. Try a different USB port. USB 2.0 ports seem to work better.
  3. Check the "Enable SMB Security?" in UD settings. The default of "No" does not share at all now. Check the Help for more information.
  4. What do you mean won't share? Can you see it in the Network? Post diagnostics.
  5. The question mark in credentials is a problem. Post diagnostics when Windows 10 Pro does not work.
  6. Nothing in the diagnostics stands out to me, but because we have diagnostics of a safe mode with no plugins or other things running, I can present it for evaluation. I'll present it to LT and see if we can come up with some answers.
  7. Update to 6.11-rc5, boot in safe mode, and post diagnostics so we can look at a pure Unraid system with latest version.
  8. Sometimes the name lookup doesn't work well on SMB shares. I've done a few things to help with this, but I don't understand why sometimes it doesn't work.
  9. I've had two VMs working for years through all versions of Unraid since VMs were introduced without prob;ems. One is using a passed through GPU that took maybe an hour to configure. It does work and can be done. Many Unraid users have working VMs with passed through GPUs. If you want some help post your diagnostics file and explain what you are doing and we will give you some help. If all you want to do is complain, then maybe Unraid isn't going to work for you.
  10. Unfortunately, iGPU pass through is not that straight forward. The hardware, processor, and IOMMU groupings can all be a factor in getting iGPU pass through to work, Can you post a link to where you have requested help on getting it to work? Did you look at this Spaceinvader One video? This is not how Unraid works and is not likely to change any time soon. Just because people ask, doesn't mean it's just automatically going to happen. This couldn't be farther from the truth and your comment is not very productive. I can understand you are frustrated, but just post your concerns and give us a chance to help you work through it. As I said earlier, iGPU is not just a straight forward thing that Unraid can just automatically make work. A lot of time has been put into iGPU passthroough and LT will continue to improve this feature, but with all the various hardware and IOMMU groupings based on varying hardware, it is not as easy as you seem to think.
  11. Are you referencing the remote servers by name or IP address? If name, try IP address.
  12. Works for me. Any issues with ownCloud itself would be best to take to the ownCloud forum.
  13. I use my own domain for the desktop app to access the ownCloud on the Internet. I have not tried doing the local ownCloud access using the desktop app. That being said, the local access in my case is as my ownCloud docker container has a fixed IP address. I don't think localhost is an appropriate way to access ownCloud.
  14. I think the latest release of UD will meet your needs. Please check to see if the changes in the update make a difference in the removal of a disk device for you.
  15. New release of UD. The changes are: - Add ability to spin down a disk by sdX. You don't have to spin down disks by name= any more. This is still available for spinning down a disk from a User Script because you won't know the correct sdX as it changes on reboot. - Add the ability to detach a disk when a UD script is finished using 'rc.unassigned'. This detaches the disk from Unraid and should provide a potentially safer way to remove a USB device. Applies to USB disks only. - Add a 'Detach' button to the 'Edit Device Settings' so a disk can be detached from Unraid. When a disk is detached, it will show in Historical Devices. This applies to all disks - ATA or USB. - Add an 'Attach' button to the 'Edit Device Settings'. The disk can be re-attached and will show back up in UD once Linux does a scan of the disk to rediscover it. This can take a while and will simulate a disk being re-connected. If the disk is set to Auto Mount, the disk will be mounted and the device script executed. There is a nice benefit with the detach/re-attach feature. There have been requests over the years for a way to have a hot spare disk that is not seen by UD. You can detach the disk and it will not show in UD, but will show in Historical Devices. You can attach the disk whenever you need it. The downside to this is when Unraid is rebooted, the disk will show up again because it will be re-discovered by Unraid. For those of you with disks with multiple partitions on a disk, watch for the attach button being in the 'Edit Device Settings' if any partition is mounted. That button should not show until all partitions are unmounted. Detaching a disk with a mounted partition proves to be very messy because Linux will assign a new sdX designation that will make the disk show as an Array disk in UD when it's reattached. The 'Attach' button will only show if the disk was initially installed and then detached, and still physically connected. The 'Attach' button won't show once the disk has been physically removed. UD sees a disk as being removed when it is detached.
  16. All that does in UD is tell UD not to mount or otherwise mess with the disk. For help on passing through a disk ti a VM, check this Spaceinvader One You Tube video.
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