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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I sometimes have to stop and restart Wireguard at both ends to restore the handshake.
  2. I'm not familiar enough with AD to know the answer.
  3. This was a work around in the past, but it looks like Samba may no longer support "username map =". I suspect it may be a security issue. A Google search shows some posts about security.
  4. Switch to cache "Prefer" then remove the include settings and switch back to cache "Only". Then click "Apply".
  5. I would bet that this setting on the share along with the Turbo Write setting could spin up disks when writing to the share depending on how many other disks are spinning. I'm thinking the Gui should disable and clear the include and exclude fields when a share is set as cache only so the user can't enter incorrect values for the share. FCP to the rescue!
  6. You have your appdata share set as cache only, but you have two included disks: [appdata] => Array ( [name] => appdata [include] => disk1,disk2 [exclude] => [useCache] => only [cachePool] => cache ) If you have a share set to cache only, it doesn't make any sense to assign included disks. You have some shares with included disks and some not. I don't understand what you are trying to accomplish, but review all your share allocations. Any that are set as cache only should not have included or excluded disks.
  7. Several suggestions: If you are overclocking memory, don't. Overclocking memory on a server is not recommended. Start by updating all your dockers and plugins. You are behind in quite a few. I doubt it will fix anything, but just eliminate that possibility. NerdPack is not compatible with 6.11. Be sure to remove the plugin and reboot. If you are on 6.10, remove the NerdPack plugin and reboot as a test. Try removing the nvidia drivers plugin. I saw a reference to nvidia drivers in the segfault.
  8. Copy the /etc/samba/smb-fruit.conf to /flash/config/smb-fruit.conf. Then make changes to the /flash/config/smb-fruit.conf file. After making changes, you need to restart samba: /etc/rc.d/rc.samba restart You need to make changes to the copied smb-fruit.conf because it contains the "vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr". You'll see uncommented lines. Those are the defaults. The commented lines are lines you can uncomment to try out different settings.
  9. Preclear was initially a necessity when installing new disks in early versions of Unraid because the array was off-line while a disk was being cleared. It is no longer needed, but many feel more comfortable exercising new disks before installing them in the array.
  10. Because of the history of preclearing disks on the early versions of Unraid, it's become ingrained in the culture here. I suspect most everyone installs it.
  11. Tmux is installed by the UD Preclear plugin. It is not included native to Unraid.
  12. Look at this: https://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?104614-Announce-CastBridge-integrate-Chromecast-players-with-LMS-(squeeze2cast)&p=835640&viewfull=1#post835640 Towards the bottom it says the Docker needs to use "Host" network mode.
  13. Your remote server is dropping off-line and the command to determine share sizes ('df') is timing out. That's why zero is showing for the share size. It may be reachable, but is probably having errors that CIFS and NFS can't resolve - like timeouts. Check the logs of your NAS and see it there are errors showing. If the Share switch is turned on for a device, UD will create a local SMB share for the remote share. The Share switch is in the "Device Settings" - the three gears icon. The same one that Unraid is using. Post your diagnostics file.
  14. The log entries indicate your remote NAS is dropping off-line.
  15. I suspect there is a Samba issue that restarting the Recycle Bin clears up because when the Recycle Bin is started, it restarts Samba.
  16. Just try the string "error -9 on ioctl to get interface list". It's been a while since I worked with this, but I believe that will work.
  17. Nothing obvious. Where were you moving folders around?
  18. I've not heard of anyone having this issue. Post your diagnostics so I can have a look.
  19. Yes, but be careful. You should set the UD read only switch so you don't make any changes to the disk and invalidate parity. If you want to write to the disk, you'll have to re-write parity as a write operation to the data disk will invalidate parity.
  20. It's something unique to your system. Can you do the following: Install UD if it is not already installed. Set the "Debug Log Level" in UD settings to "Udev and Hotplug". Let it run for a few minutes and log those udev entries in the log. Post another diagnostics. Turn off the "Debug Log Level". It can be overly chatty. Thank you.
  21. SMBv1 is still supported in Unraid. What was lost was the ntlmv1 security that was removed from Linux. If your device does not require the ntlmv1 security, it will still work. Are you mounting the Unraid shares from the player Public or Private? If Private, what rules are you using?
  22. Correct, the smb-fruit.conf file contains all the fruit settings. My wording may not have been the best. In this situation, there is a log message not seen in internal testing or rc releases and we are trying to understand where it is comming from. The smb-fruit.conf file contains the most common settings used for fruit settings. The uncommented settings are the default settings. The commented settings are optional. The idea is to not have to change the smb-extras.conf file to make any adjustments you might need for your particular system. Changes in the extras file are global and the settings in the fruit file are applied per share.
  23. Keep in mind that Samba is being updated regularly and I would bet that a recent change is affecting time machine. This is a "whack a mole" kind of thing. Samba makes changes and LT has to figure out how to make it work with Unraid after the fact.
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