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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Do the following: Set "Debug Log Level:" in UD Settings to "None". Update all your plugins. Reboot. Try to mount the remote share once more. Post diagnostics. There are so many debug messages in the log I can't find anything.
  2. Everything looks right. You can stop the messages for the moment by putting this into your smb-extra.conf file: syslog = 0 logging = 0
  3. Guve me the resuts of the following: ls /etc/rsyslog.d/ and cat /etc/rsyslog.d/03-recycle-bin.conf
  4. The part of samba used for the logging of deleted files is generating those messages. Go to a command line and do this command: and see if the messages stop. Let me know if they do. I may need to look into a race condition when the plugin installs.
  5. Post your diagnostics. That command should not be timing out in less than 1 second.
  6. Thank you. That's good information. That's a lot better than 89 minutes. What will happen now in the next release, when the cdn download fails after the 33 secs, the plugin manager will remove the cdn from the URL and start a download with that URL. This should solve your issue of the cdn URL not downloading.
  7. Uninstall recycle bin, reboot, then re-install recycle bin from CA.
  8. I'm working on solving this issue. The plan is to retry the download without the cdn if the cdn download fails, but waiting 89 Minutes for it to fail before retrying won't work. I cannot reproduce your situation and would like to get a more reasonable fail time so the wget doesn't get stuck for an extended time. Can you run the following wget command and post the time it takes to fail out? time wget --debug --retry-connrefused --prefer-family=IPv4 --timeout=5 --tries=3 --waitretry=3 https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/stable/unRAIDServer.plg and post the same debug log as before.
  9. Use the UD plugin to mount an apfs disk. In the disk settings you can specify the volume to mount. Doing it manually is too much work.
  10. Go to a command prompt and enter these commands: ulimit -Hn 80000 ulimit -Sn 80000 If that lets your system work, then add those commands to your "go" file so the hard and soft file limits will get set whenever you reboot. You have a lot of these messages in your log: Oct 17 12:47:01 jlw-unRaid smbd[12066]: synthetic_pathref: opening [downloads/FileBot/jre/legal/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/pkcs11wrapper.md] failed Oct 17 12:47:01 jlw-unRaid smbd[12066]: [2022/10/17 12:47:01.591558, 0] ../../source3/smbd/files.c:1193(synthetic_pathref) Stop them by adding this to the smb-extra.conf: logging = 0 If you are not using any MACs to access the shares, turn off "Enhanced macOS interoperability:" in SMB settings.
  11. Post your diagnostics file so we can see your setup.
  12. The Enhanced Log plugin just displays the syslog and restarts the rsyslogd to enable some log filtering. I don't see how that can cause these issues. I see a lot of network issues in the syslog of the posted diagnostics. Can you post a diagnostics file with the Enhanced Log plugin removed?
  13. Update to the latest version and it should fix your issues.
  14. Let me spin up a 6.9 version of Unraid. Looks like the version detection I use isn't working.
  15. Correct, the settings are not applied when samba is restarted.
  16. Once you've updated to the newest version of UD, those settings can be removed.
  17. I would turn off export on each of your shares and then turn them on one at a time and see if the fsid duplicates again as you re-assign them.
  18. That sounds like you had a flash drive problem. Try this command and see if the logging stops: /etc/rc.d/rc.rsyslogd restart
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