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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Probably. Where is dlopen coming from? Is it in a plugin you installed?
  2. You confirmed glib 2.35 is installed. That should fix the problem. You may need a reboot. This will revert you back to glibc 2.33 and you will fail again.
  3. This is happening because the version og glibc is 2.33 in Unraid 6.10. You can install UD Preclear that will update the glibc package or wait for 6.11-rc1.
  4. A previous version won't fix your problem. Install UD Preclear again, then go to a comand line and show the result of this command: /lib64/libc.so.6 It should show version 2.35. If not then post your diagnostics.
  5. This has nothing to do with UD. You are using something that requires an additional slackware package - glibc. I suspect that dlopen was updated and now requires the glibc 2.34 package. I ran into this when I updated the tmux package in UD Preclear. It now requires glibc 2.34. Unraid 6.10 has glibc 2.33 installed which is a version behind. As a quick work around, install the latest version of the UD Preclear plugin that installs the glibc package updated to 2..35.
  6. Be sure you are updated to the latest UD version. Which share? Post diagnostics zip file.
  7. If Linux doesn't see the file system, UD can't mount it. You could put the drive in a Windows PC, share it, and mount it as a remote share using UD. Then copy the files over the network using SMB,
  8. Whenever you change the UD SMB Share settings or change the Share switch setting on a device or remote share, there is a delay in the samba settings taking effect. Unraid has up to a one minute delay in setting the SMB shares after UD makes changes.
  9. According to udev, there is one gpt partition but it is not formatted. If you can work with the disk on a Windows PC, the disk is foratted in a way Linux doesn't understand. Where was the disk formatted?
  10. That appears to be a network issue or a temporary problem with GitHub. I tried by uninstalling and reinstalling UD and didn't have any issues.
  11. If you don’t see UD in settings then it’s not installed.
  12. It is mounted rw. I don't see any reason why you can't write to the UD disk. Check your permissions. Try copying files using a Windows or Mac computer and see if you can write the files with SMB. Turn this off:
  13. This is the switch that controls the partition display:
  14. Mount the UD disk and give me the output of 'mount' command from a command line. You are mounting the disk with the 'discard' option set. It would be better to not do that and install the "Dynamix SSD Trim" plugin and trim on a schedule.
  15. You set user permissionn in UD Settings. You can also select share 'Yes (hidden)'.
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