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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Also try uninstalling and re-installing UD Plus after you reboot if the CA warning persists. It's possible the .plg is corrupted.
  2. I noticed something in your diagnostics that might be a sign of a flash problem. unassigned.devices-plus.plg - 2021.12.12 (Unknown to Community Applications) CA flagged that plugin as unknown because it had trouble getting information from the .plg file on your flash. I would suggest making a backup of your flash and then reboot and let Unraid run a flash check when it starts back up.
  3. No. Works for me. Show me a screen shot of your file activity settings.
  4. This normally happens when there aren't enough notify watches, but there is generally a log entry saying there aren't enough. Try using the 'Tips and Tweaks' plugin and increase the "Max Watches 'fs.inotify.max_user_watches':" value and then starting file activity.
  5. There is an easier way of doing this. Give the disk an alias name and use that name to mount/unmount the disk: /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned mount name=MusicBk /usr/local/sbin/rc.unassigned umount name=MusicBk
  6. It's a suggestion, not a requirement. There's really no reason to use the recycle bin on those shares because they are not user shares. I ran a test last night on the latest release of the plugin and it didn't delete the aged files. I'm testing again tonight with a change I made that I believe was causing the issue. It seems to be intermittent, so I'll be running my tests for several nights to be sure I've in fact got it.
  7. The log of deleted files are files deleted in the shares, not files deleted from the Recycle.Bin folder by the plugin command. I am testing one thing I don't like in the script, but I'm not sure it is affecting the removal of aged files. The aged files are determined by the 'find' command, not what 'stat' shows. The age days of 4 would I think be files that are over 4 days old, not exactly 4 days old. I think you might be over analyzing this.
  8. The Recycle Bin plugin uses the following command to find aged files: find /mnt/RecycleBin/User\ Shares/*/* -type f -atime +4 Run this command and see what comes up as aged files. These are the files that are deleted. I'm not seeing anything yet, but I'm still checking.
  9. Yes. It's the 'Verify Disk' option. When you're on the UD Preclear page, click on the Help icon and you'll see an explanation of the script options. The disk has to be in the precleared state - preclear signature present and zeroed disk.
  10. The recycle bin files are not aged by last modified (mtime). They are aged by the atime.
  11. Sounds like the User Script cron is not set up right.
  12. Yes. UD sets up the shares and Unraid enables them on a polling schedule that I believe is one minute.
  13. You can't get Linux to unforget the disk. If it's properly unmounted, there is no problem. Don't remove it until it is unmounted. If it's not unmounted before removal, you risk data loss/corruption.
  14. The disk is mounted. You are browsing it. Unmount the disk then change the mount point.
  15. Your script can do an unmount when it is done, or you can unmount the disk with a User Script on a cron. Go to the UD page and click on the help icon and read about using the UD script to mount and unmount the disk. The problem with the cron is that you'd also need to confirm it got unmounted or you'll be back in the same pickle. My suggestion is to set up a User Script to do the copying and unmount the disk at the end of the script. As I read your post, it is a manual process.
  16. This happens when the disk is removed without being unmounted first. When it is re-installed, Linux assigns a new sdX designation. Unraid does not see the new disk as an Unassigned DIsk and UD thinks it's a disk that fell out of the array. You'll need to reboot to clear it up.
  17. The format created a partition but did not create a file system on the partition. Please post your diagnistics zip file.
  18. Remove the 'min protocol = SMB2' line or change it to: [global] server min protocol = SMB2 if you really need it.
  19. How about you post your smb-extra.conf file. You seem to have an entry that is causing this.
  20. How about a screen shot of the disk in the UD page? You haven't given us enough information to help you.
  21. Some observations: Your xml shows 6GB of memory but your video shows 4GB? That's not what your xml shows. I can't understand how you can peg your CPU usage at 100% with 3 cores and 6 CPUs doing a file copy. Did you have the xml setup you posted when you did the video? You have the vdisk on a UD device. Is it a SSD or a spinner disk? How is it formatted? Why not put that disk in a Pool and do your VMs there? As you said before, you need to concentrate on hardware issues.
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