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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Linux does not see any partitions on those disks. UD can't do anythig with them.
  2. You need to reboot. That disk was removed before it was unmounted and when re-installed, it was assigned a new sdX designation by Linux and Unraid did not assign it as Unassigned. UD thinks it is an array disk that disconnected.
  3. You don't need to use the cli to clear the disk. Enable Destructive Mode in UD settings and use UD to clear the disk. Click on the red X next to the serial number. Show a screen shot of the disk in UD.
  4. I see a few issues right away. The SCSI disk driver is not the best to use. Use the VirtIO disk driver. It looks like you are using memory balloon. Set Initial and max memory to the same value. Also post a screen shot of your Logical CPU assignments.
  5. Click on the '+' to show the partition, then click on the check mark to the left. Hover your mouse over the icons and the tooltip will explain what each icon does.
  6. UD is using the Unraid api to open the LUKS disk: Mar 25 17:52:01 mitchsserver unassigned.devices: Using Unraid api to open the 'crypto_LUKS' device. Is the disk password/pass phrase the same as your array? It appears not because the device was not opened: Mar 25 17:52:03 mitchsserver unassigned.devices: Mount of 'transport_data' failed: 'mount: /mnt/disks/transport_data: special device /dev/mapper/transport_data does not exist. ' You can set a specific password for this disk in UD settings.
  7. dlandon

    Disk Spin up

    Would Sunday this week work better for you?
  8. dlandon

    Disk Spin up

    I could do later so it's your evening if that works better. I do not have a structured job, so I'm very flexible.
  9. dlandon

    Disk Spin up

    I will probably want to do early morning here. 7 or 8 AM. I've asked Tom what tests/data he would like me to do/collect so he can replicate the issue. I don't have SAS hardware so I can't reproduce the problem. He has SAS hardware so he should be able to reproduce.
  10. You need to provide diagnostics and more information on how you are setting up your VMs. Memory, CPUs, machine model, etc.
  11. dlandon

    Disk Spin up

    I'm in the US Central Time Zone. So 5 hours ahead of me?
  12. dlandon

    Disk Spin up

    Next week some time. I need to organize what I need to test and what information I need to collect so we can get this solved. I'll get back to you on a date and time. Where are you located so I can take into account the time difference?
  13. dlandon

    Disk Spin up

    Would you be receptive to a Team Viewer session or access to your server so I can get a first hand look?
  14. This seems to be an Unraid issue and we are looking into it. Can you post a bug report on this?
  15. dlandon

    Disk Spin up

    We haven't been able to reproduce the issue. I noticed you have disk slots that are not assigned to disks. Can you re-do the disk slots to just what is needed for your array? This includes array and pool devices. And give it another shot.
  16. If the disk settings are removed the auto mount defaults to 'off'. You'd have to set it to 'on' to auto mount the disk.
  17. Sounds as if the configuration for the device was deleted or lost from your flash. Did you accidently delete the disk configuration in the Historical devices? It's nothing to worry about. What you did is all you have to do. When this happens nothing is lost on your disk, it's just that UD lost your mount point setting.
  18. You caught me in the middle of releasing the update and there was a missing MD5. Try again.
  19. A change was made to UD to not allow a Root Share if disk shares was turned on. It was changed to not enable Root Share unless disk sharing was set to "No". Since "Auto" is the default now (this one got past me as I have an old system with old defaults), UD thinks disk sharing is turned on. The problem with disk sharing being on in a Root Share is a copy from a disk share to a user share can cause problems. I also found in my testing that deleting files when disk shares is turned on crashed shfs when the recycle bin plugin was running. Probably the best answer here is to enable the "Add Root Share" button and show a message in the first dialog about turning off disk sharing so a user can make that change.
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