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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Do you have the new version of the docker? Did you set the php version in the template?
  2. The previous version was also Ubuntu. Ubuntu is Debian based. I also did a new install without a problem.
  3. Did you check your appdata paths if you used the new template? Click on more settings to see the paths.
  4. A new docker is building that should fix the es issues.
  5. Give me a bit. I think I found something.
  6. Were you using the master docker previously?
  7. Delete your docker image, and the docker template and then go to apps and use the latest template and re-install the docker.
  8. The previous shm size was half your installed memory. Start there and adjust.
  9. Look at the Zoneminder log and see if there is a message about the ES bundle can't be downloaded. Just tried it her and it worked for me.
  10. Remove the Zoneminder/appdata/hook/ folder and restart Zoneminer. The files should be recreated.
  11. Set it as they recommend. The 50% and below is just a starting point.
  12. I've updated the ownCloud docker and it won't break the older ownCloud versions because of a php incompatibility. There is a new environment variable in the docker template to set the php version. It defaults to 7.2 which is compatible several versions back. Once you've updated ownCloud, I recommend increasing the php version to 7.4 for security reasons.
  13. Add more shm-size to see if it will get going. Add half of your available memory to start and then adjust to get closer to 50% /dev/shm on the Zoneminder console.
  14. Server is offline: Dec 31 00:42:03 Nostromo unassigned.devices: Mounting 'Auto Mount' Remote Shares... Dec 31 00:42:04 Nostromo unassigned.devices: Remote SMB/NFS server '' is offline and share '' cannot be mounted. Are you sure the server was online when Unraid was started?
  15. Yes, 5G is the fixed size the docker allocates to a mount called /dev/shm when the docker starts. Yes, it comes from the total installed memory. Each system and configuration of cameras will be different for each Zoneminder installation. The 5G I set in the template is just a good starting point.
  16. Zoneminder is a beast. The last time I checked, there were over 5 Million downloads over about 2 years. Whenever I update the docker, it spikes. I'll see how it goes.
  17. When the docker was originally authored, the SHMEM=50% was somewhat arbitrary, but pretty much guaranteed that Zoneminder got enough shared memory. You just now have to tweak it to be sure there is enough. All Zoneminder needs is 50% or below utilization to be sure it has enough.
  18. Well I just ran into the pull rate limit on Zoneminder. I went ahead and signed up for the Pro docker subscription. $60 a year for all my dockers.
  19. Look at the syslog. You'll probably see that it can't be mounted because it is offline. The Synology NAS has to be online before it will mount.
  20. Because of the change in how shared memory is set up, you will need to use the new Zoneminder template:;, Do this procedure: - Remove the docker image. All your data and settings will be kept. - Click on add a container and delete the Zoneminder template. - Go to he apps and get the new template. Read about adjusting shared memory and be sure to increase until you get to less than 50% on the Zoneminder console.
  21. There is an new docker available that is upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04 (for better hardware support), and ES 6.1.0. These changes should resolve some outstanding issues with ES. I've also made a change to how shm is configured. I pushed a new docker xml that has the a different way of setting shm memory. Your existing docker xml will continue to work fine though.
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