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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Good luck with that. The only platform that seems to support the latest in GPU hardware is Ubuntu 20.04. I really don't think you realize how much work is involved in the ML part of ES. My Docker made it real easy to just configure ML and go. All the setup and configuration was pretty much done for you. Maybe I made it too easy as hardly anyone seems to have an appreciation for the amount of work involved to contribute towards my efforts.
  2. Are you all beginning to see what a beast ES/ML can be and why it was so hard for me to work it out in a Docker? Every time I thought I had it going properly, things in ES would change and I had to start over. I know that the Docker was a pretty quick and easy way to get the ES/ML going, but apparently very few here thought my efforts were valuable enough to support my work.
  3. I think it's because the symbolic link needs a trailing '/' to indicate it's a directory. i.e. /mnt/disks/shareName/
  4. Use UD to mount an ISO and it will be shared in the VM.
  5. The Docker will stay as it is, so yes you can just stay with what you have. The new Docker with ES only is a new Docker called zonemnder.unraid. When Zoneminder version 1.36 comes out, you will be behind though. The ML part of ES is very detailed and difficult to handle in a Docker. A VM or stand alone computer is a much better solution.
  6. That looks like a credentials issue. Do you use any special characters in the credentials?
  7. No both stay. The only thing gone is the ES machine learning (hook processing).
  8. Check your data path mapping. You probably have it inadvertently in the Docker container.
  9. No. Everything is the same. The only difference is machine learning (hook processing) is gone.
  10. I've built a new Docker (zoneminder.unraid) that will be used when the template is used from CA. Your current template will continue to work, but no updates will be applied to that Docker.
  11. With the upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 and the built in Zoneminder support for GPU, it should work fine. The fancy GPU stuff (opencv) was for hook processing.
  12. Click on the refresh icon (double arrows) in the upper right of the UD page. If that doesn't fix it, you probably have a corruption on your flash drive. You'll need to take the flash drive to a computer and check it.
  13. Zoneminder , mysql, and simple ES notifications. No hooks processing.
  14. The time has come for me to make some changes to the Zoneminder Docker. It has become a real support burden for me and I just don't have the time for all the support issues. For those of you using ES machine learning (hook processing), you will need to move to building a VM for Zoneminder. This Docker is acting more like a VM than a Docker and that is not how Dockers are supposed to work. There will be no more updates to this Docker. I will be building a new Zoneminder Docker that will have basic ES notifications of events and that is all.
  15. This forum is for support of Zoneminder on Unraid.
  16. This is a forum for Unraid support. Are you using this Docker on Unraid?
  17. Why aren't you using the Docker template?
  18. No one else is reporting this issue with cv2.
  19. Opencv (cv2), is compiled when the docker starts. It needs to be compiled for your computer configuration. I've added the pushapi_pushover.py file to the ES bundle. Next time you restart the docker, it will be updated.
  20. Your network is not available: Jan 6 09:15:07 Ajax unassigned.devices: Cannot 'Auto Mount' Remote Shares. Network not available! UD waits for 30 seconds after the array has started to wait for the network to be available before mounting remote shares. Apparently it is taking longer than that on your system. The shares switch issue will be fixed in the next release.
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