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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. You have it marked as 'Pass Thru'. You cannot mount or unmount a disk passed through. Did you mount the disk with UD, then set it as 'Pass Thru'? Post diagnostics.
  2. Don't pull the plug on a mounted disk! It does not unmount the disk and leaves it in an error state. You will need to restart the server to clear this up and please don't do it again. Provide a complete screen shot after clicking on the '+' icon. There are several reasons for the 'Unmount' to be grayed out. I can't tell which issue is affecting you until I can see a complete screen shot. I suspect the drive was not mounted by UD and is not mounted at /mnt/disks/, or you unplugging the disk has caused this problem. Click on the 'Help' button on the UD page, scroll down and you will see how to use the rc.unassigned script to unmount the drive.
  3. Please report UD issues in the UD forum. You have provided very little information here. Just showing a few buttons without more of the screen shot is pretty useless.
  4. Your file does not have Linux new lines. Linux new lines are line feeds only. You need to be sure the editor is creating the file with Linux new lines only. See attached file that I converted. cron.cron
  5. This is in the log: Jun 10 17:44:43 Snuts unassigned.devices: Removing partition '1' from disk '/dev/sdm'. Jun 10 17:44:44 Snuts unassigned.devices: Remove parition failed result 'Error: Partition(s) 1 on /dev/sdm have been written, but we have been unable to inform the kernel of the change, probably because it/they are in use. As a result, the old partition(s) will remain in use. You should reboot now before making further changes. ' Not sure why this is happening.
  6. I just figured out what you are referring to. I've never used the notification summary. A fix will be available in the next UD release.
  7. It looks like your network/server is dropping off line: Jun 2 17:53:25 zeus kernel: CIFS VFS: Server has not responded in 180 seconds. Reconnecting... Jun 2 17:53:25 zeus kernel: traps: lsof[23717] general protection ip:153572cdeb8e sp:db4d94206bc4024b error:0 Jun 2 17:53:25 zeus kernel: traps: lsof[21028] general protection ip:14d83c856b8e sp:1673b525c6215a7c error:0 Jun 2 17:53:25 zeus kernel: traps: lsof[20730] general protection ip:14cc6d2cfb8e sp:46ec0e231fc1cee9 error:0 Jun 2 17:53:25 zeus kernel: in libc-2.30.so[153572cbf000+16b000] Jun 2 17:53:25 zeus kernel: traps: lsof[22399] general protection ip:15537e906b8e sp:6ba9c0baf573c06c error:0 Jun 2 17:53:25 zeus kernel: in libc-2.30.so[14cc6d2b0000+16b000] Jun 2 17:53:25 zeus kernel: in libc-2.30.so[14d83c837000+16b000] Jun 2 17:53:25 zeus kernel: in libc-2.30.so[15537e8e7000+16b000] Jun 2 17:53:25 zeus kernel: traps: lsof[22103] general protection ip:1490cd0f5b8e sp:cf2eaffda4fb9a4b error:0 in libc-2.30.so[1490cd0d6000+16b000] Jun 2 17:53:25 zeus kernel: traps: lsof[23355] general protection ip:148eeb5a6b8e sp:b35ebc7c629be31b error:0 in libc-2.30.so[148eeb587000+16b000] Jun 2 17:53:25 zeus kernel: traps: lsof[21299] general protection ip:153eab4b2b8e sp:1c7340bf523b5f58 error:0 in libc-2.30.so[153eab493000+16b000] Jun 2 17:53:25 zeus kernel: traps: lsof[21757] general protection ip:146c94abeb8e sp:2637baffcd002b24 error:0 in libc-2.30.so[146c94a9f000+16b000] Jun 2 18:00:05 zeus kernel: CIFS VFS: Server has not responded in 180 seconds. Reconnecting... Jun 2 18:00:05 zeus kernel: CIFS VFS: BAD_NETWORK_NAME: \\HERMES\TV Jun 2 18:00:05 zeus kernel: reconnect tcon failed rc = -2
  8. Setting 'Pass Thru' in UD is not a requirement. It is best to set it though so UD will not be able to mount the disk. Passing through a disk and mounting it with UD will cause corruption.
  9. I was looking for some command time outs and I found several. These help me understand where there are delays in UD that potentially cause slow response.
  10. UD does not do anything with the /root/keyfile in any way except to read it when it needs to mount an encrypted disk. There is an ontion in Unraid to delete that file after the array is started. Check to see if that is enabled. You could also set the password for the disk in UD Settings.
  11. UD checks for the preclear signature on a disk when the UI is loaded. That's how it knows to mark the disk as 'Precleared'. You can stop this by setting the disk as 'Pass Thru'. You will of course get the no file system indicator. When a disk is precleared, there is no file system. This is what '-' indicator means. If UD finds the preclear signature it marks the file system as 'Preclared'. I suspect that the sanning to look for the signature times out at times and fails to find the signature, and marks the disk as having no file system. If you'll post your diagnostics zip I can see if that is the case.
  12. This is generally from a corrupted file on the flash. Remove the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/*.cfg files and reboot.
  13. You didn't get it quite right. Delete /flash/config/plugins.unassigned.devices/*.cfg, then immediately reboot. There are working copies in memory that will overwrite the ones on the flash unless you reboot right away.
  14. I have been trying to figure out your use case and you seem to want to just explain permissions over and over. I'd like to see if there is another option for you. I'm not a fan of additional UD settings that can be confusing to users and potentially create support issues. You are the first user that has had an issue with this. The "force users = nobody" was added for good reasons. I put a lot of thought into implementing features in UD to be sure the feature applies to the greatest number of users. My goal is to minimize user issues to be sure their experience is positive and limit support issues. One of the downsides of this approach is a potential loss of some features that advanced users might want. You are a newbie and haven't had much experience with the forum. Spend a minute and search the forum for "force user = nobody". You will see a lot of discussion about permission issues. That is why I implemented "force users = nobody". It solved more problems than it created.
  15. I would appreciate it if you would take your intensity level down a notch. I understand you are frustrated because UD dosn't work exactly as you want. There are many users each with different needs and I try to address as many of the needs as I can for everyone and not customize UD for a particular situation. If I provided a check box for every off the wall request in UD, there would not be enough UI space for them all. I didn't explain why the force nobody user was done on UD remote shares because you didn't ask. CIFS mounts are a real can of worms. There are three diferent versions of the SMB protocol, one of which is becoming obsolete. There are two levels of security. Each host seems to have its own way of doing things which makes it a bit difficult to manage with UD. Some older servers only support SMB v1. Some require different levels of security for each version. Permissions are handled by the host and there have been issues in the past with access to a remote share without the force nobody parameter in the samba config file. That's why it was added. I guess I am a bit confused as to why you are mounting a remote SMB share only to then share it again on Unraid and then demand UD do the permissions as you desire. Why not access the remote share directly and set permissions on the host as you like?
  16. New release of UD. Highlights: Don't allow unmounting a disk that was not mounted by UD. If you manually mount an unassigned disk at a mount point other than /mnt/disks/, UD will not be able to unmount it. Change disk size query to try to keep from spinning up disks. Cut down on tmp file accesses. Fix a situation where permission settings from UD Settings would not update the shares. Some more code cleanup.
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