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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I installed a new nvme, formatted it to the 1MiB partition allignment and moved my dockers and VMs to that drive. Works very well. My Windows VMs are used as desktop computers, and I do notice an improvement in performance. I will leave my cache drive with the partition alignment at 4k for a bit until the kinks are worked out so I can roll back to 6.8 if needed. Thank you.
  2. New release of UD. The SSD partition alignment is now compatible with Unraid 6.9. Fixed error message when trying to get disk rotational status from /sys/block/sdX/queue/rotational. Added nvme devices to rotational status check. Remove refresh when changing 'Auto Mount' switch on disk drives.
  3. <step on soap box> Keep in mind that the Unraid array disk configuration is static and doesn't change until it is stopped. UD has to deal with hot plugged disks, devices being dynamically mounted/unmounted, and keep the status of remote mounts current because thay can come and go if there are network issues. UD was designed as a means to hot plug disks and make it easy to do backups and copy files to the array. Over time users wanted UD to mount devices for VMs, Dockers, and heavy downloading schemes - not really what it was designed for. If you have a lot of disks in UD, it's time to re-think your needs. The pool feature of Unraid 6.9 allows you to have many disks in separate or combined pools with the additional support for array disk spin down and temperature monitoring. UD does a refresh when events occur that affect the status shown on the UI. Such as a disk being hot plugged. While it might be nice to have updated used and free status, disk temperatures, and open files real time, UD was not intended to do that and if that is what you need, put the disks in the array pool. That being said, a lot has been done to make UD more responsive. Disk temperatures are refreshed every 2 minutes, not every refresh of the UI. Getting disk parameters with commands like 'df' have been timed out because when a remote share goes off-line, the 'df' command hangs on all devices. </step off soap box>
  4. Note about SSD device partition alignment with 6.9 Beta 25:
  5. There is a change in SSD device partition alignment. The alignment on SSD devices partitioned with UD is now 1MiB. What this means is SSD devices formated with UD will not be compatible as either a cache or pool device on any version earlier that 6.9. If you format a SSD with UD, it will be compatible with 6.9 as a cache or pool device, but you cannot roll back to an earlier version of Unraid without Unraid wanting to format the device. This is also a limitation wth Unraid. Any SSD device partitioned with 6.9 Beta 25 will not be compatible with erlier versions of Unraid. Any SSD partitioned with UD as a UD disk only will still mount and work properly, although eventually it would be best to re-format the SSD to the new partition alignment for performance reasons.
  6. This is the proper forum for Zoneminder docker issues. The issue you have is with Zoneminder itself and the better place to get answers for Zoneminder is their forums.
  7. Go to the Zoneminder forums for this support.
  8. It is an issue with UD not handling this situation very well, but it also looks to be something with your system. Please post diagnostics.
  9. Do you have any remote smb/nfs mounts? If so, switch the 'Complete' switch to 'Simple' and see if that improves the load time. Also check your log for any UD log entries about commands timing out. Fixed in the next release.
  10. New release of UD. Changes: When changing the mount point (which is also the share name), the mount point is checked for a duplicate of a user share or another UD device. Samba cannot handle two shares with the same name. When mounting a UD device, the mount point is checked for a duplicate and if found will not mount the device. You will need to resolve the duplicate in order to mount the device. Add '--allow-discards' to luks open when an encrypted disk is a SSD so discard and trim will work on the disk.
  11. The owner/group permissions for the .Recycle.Bin folder are the share user permissions. If a user has access to the share, they have acces to the .Recycle.Bin. You shouldn't change the .Recycle.Bin owner/group and permissions. What is it you are trying to accomplish?
  12. Had to change some global log settings for the recycle bin after Unraid changed the samba global log setting.
  13. There have been changes to Samba that affects the lookup of servers and shares. NetBios is basically being phased out because of security issues and it is being replaced by Windows Discovery. Whether you have NetBios and/or Windows DIscocery (WSD) enabled will affect the lookup and mounting of remote servers and shares. The most reliable way is to use the IP address and then change the mount point to something more meaningful. Change the mount point by clicking on the + symbol and then click on the partition mount point and change it to somethig more meaningful.
  14. That's the dashboard, not the Wireguard settings page that I show.
  15. The nvme that I installed is tucked against the motherboard and is overheating at times. What is the recommended temperature settings for the nvme? And should I provide additional cooling for the nvme? My disks (average around 25 C), and motherboard (around 27 C) are all pretty cool. My Samsung 950 sata cache runs about 25 C.
  16. Now I see this: What is '57 true, ago'?
  17. Wireguard not reporting handshake properly: 6.9 Beta 24 6.8.3 These two servers are connected and the VPN is working, but 6.9 does not show handshake activity.
  18. If you used the new change mount point dialog, update to the newest UD version (2020.07.10) and change the mount point again. The first release did not set the mount point path correctly for disk drives.
  19. New release of UD. The biggest change is now Sweet Alert dialogs are used to change mount points. I think this is more intuitive and less confusing.
  20. It's not a develoment issue. Samba shares are configured by Unraid and the recycle bin plugin depends on Unraid to set up and manage the shares.
  21. If the share is not defined in the Unraid shares, the plugin cannot set up a recycle bin for that share.
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