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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I'm very confused on how you are accessing the UD disks. What is "UNASSIGNED"? Your disk is mounted at /mnt/disks/. This is from the 'df' command in your diagnostics. /dev/sdd1 1.9T 6.0G 1.9T 1% /mnt/disks/Lucky_Backup_Drive_Old You said the drive was full, but it is only 1% used in the 'df' command. If you are trying to access the drive with SMB, it is not set to be shared: Mar 1 10:00:33 Hammerthread unassigned.devices: Mounting partition 'sdd1' at mountpoint '/mnt/disks/Lucky_Backup_Drive_Old'... Mar 1 10:00:33 Hammerthread unassigned.devices: Mount cmd: /sbin/mount -t 'ntfs' -o rw,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,nls=utf8,umask=000 '/dev/sdd1' '/mnt/disks/Lucky_Backup_Drive_Old' Mar 1 10:00:34 Hammerthread ntfs-3g[31480]: Version 2022.10.3 integrated FUSE 27 Mar 1 10:00:34 Hammerthread ntfs-3g[31480]: Mounted /dev/sdd1 (Read-Write, label "Lucky Backup Drive Old", NTFS 3.1) Mar 1 10:00:34 Hammerthread ntfs-3g[31480]: Cmdline options: rw,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,nls=utf8,umask=000 Mar 1 10:00:34 Hammerthread ntfs-3g[31480]: Mount options: nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,nls=utf8,allow_other,nonempty,noatime,rw,default_permissions,fsname=/dev/sdd1,blkdev,blksize=4096 Mar 1 10:00:34 Hammerthread ntfs-3g[31480]: Global ownership and permissions enforced, configuration type 1 Mar 1 10:00:34 Hammerthread unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted 'sdd1' on '/mnt/disks/Lucky_Backup_Drive_Old'. Mar 1 10:00:34 Hammerthread unassigned.devices: Device '/dev/sdd1' is not set to be shared.
  2. Your remote server is apparantely not ready to respond to a ping when UD tries to mount the remote share: Feb 28 10:14:38 ValiSRV1 unassigned.devices: Using Gateway '' to Ping Remote Shares. Feb 28 10:14:38 ValiSRV1 unassigned.devices: Mounting Remote Share 'VALISTATION:/volume1/Plex'... Feb 28 10:14:38 ValiSRV1 unassigned.devices: Remote Server 'VALISTATION' is offline and share 'VALISTATION:/volume1/Plex' cannot be mounted. UD waits for the gateway to be available, then waits 5 seconds before trying to mount remote shares. I would think this would be enough time to wait for the network to be ready.
  3. Yes. Go to UD and click the clear disk (red 'X') next to the serial number.
  4. Disable "Enhanced macOS interoperability:" in SMB settings if you have that enabled. Settings->SMB.
  5. Can you remove the UD SSD and see if you have the same issue?
  6. Preclear will only present the drive to be a preclear candidate if it is clear of all partitions.
  7. You started out without any users being defined for the shares on Unraid. You now have users defined - user 'test' on 'Test' and 'Test1'. My suggestion is to now slow down and stop making so many changes, Do the following: Set your two shares (Test and Test1) for Private user access and set up 'test' as the user with read/write access on both shares. On your Windows compuoter, delete the saved user credentials. Browse to 'Network' on the PC and access the share and enter the credentials. If you still have issues, try another PC.
  8. That's what I wanted you to figure out. You didn't have any users defined for any shares. It should be working now. Be sure to use the Windows Network to browse to the share, and access it that way. If you are still having issues, post the output of this command: testparm -s
  9. Post a screen shot of one of your shares you are trying to share Private. That would be the 'SMB Share Settings' page of the share.
  10. Are you using special characters in your passwords?
  11. Several things to note: File activity does not monitor appdata, syslogs, or system shares. Only file open, file attribute changes, file move, file create, file delete, and file modify operations are logged in file activity. You'll not see file activity with constant reading of one file.
  12. The pass through switch is only available when the disk is not mounted. No. You can assign an alias disk name to the passed through disks and sort them off to the bottom of the list. i.e Zpool1, Zpool2, etc.
  13. The problem you are having is that UD finds the gateway and determines the network is available and then auto mounts remote shares. It looks like UD is getting a different gateway than the one you are trying to specify or the gateway isn't fuly ready. I am adding a log message to the new version of UD to show what UD is using as the gateway to determine when the network is available. Update UD when it is available, reboot your system, and post diagnostics again.
  14. Those look fine. You need to check your Windows computer and delete any saved credentials and then try access again, You'll be asked for your credentials.
  15. I don't see any shares but 'isos'. Is the share you want to access setup correctly? Go to Settings->SMB and turn off 'Enhanced macOS interoperability:' and see if that helps. If you don't use a Mac to access the SMB shares, leave it off.
  16. You have not setup your network: E_DHCP="yes" IPADDR= NETMASK= GATEWAY= BONDING="yes" BRIDGING="yes" You have not setup your network. Go to Settings->Network Settings and set up Unraid for your network.
  17. I'm making a change in UD that might be hwlpful with this situation. I'll release a new version later today. Update and then try and see if it works.
  18. I think there may be an issue with Ud when the disk is encrypted. I'll take a look at it later today or tomorrow.
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