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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. The device is not set to share as you have said from the tooltip: Mar 17 20:13:49 Wyse unassigned.devices: Device '/dev/sdb1' is not set to be shared. Show a screen shot of the device settings.
  2. What's not showing up? Try: Click the doublw arrows icon on the upper right of the UD page and see if the "Share" in the tooltip shows up correctly. Look at the post above yours and see if that is your issue. If not, then post diagnostics.
  3. Some suggestions: Turn off monitoring of Unassigned Devices. Turn off monitoring of Cache and Pool devices. The 'appdata' folder on a cache or pool device can have a large amount of files to monitor and normally a cache or pool device is an SSD.
  4. I'm not seeing anything that I can attribute to UD. Although, this log entry is not necessarily a problem, I think I may have a resolution for the log entry: Mar 17 15:17:00 Tower unassigned.devices: Warning: shell_exec(/sbin/arp -a 'ALFRED' 2>&1) took longer than 10s!
  5. Show a screen shot of your File Activiy setup. Also show a screen shot of the Tips and Tweaks plugin showing the inotify watches.
  6. Return code -13 is a credentials issue: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/450913
  7. Looks like a credentials problem. Be careful using special characters in your password.
  8. Your log says: Mar 13 09:55:08 Phoenix unassigned.devices: Unassigned Devices are not set to be shared with SMB. Mar 13 09:55:08 Phoenix unassigned.devices: Unassigned Devices are not set to be shared with NFS. Go to Settings->Unassigned Devices and set SMB security to something other than no.
  9. In your log: Mar 12 17:38:43 Tower unassigned.devices: Unassigned Devices are not set to be shared with SMB. Mar 12 17:38:43 Tower unassigned.devices: Unassigned Devices are not set to be shared with NFS. Go to Settings->Unassigned Devices and set the SMB security to something other than "No".
  10. That's the disk log in the preclear plugin. This will be fixed in the next release of the preclear pliugin. In the meantime, use the UD page disk log.
  11. I can't reproduce your issue. Where are you trying to run the disk log? Show the ooutput of this command: cat /etc/unraid-version
  12. I don't see anywhere in your log where you tried to change the disk name. There should be an entry like this: Mar 11 10:41:27 BackupServer unassigned.devices: Set Disk Name on 'WDC_WD20EARX-00PASB0_WD-WCAZAC192391 (sdg)' to 'MusicBk' Click "Save" to change the disk name, not "Done".
  13. Just because you enter a share name, that does not guarantee UD can mount it. Does the share listing show any of the shares on your remote server? Hidden shares won't show in the list.
  14. It's two separate mounts. The /mnt/addons mount is the 1MB protection mount. The /mnt/addons/Dropbox is the user's mount. Note df when I have a disk mounted: Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on rootfs 16259948 298856 15961092 2% / tmpfs 32768 456 32312 2% /run /dev/sda1 62399448 930936 61468512 2% /boot overlay 16259948 298856 15961092 2% /lib overlay 16259948 298856 15961092 2% /usr devtmpfs 8192 0 8192 0% /dev tmpfs 16273892 0 16273892 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 131072 700 130372 1% /var/log tmpfs 1024 0 1024 0% /mnt/disks tmpfs 1024 0 1024 0% /mnt/remotes tmpfs 1024 0 1024 0% /mnt/addons tmpfs 1024 0 1024 0% /mnt/rootshare /dev/md1p1 1952560688 1495015100 457545588 77% /mnt/disk1 /dev/md2p1 1952560688 1361615884 590944804 70% /mnt/disk2 /dev/sdf1 499862392 7818812 492043580 2% /mnt/cache /dev/sdj1 249935976 39671448 210264528 16% /mnt/sysdata shfs 3905121376 2856630984 1048490392 74% /mnt/user0 shfs 3905121376 2856630984 1048490392 74% /mnt/user /dev/loop2 20971520 4772 20429372 1% /var/lib/docker /dev/loop3 1048576 5956 924380 1% /etc/libvirt MusicBackup 1885863040 128 1885862912 1% /mnt/disks/Music_Backup The /mnt/disks and /mnt/disks/Music_Backup are both there. FCP is reporting an invalid path? Mar 9 12:53:21 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Invalid folder path contained within /mnt Is that /mnt/addons/Dropbox?
  15. Is the serever at the correct IP address for the server you want to mount the remote share? I think this implies a credentials failure.
  16. You have not set the SMB Security: Mar 8 15:45:47 TVServer02 kernel: xfs filesystem being mounted at /mnt/disks/downloads2 supports timestamps until 2038 (0x7fffffff) Mar 8 15:45:47 TVServer02 unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted 'nvme0n1p1' on '/mnt/disks/downloads2'. Mar 8 15:45:47 TVServer02 unassigned.devices: Unassigned Devices are not set to be shared with SMB.
  17. The /mnt/addons folder is only for mounted devices not mounted or managed by UD. If UD mounted it, there is nothing you need to do.
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