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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Go to Settings->Unassigned Devices and check SMB security settings.
  2. Be sure you are updated to the latest versio of UD. Click on the red 'X' next to the serial number and it should clear the disk and remove the partition.
  3. It's not an error. UD creates a tmpfs mount as protection against improper mapping of UD disks or remote shares to /mnt/disks/ or /mnt/remotes/ filling ram and crashing the system. I suspect you have a docker container or VM mapping to /mnt/disks/ or /mnt/remotes/ that is causing a problem when UD is installed. Set all your docker containers and VMs to not auto start and reboot. The message should not say to reboot. Then re-enable them one at a time and check your docker container and VM mappings. Also check that you are not makeing any changes to /mnt/disks/ or /mnt/remotes.
  4. Show a screen shot of the UD Page. The "Passed Through" switch is only available when the disk is not mounted.
  5. I believe I saw in your diagnostics, you are using Marvel disk controllers. They have been troublesome in the past. I'd like @JorgeBto weight in on this issue because I see some strange disk designations.
  6. You left the MyPassport connected. I didn't want it connected. UD shouldn't be hanging up when there are no disks to display. Try this: Remove UD. Remove the USB MyPassport disk. Delete the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/ folder. Install UD and see if it constantly shows the Unraid wave.
  7. It's a physical disk formatted with a bfrts file system connected by sata cable. Go to the Settings->Unassigned Devices and set SMB Security off for the moment. You don't have any users defined for Private security: Feb 20 12:31:02 MilkyWay unassigned.devices: Error: No valid smb users defined. Share '/mnt/disks/172551804235' cannot be accessed. That shouldn't hang UD, but I'll do some testing. Do this: Turn off SMB Security for now. Remove the My_Passport USB disk. Shutdown your server. Find the 250GB 'sdh' disk and remove it. Restart the server. Re-install UD. Plug in your My_passport disk. Report back.
  8. Actually a change was made a long time ago to default SMB Security off. It used to be that SMB Security off would be Public access, but because of security concerns, SMB Security defaults to off (disabled) and has to be set to the security level you want. Public is a security level, Off is disabled and not a security level. Snippet of the Change Log: 2022.06.19 - Add: 'Public' setting to SMB Security settings to share devices public. The 'No' setting used to set 'Public' sharing. Either you didn't notice till now, or you haven't updated for 7+ months. No. Update often and read the Change Notes. Set the security level to the one you want, or off for disabled.
  9. Once UD is setup to share devices, it shouldn't be necessary to do your steps. Unfortunately, there might be a case where the settings may need a refresh.
  10. You have NFS sharing enabled, but not SMB. You need to set up SMB Security if you want SMB shares on your UD devices.
  11. You need to setup SMB Security. Set it Public or Private and assign user permissions.
  12. I have a better idea. Go to UD Settings and turn debug level to"Udev and Hotplug". Toggle the "Share" switch, then post diagnostics.
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