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Posts posted by deaerator

  1. 13 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    I don't understand...

    I'm really not familiar with ARK but maybe this helps: Click


    Form what I've read there:

    1. Edit the file 'GameUserSettings.ini' and append for example this: 'ActiveMapMod=1065443232'
    2. In the Docker template at 'Map' enter the map name, like in this example: 'Panthalassa'
    3. Restart the container

    It should then download and install the map.

    Finally got it working, thank you.

    • Like 1
  2. 14 hours ago, ich777 said:

    I think the map has to be downloaded forst or am I wrong?

    Where did you put the command in in the template?

    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker create --name='ARK11-Fjordur' --net='proxynet' -e TZ="America/Halifax" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'GAME_ID'='376030' -e 'USERNAME'='' -e 'VALIDATE'='' -e 'PASSWRD'='' -e 'MAP'='Viking_P' -e 'SERVER_NAME'='D1R7YS_Fjordur' -e 'SRV_PWD'='XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' -e 'SRV_ADMIN_PWD'='XXXXXXXXXXXX' -e 'GAME_PARAMS'='?Port=7783?QueryPort=27018?MaxPlayers=25?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=27036?CustomDynamicConfigUrl=""' -e 'GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA'=' -server -log -clusterid=D1R7Y -ClusterDirOverride=/serverdata/serverfiles/clusterfiles -UseDynamicConfig -ForceRespawnDinos' -e 'UID'='99' -e 'GID'='100' -p '7783:7783/udp' -p '7784:7784/udp' -p '27018:27018/udp' -p '27028:27028/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd':'/serverdata/steamcmd':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se':'/serverdata/serverfiles':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK11-Fjordur':'/serverdata/serverfiles/ShooterGame/Saved':'rw' --restart=unless-stopped 'ich777/steamcmd:arkse'
    The command finished successfully!



    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker create --name='ARK11-Fjordur' --net='proxynet' -e TZ="America/Halifax" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'GAME_ID'='376030' -e 'USERNAME'='' -e 'VALIDATE'='' -e 'PASSWRD'='' -e 'MAP'='Viking_P' -e 'SERVER_NAME'='D1R7YS_Fjordur' -e 'SRV_PWD'='XXXXXXXXXXXX' -e 'SRV_ADMIN_PWD'='XXXXX' -e 'GAME_PARAMS'='?Port=7783?QueryPort=27018?MaxPlayers=25?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=27036?CustomDynamicConfigUrl=""' -e 'GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA'='-MapMODID=1838617463 -server -log -clusterid=D1R7Y -ClusterDirOverride=/serverdata/serverfiles/clusterfiles -UseDynamicConfig -ForceRespawnDinos' -e 'UID'='99' -e 'GID'='100' -p '7783:7783/udp' -p '7784:7784/udp' -p '27018:27018/udp' -p '27028:27028/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd':'/serverdata/steamcmd':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se':'/serverdata/serverfiles':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK11-Fjordur':'/serverdata/serverfiles/ShooterGame/Saved':'rw' --restart=unless-stopped 'ich777/steamcmd:arkse'
    The command finished successfully!


  3. 5 hours ago, Cyd said:

    I have never used and other maps than the ten released from the devs… I would imagine you need to figure out the name they called it and put that in the “map name” variable… <shrug> maybe?

    Following the ARK Server documention I can use -MapModID=XXXXXXX or MAP=Viking_P in the run command, and for some reason it will not download the map. Suggestions on how to solve? 

  4. @Cyd I was wondering if you can add some options to your companion container.  I like the whole dynamic configuration that helps with managing the multiples servers very easy with the changing of rates.  Is there a way or an option to stop it checking for updates and just have the dynamic config running. I find lately with the ark updates I rather have manually control the updates, or have a timer option to do updates.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Cyd said:

    that's the same container as before...bd552e6a9928 & bd552e6a9928, stop the container, rm -rf /mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK6-Valguero_P, then edit the template and change "Extra Game Parameters:" by adding a space to the end of the line and press apply at the bottom of the page. that will delete the container and spin up a new one, the id at the console prompt should change.


    If that does not do it see if the volume mappings are working, list the directory from both of its mount points, then touch a new file and list them again, if the new file is missing from the other mount point there might be some masking going on, if it is there then... something else...


    root@183e58fbd815:/# ls -l serverdata/serverfiles/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/
    -rwxrwx--- 1 steam users 12433 May 19 15:04 GameUserSettings.ini


    root@183e58fbd815:/# ls -l /serverdata/serverfiles/ARK6-Valguero_P/Config/LinuxServer/
    -rwxrwx--- 1 steam users 12433 May 19 15:04 GameUserSettings.ini


    root@183e58fbd815:/# touch  /serverdata/serverfiles/ARK6-Valguero_P/Config/LinuxServer/here.txt 


    root@183e58fbd815:/# ls -l serverdata/serverfiles/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/
    -rwxrwx--- 1 steam users 12433 May 19 15:04 GameUserSettings.ini
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root  root      0 Sep 16 13:33 here.txt


    root@183e58fbd815:/# ls -l /serverdata/serverfiles/ARK6-Valguero_P/Config/LinuxServer/
    -rwxrwx--- 1 steam users 12433 May 19 15:04 GameUserSettings.ini
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root  root      0 Sep 16 13:33 here.txt


    I destroyed the first one long time ago thinking it was an error on my part, but this is the second docker container producing the same results.

  6. 1 minute ago, Cyd said:

    @deaeratortake one more look inside the container, you show /serverdata/serverfiles/ShooterGame/Config

    instead of:



    at this point I would be tempted to nuke it from orbit and spin up a fresh one.


    rm -rf /mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK6-Valguero_P


    then add a space or some other trivial change to the template to force the container to be delete and recreated.



    root@bd552e6a9928:/# cd /serverdata/serverfiles/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer
    bash: cd: /serverdata/serverfiles/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer: No such file or directory

    This is the second attempt with a fresh docker and still get the same results

  7. 16 minutes ago, Cyd said:

     @deaerator if you enter the containers console and navigate to /serverdata/serverfiles/ShooterGame/Saved/Config are they there? From the containers console run 'ps axfww' to see the whole command line that got passed to ShooterGameServer, maybe there is an alternate dir specified?

    Maybe try copying in one of the folders from another ark... then see if it loads settings from them.

    I tried dropping in the linux folder with settings and it still didn't work

    root@bd552e6a9928:/# ls
    bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib32  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  serverdata  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
    root@bd552e6a9928:/# ls -al
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root   182 Sep 10 18:04 .
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root   182 Sep 10 18:04 ..
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root   728 Sep 18  2020 bin
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root     0 Jul 10  2020 boot
    drwxr-xr-x   5 root  root   340 Sep 16 13:45 dev
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root  root     0 Sep 10 18:04 .dockerenv
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root  1314 Sep 10 18:04 etc
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root     0 Jul 10  2020 home
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root   110 Sep 18  2020 lib
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root  1250 Sep 18  2020 lib32
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root    40 Aug  3  2020 lib64
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root     0 Aug  3  2020 media
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root     0 Aug  3  2020 mnt
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root    14 Sep 18  2020 opt
    dr-xr-xr-x 886 root  root     0 Sep 16 13:45 proc
    drwx------   1 root  root    30 Aug  3  2020 root
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root    16 Aug  3  2020 run
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root  1056 Sep 18  2020 sbin
    drwxrwx---   1 steam users   60 Sep 10 18:05 serverdata
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root     0 Aug  3  2020 srv
    dr-xr-xr-x  13 root  root     0 Sep 16 13:45 sys
    drwxrwxrwt   1 root  root    10 Sep 10 18:05 tmp
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root    80 Sep 18  2020 usr
    drwxr-xr-x   1 root  root    90 Aug  3  2020 var
    root@bd552e6a9928:/# cd serverdata
    root@bd552e6a9928:/serverdata# ls
    serverfiles  Steam  steamcmd
    root@bd552e6a9928:/serverdata# cd serverfiles
    root@bd552e6a9928:/serverdata/serverfiles# ls
    ARK10-Genesis2     ARK1-TheIsland        ARK3-Aberration  ARK5-Ragnarok    ARK7-CrystalIsles  ARK9-Genesis  dynamicconfig  linux64          ShooterGame      version.txt
    ARK11-Lost_Island  ARK2-ScorchedEarth_P  ARK4-TheCenter   ARK6-Valguero_P  ARK8-Extinction    clusterfiles  Engine         PackageInfo.bin  steamapps
    root@bd552e6a9928:/serverdata/serverfiles# ls -al
    total 35800
    drwxrwx--- 19 steam users     4096 Sep 15 11:28 .
    drwxrwx---  1 steam users       60 Sep 10 18:05 ..
    drwxrwx---  6 steam users       66 Sep  8 15:25 ARK10-Genesis2
    drwxrwx---  5 steam users       49 Aug 21 02:29 ARK11-Lost_Island
    drwxrwx---  5 steam users       49 Aug 18 21:18 ARK1-TheIsland
    drwxrwx---  6 steam users       66 Sep 13 23:29 ARK2-ScorchedEarth_P
    drwxrwx---  6 steam users       66 Sep  8 23:29 ARK3-Aberration
    drwxrwx---  5 steam users       49 Aug 18 22:35 ARK4-TheCenter
    drwxrwx---  6 steam users       66 Aug 28 21:39 ARK5-Ragnarok
    drwxrwx---  5 steam users       49 Sep 10 18:08 ARK6-Valguero_P
    drwxrwx---  6 steam users       66 Sep  9 12:25 ARK7-CrystalIsles
    drwxrwx---  6 steam users       66 Sep 13 10:36 ARK8-Extinction
    drwxrwx---  6 steam users       66 Sep  8 14:16 ARK9-Genesis
    drwxrwx---  3 steam users       22 Aug 23 17:46 clusterfiles
    drwxrwx---  2 steam users      114 Aug 21 02:31 dynamicconfig
    drwxrwx---  7 steam users       80 Aug 18 21:16 Engine
    drwxrwx---  2 steam users       28 Sep 15 02:47 linux64
    -rwxrwx---  1 steam users  5208045 Sep 15 11:27 PackageInfo.bin
    drwxrwx---  6 steam users      117 Sep 10 23:50 ShooterGame
    drwxrwx---  5 steam users       86 Sep 15 11:28 steamapps
    -rwxrwx---  1 steam users 31433351 Sep 15 02:46
    -rwxrwx---  1 steam users      272 Sep 10 20:07
    -rwxrwx---  1 steam users        9 Sep 15 11:27 version.txt
    root@bd552e6a9928:/serverdata/serverfiles# cd ShooterGame
    root@bd552e6a9928:/serverdata/serverfiles/ShooterGame# ls -al
    total 16
    drwxrwx---  6 steam users  117 Sep 10 23:50 .
    drwxrwx--- 19 steam users 4096 Sep 15 11:28 ..
    -rwxrwx---  1 steam users    4 Sep 10 23:38 AssetRegistry.bin
    drwxrwx---  4 steam users   32 Aug 18 21:16 Binaries
    drwxrwx---  5 steam users  252 Sep 10 23:50 Config
    drwxrwx--- 31 steam users 4096 Sep 15 11:28 Content
    drwxrwx---  5 steam users   49 Sep 10 18:08 Saved
    -rwxrwx---  1 steam users  709 Sep 10 20:08 ShooterGame.uproject
    root@bd552e6a9928:/serverdata/serverfiles/ShooterGame# cd Config
    root@bd552e6a9928:/serverdata/serverfiles/ShooterGame/Config# ls -al
    total 300
    drwxrwx--- 5 steam users    252 Sep 10 23:50 .
    drwxrwx--- 6 steam users    117 Sep 10 23:50 ..
    -rwxrwx--- 1 steam users    633 Sep 10 19:55 DefaultDeviceProfiles.ini
    -rwxrwx--- 1 steam users   1247 Sep 10 23:37 DefaultEditor.ini
    -rwxrwx--- 1 steam users    841 Sep 10 23:37 DefaultEditorUserSettings.ini
    -rwxrwx--- 1 steam users 195354 Sep 10 23:37 DefaultEngine.ini
    -rwxrwx--- 1 steam users  68841 Sep 10 19:55 DefaultGame.ini
    -rwxrwx--- 1 steam users    947 Sep 10 23:37 DefaultGameUserSettings.ini
    -rwxrwx--- 1 steam users  22908 Sep 10 23:37 DefaultInput.ini
    drwxrwx--- 2 steam users     27 Sep 10 23:50 Linux
    drwxrwx--- 2 steam users    100 Sep 10 23:50 Localization
    drwxrwx--- 3 steam users     18 Aug 18 21:16 OSS
    root@bd552e6a9928:/serverdata/serverfiles/ShooterGame/Config# cd ..
    root@bd552e6a9928:/serverdata/serverfiles/ShooterGame# cd /
    root@bd552e6a9928:/# ls
    bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib32  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  serverdata  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
    root@bd552e6a9928:/# ls a-
    ls: cannot access 'a-': No such file or directory
    root@bd552e6a9928:/# ps axfww
       87 pts/0    Ss     0:00 bash
      104 pts/0    R+     0:00  \_ ps axfww
        1 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/bash /opt/scripts/
       11 ?        S      0:00 su steam -c /opt/scripts/
       12 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ /bin/bash /opt/scripts/
       58 ?        Sl     4:41      \_ ./ShooterGameServer Valguero_P?listen?SessionName=D1R7YS_Valguero?ServerPassword=XXXX?ServerAdminPassword=XXXXX.?Listen?Port=7787?QueryPort=27020?MaxPlayers=25?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=27030?customdynamicconfigurl="" -server -log -nowrite -clusterid=D1R7Y -ClusterDirOverride=/serverdata/serverfiles/clusterfiles -UseDynamicConfig -ForceRespawnDinos


  8. 22 hours ago, Cyd said:

    if the other nine are working and it looks like they are... 



    you are going to have to keep digging in your servers file system... there is no way for us to know how your system is behaving... 


    Are the other containers behaving as you expect? 

    What are the permissions of /mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK6-Valguero_P? Do they match the other ARK* folders?

    what are the contents?  Are they layed out the same as the other ARK* folders?

    is the .ark file present? (ls -l /mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK6-Valguero_P/SavedArks/Valguero_P.ark)

    does the server container start? 

    what do the logs say?

    if it does start can you join the game on it? transfer in or out to others in the cluster?


    You are going to have to do some of the digging leg work before anyone is going to be able to assist.




    1. All my other containers are working properly.

    2. The permissions match all of the other Ark Dockers and the folders match

    3 Contents are the same except for the missing forlder /linuserver

    4. .ark files are present

    5. Server starts normally, and it even shows up in the cluster, I can transfer there and back but with no config settings, I can't install my mods and settings. 

    6. Logs shows the docker starts up normally. 

    root@Tower:/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se# clear
    root@Tower:/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se# ls -al
    total 35800
    drwxrwx--- 19 nobody users     4096 Sep 15 11:28 ./
    drwxrwxrwx 12 nobody users      153 Aug 18 20:57 ../
    drwxrwx---  5 nobody users       49 Aug 18 21:18 ARK1-TheIsland/
    drwxrwx---  6 nobody users       66 Sep  8 15:25 ARK10-Genesis2/
    drwxrwx---  5 nobody users       49 Aug 21 02:29 ARK11-Lost_Island/
    drwxrwx---  6 nobody users       66 Sep 13 23:29 ARK2-ScorchedEarth_P/
    drwxrwx---  6 nobody users       66 Sep  8 23:29 ARK3-Aberration/
    drwxrwx---  5 nobody users       49 Aug 18 22:35 ARK4-TheCenter/
    drwxrwx---  6 nobody users       66 Aug 28 21:39 ARK5-Ragnarok/
    drwxrwx---  5 nobody users       49 Sep 10 18:08 ARK6-Valguero_P/
    drwxrwx---  6 nobody users       66 Sep  9 12:25 ARK7-CrystalIsles/
    drwxrwx---  6 nobody users       66 Sep 13 10:36 ARK8-Extinction/
    drwxrwx---  6 nobody users       66 Sep  8 14:16 ARK9-Genesis/
    drwxrwx---  7 nobody users       80 Aug 18 21:16 Engine/
    -rwxrwx---  1 nobody users  5208045 Sep 15 11:27 PackageInfo.bin*
    drwxrwx---  6 nobody users      117 Sep 10 23:50 ShooterGame/
    -rwxrwx---  1 nobody users      272 Sep 10 20:07*
    drwxrwx---  3 nobody users       22 Aug 23 17:46 clusterfiles/
    drwxrwx---  2 nobody users      114 Aug 21 02:31 dynamicconfig/
    drwxrwx---  2 nobody users       28 Sep 15 02:47 linux64/
    drwxrwx---  5 nobody users       86 Sep 15 11:28 steamapps/
    -rwxrwx---  1 nobody users 31433351 Sep 15 02:46*
    -rwxrwx---  1 nobody users        9 Sep 15 11:27 version.txt*
    root@Tower:/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se# cd ARK6-Valguero_P
    root@Tower:/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK6-Valguero_P# ls -al
    total 8
    drwxrwx---  5 nobody users   49 Sep 10 18:08 ./
    drwxrwx--- 19 nobody users 4096 Sep 15 11:28 ../
    drwxrwx---  3 nobody users   32 Sep 10 18:07 Config/
    drwxrwx---  2 nobody users   29 Sep 10 18:07 Logs/
    drwxrwx---  2 nobody users 4096 Sep 14 15:52 SavedArks/
    root@Tower:/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK6-Valguero_P# cd SavedArks
    root@Tower:/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK6-Valguero_P/SavedArks# ls -al
    total 939492
    drwxrwx--- 2 nobody users     4096 Sep 14 15:52 ./
    drwxrwx--- 5 nobody users       49 Sep 10 18:08 ../
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users     2055 Sep 11 12:40 76561198038289467.arkprofile*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43918337 Sep 14 15:52 Valguero_P.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43631870 Sep 12 19:14 Valguero_P_12.09.2021_22.14.02.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43633182 Sep 12 21:24 Valguero_P_13.09.2021_00.24.02.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43633182 Sep 12 23:34 Valguero_P_13.09.2021_02.34.02.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43635900 Sep 13 01:44 Valguero_P_13.09.2021_04.44.02.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43657801 Sep 13 09:02 Valguero_P_13.09.2021_12.02.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43673960 Sep 13 11:12 Valguero_P_13.09.2021_14.12.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43687464 Sep 13 13:22 Valguero_P_13.09.2021_16.22.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43698185 Sep 13 15:32 Valguero_P_13.09.2021_18.32.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43708960 Sep 13 17:42 Valguero_P_13.09.2021_20.42.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43708960 Sep 13 19:52 Valguero_P_13.09.2021_22.52.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43715560 Sep 13 22:02 Valguero_P_14.09.2021_01.02.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43718299 Sep 14 00:12 Valguero_P_14.09.2021_03.12.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43718299 Sep 14 02:22 Valguero_P_14.09.2021_05.22.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43720840 Sep 14 04:32 Valguero_P_14.09.2021_07.32.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43720840 Sep 14 06:42 Valguero_P_14.09.2021_09.42.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43726243 Sep 14 08:52 Valguero_P_14.09.2021_11.52.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43964557 Sep 14 11:02 Valguero_P_14.09.2021_14.02.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43917052 Sep 14 13:12 Valguero_P_14.09.2021_16.12.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43918338 Sep 14 15:22 Valguero_P_14.09.2021_18.22.27.ark*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43635900 Sep 13 06:52 Valguero_P_AntiCorruptionBackup.bak*
    -rwxrwx--- 1 nobody users 43635900 Sep 13 07:07 Valguero_P_NewLaunchBackup.bak*
    root@Tower:/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK6-Valguero_P/SavedArks# cd ..
    root@Tower:/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK6-Valguero_P# ls -al
    total 8
    drwxrwx---  5 nobody users   49 Sep 10 18:08 ./
    drwxrwx--- 19 nobody users 4096 Sep 15 11:28 ../
    drwxrwx---  3 nobody users   32 Sep 10 18:07 Config/
    drwxrwx---  2 nobody users   29 Sep 10 18:07 Logs/
    drwxrwx---  2 nobody users 4096 Sep 14 15:52 SavedArks/
    root@Tower:/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK6-Valguero_P# cd Config
    root@Tower:/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK6-Valguero_P/Config# ls -al
    total 0
    drwxrwx--- 3 nobody users 32 Sep 10 18:07 ./
    drwxrwx--- 5 nobody users 49 Sep 10 18:08 ../
    drwxrwx--- 2 nobody users 23 Sep 10 18:07 CleanSourceConfigs/
    root@Tower:/mnt/cache/appdata/ark-se/ARK6-Valguero_P/Config# cd ..


  9. I have another unusal problem with an ARK Docker, Where the config files are missing but the server is listed and working.  I am using @Cyd Templates for the ARK Cluster all is working but the config files location /linuxserver is missing on map Valguero_P config 


    Here is my Docker config file



    The docker is up and running and even found in the browser.



    When I browse to that location, no config files to be found.





  10. On 10/9/2020 at 7:13 PM, Cyd said:

    This will hopefully shed some light on the underside working bits of building a cluster of servers for ARK:SurvivalEvolved.


    With the inspiration (read thievery) from @growlith I present the A3C (ARK Cluster Companion Container). It and the accompanying XLM files should allow for a fairly simple stand up of a new ARK server cluster.



    Go to the github, fetch the XMLs for however many servers you want to use in your new cluster, salt them to taste with your information (server names, cluster name, passwords, adminpasswords, ect...). 


    Good Luck and Happy Hunting!


    historical information left below (really go get the newer stuff from github)


    We are going to start with getting -UseDynamicConfig working and talking to our config file rather than the Official one out at , I know it feels like that should come last but bear with me.

    First we have a simple http server running by itself serving up the "dynamicconfig.ini" on port 80 on its container, this is mapped out to the host on 8080 and is not really needed but makes it easy to take a quick glance at tower:8080 to see what the settings are. I ran this container first so that it would receive a predictable IP address ( that is then used in the configurations of the remaining containers to add an entry to the hosts file ( so that requests to in the game servers are pointed to the container running at If you don't want or care to use the dynamic configs, omit the ARK0 container and remove -UseDynamicConfig from the "Extra Game Parameters" of all subsequent ARK's you deploy. 


    Next I deployed 10 ARK server instances, why 10 when there are only 9 maps? Well, I assume that Wild card will have another map for Genesis Part 2 coming in the spring so I added a container to house it, currently it is configured as a 2nd Genesis1 map with all the correct ports and paths. If they do release a new map it will only require changing the map name in the config and starting the container.


    The ports are mapped sequentially so you will only need to insert three port forward blocks into your gateway router (UDP 7777-7796, UDP 27015-27024, TCP 27025-27034) You do not need anything forwarded to ARK0 as it is only there to talk to ARKs 1-10.


    ARK0-dynamicconfig        tcp     80:8080
    ARK1-TheIsland            Udp1 7777    UDP2 7778    UDPSteam 27015    TCPRCON 27025
    ARK2-ScorchedEarth_P    Udp1 7779    UDP2 7780    UDPSteam 27016    TCPRCON 27026
    ARK3-Aberration_P        Udp1 7781    UDP2 7782    UDPSteam 27017    TCPRCON 27027
    ARK4-TheCenter            Udp1 7783    UDP2 7784    UDPSteam 27018    TCPRCON 27028
    ARK5-Ragnarok            Udp1 7785    UDP2 7786    UDPSteam 27019    TCPRCON 27029
    ARK6-Valguero_P            Udp1 7787    UDP2 7788    UDPSteam 27020    TCPRCON 27030
    ARK7-CrystalIsles        Udp1 7789    UDP2 7790    UDPSteam 27021    TCPRCON 27031
    ARK8-Extinction            Udp1 7791    UDP2 7792    UDPSteam 27022    TCPRCON 27032
    ARK9-Genesis            Udp1 7793    UDP2 7794    UDPSteam 27023    TCPRCON 27033
    ARK10-Genesis2            Udp1 7795    UDP2 7796    UDPSteam 27024    TCPRCON 27034


    Path mappings are slightly more complex. SteamCMD is in its original location per @ich777's standard and the binary data for ARK is also in the default location. Having the server binaries shared also means that when there is an update to ARK (and/or SteamCMD) it only has to be downloaded one time rather than 10. The update procedure is to bring all of the ARKs down then start ARK1 let it update and initialize then bring the others back up en mass, as a precaution I have the wait timer on ARKs 2-10 set to 600 seconds so that if the Tower host gets rebooted ARK1 has time to pull any updates and initialize. The ARK savegame data and Server Config files are mapped into the proper location on a per container basis. This prevents each server instance from mucking up the servers config .inis (which they liked to do), this also means that you can use different options on each ark and makes managing the SavedArks less hair pully outy. The clustering function is done with a shared resource directory and a ClusterID (-clusterid=arkStar under "Extra Game Parameters") 


    Dynamiccimfig data:




    ARK data:


    Cross ARK cluster data:


    ARK configs and Save Data:


    The XML files are attached below, if you chose to use them please make sure to edit them to your taste; server names, passwords, clusterIDs, ect. They can be used by placing them in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user then going to "Docker/Add Container" then choosing from the "Template:" drop down.


    Or maybe @ich777 will do us all a favor and decide to add them to his already impressive XML collection  ;)  





    @Cyd, thank you for this and the hardwork @ich777 with his docker contaners for games. 


    Should I be worried about this error


    [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.

    I see this in all my docker containers. 

  11. I plan on using my main pc as an upgrade to my current server.  I currently have Z390i Motherboard, and I want to be able use my RTX 4000 and also HBA Card to connect to my disk shelf.  Curious if this could work without any problems or penalty in performance.  The main role of the RTX 4000 is for my plex server in Hardware Acceleration.