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Everything posted by gert

  1. Thanks for this, just used this post as a reference but using the new modified package Here is a modified version of the text you wrote that fit what i ended up doing Use Rufus to create a Freedos USB drive (both supporting BIOS and UEFI, extract the content of H310H200.zip to it and boot into dos 1. Run 1.bat 2. Run 2.bat (Can be skipped, it resulted in errors and no backups for me) 3. Run 3.bat 4. Reboot 5. Boot into EFI shell. type "FSx" [enter] x= the drive letter of your USB drive. For me it was FS0. Now you can use "ls" to list the contents of your usb stick and "cd" to change directory. Also once you type about 3 characters you can auto fill with [Tab] which makes things like navigating long directory names easier. Go to \5_DELL_IT folder. Now run the following command: sas2flash.efi -o -f 6gbpsas.fw 6. reboot back into EFI shell and go to the folder \5_LSI_P7 and run the following command: sas2flash.efi -o -f 2118it.bin You will be asked to confirm the flash and just choose Yes and it will flash from the dell IR FW to the LSI IT FW. 7. Now reboot again into EFI shell and go to \5_LSI_P20 and run the following command: sas2flash.efi -o -f 2118it.bin 8. Now enter: sas2flsh -o -sasadd 500605bxxxxxxxxx where "500605bxxxxxxxxx" is the SAS address that you got in step 1. (Look for the SAS address in ADAPTERS.TXT on the USB drive) 9. Enjoy your new flashed LSI 2008 card.
  2. having trouble starting Madsonic: HTTP ERROR: 503 Problem accessing /index.view. Reason: Service Unavailable Has been working for a long time and earlier i had to redo the docker.img but since then this error has occurred, same config path etc as previous (same template my-binhex-madsonic) I see a couple others report the same here https://hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-madsonic/
  3. Thank you very much for this, it may very well come relevant for me
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