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Everything posted by dispake

  1. Hello, I've got an Unraid server that I'm suspecting has a bad motherboard. It turns on for a few seconds then shuts down. Did some troubleshooting a while back and my best determination was that it was a mobo issue. With that in mind, is there a good doc / instructional somewhere that might address moving an existing Unraid server to new hardware? I've seen some threads where people are doing this but thread usually revolves around an issue they're running into. And often times diagnostics are requested from the prior/old server (which I won't have). Any first step suggestions?
  2. Ah shucks you're right. I didn't realize that the USB attached drive (which happens to be the same kind of drive as the one I shucked and am trying to install) shows up as an option for the array disks. Looks like I'll have to try out that kaplon tape. Thanks @johnnie.black
  3. Posted. The symptoms I posted were done using the power down approach. tower-diagnostics-20190909-2221.zip
  4. So I shucked a couple of WD EasyStore drives to use for my server - one 8TB from 2017 and one 10TB from 2019. Here's what I did: I first plugged in the 8TB and it was recognized with no issue. I then proceeded to put in the 10TB but that was not recognized. I have an ASRock E3C224 which has 6 SATA3 slots - 4 by Intel and 2 by Marvell. The 8TB went on the last remaining Intel slot and the 10TB went on a Marvell slot. Thought maybe the Marvell slot is not configured or not working or something ... so I swapped the SATA cable from the 8TB to the 10TB. UNRAID recognizes that a drive is there, but says it's 8TB. So the questions that pop up are Is there some sort of limiter that's only allowing 8TB? Is UNRAID caching the presence of the 8TB I first put in? The drive ID value is the same no matter which drive I put in. Anyone with experience or thoughts? Thanks!
  5. Is there a sticky somewhere that highlights the issues of using Ryzen with unRaid? If not, can we make one? 36 pages of a thread is a lot to have to sift through.
  6. Dynamix was the first place I went to look when trying to install this. But it doesn't have the apcupsd as part of it's collection of plugins (unless I'm missing something). Unless that was just in regards to my comment of using unMenu. So far I tried to install a version of the apcupsd plugin via unMenu but not successful so far. I'll see where the above thread leads me.
  7. I think I found a thread that mentioned that. However, I'm still using 5.05. I forget why, but I recall reading something that made me think that an upgrade to 6 was not for me. As a casual user, I usually just use the normal web GUI but turns out I needed to go to UnMenu to really get to the meat of things. Not exactly the most friendly of interfaces but I can manage. Still think this might warrant a blog "how-to" post. I haven't found things very easy to find.
  8. I'm slowly getting into adding a UPS (and by slowly I mean I just plugged it in, lol). From what I've gathered, there's only one plugin - apcupsd - that we have which will work with a variety of UPS. Are there any "dummy" guides out there in terms of how to get things set up? If not, perhaps I may go about writing something and sharing later, but ideally there's already one.
  9. This seemed like a good deal to me based on prices of other PSUs and previous posts. CORSAIR HX Series HX750 750W ATX12V 2.3 / EPS12V 2.91 SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS GOLD Certified Modular Active PFC Power Supply New 4th Gen CPU Certified Haswell Ready http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139010 $129 -$20 instant -$20 MIR = $89 w/ MIR, $110 w/o Expires 4/14
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