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Everything posted by saarg

  1. This option is not there? You need plexpass for hardware acceleration.
  2. There are no options in this plugin. You are probably talking about an application, but since you don't mention which, it's hard to help.
  3. Are you checking in the container or unraid?
  4. Did you do what the post above yours says and do you have a /dev/dri folder after doing it?
  5. Something else is using port 4040 and you have to figure out what. It doesn't make sense that the reverse proxy stops working if you change the host port to 4041 as letsencrypt use the proxynet network bridge and use the container port to communicate, so still 4040. Make sure the context path isn't added again, as that will make the reverse proff not work
  6. There is no mysql database in this container, so using localhost will fail. You need to use the IP (or the container name if on same custom docker bridge) to connect to the container for mysql.
  7. What do you see if you go in the template and click on the show docker allocations text? Is there any other containers using that port?
  8. Looks like it's detected and loaded the kernel modules. Did the other guy manage to get it running? I don't remember. Have you tried changing slots?
  9. I think you have to ask unifi about that. We don't make the app, only the container.
  10. If the cert was made using letsencrypt it's not valid until 2034. It's valid for 90 days. If you read the documentation at github you would have seen that you can use the staging variable to test things without getting rate limited. We don't watch spaceinvader videos so we don't know your setup, so if you want help, you need to supply information.
  11. You install the plugin, then choose the nvidia build to replace the stock unraid. There is no patching of the stock unraid. The stock unraid is there to easily go back to stock unraid.
  12. When a container is updated, unraid first pull the new image, then stops the old container, deletes it and create a new container. If there is an error creating the container, the container is deleted from the list as it have not been created. This is how unraid works, so nothing we can do anything about. You have to find out why the container can't be created again. Force update it and you will se the error. We can't help when you don't post logs or error messages.
  13. You have something invalid in your container template, so when the container is created it fails and therefor is removed from the list as there is no letsencrypt container anymore. Most likely port 80 or 443 is in use. Click add container, choose letsencrypt and hit apply and you will probably see the error.
  14. Yes, but that is too much to write when in a hurry
  15. The run command is easily found if you make a change in the container template and hit apply. Just remove a character and add it again and you can hit apply. You have to restart the container for changes to be applied after you copy in a new config. Might have been your cert was renewed and then it loaded the new config you added. You haven't supplied anything else than a small snippet of the log, so hard to say what the issue is. If it would have been an issue with the container, far more people would have reported the issue, so it's most likely a local issue. Do not run any NGINX reload commands inside the container as that will cause what you see.
  16. Both 80 and 443 is already in use. If you are been running commands inside the container that might be the reason. Restart the container and see if the error is still there. Might be a good idea to post your docker run command and what you have changed lately.
  17. Having existing data from unraid in nextcloud in specific places isn't the intended use of nextcloud. Nextcloud is a self hosted cloud solution and not a frontend for unraid shares. You can add the existing mappings using external storage in nextcloud and set which group of users will get access to it. SMB doesn't work in 18.0.4 and will not be fixed until 19 is released.
  18. Read the readme on GitHub linked in the first post.
  19. Looks like your config is wrong. What does it say on line 1?
  20. There shouldn't be any difference switching to /mnt/cache that would make plex crash if all files are on cache. Are you sure all files are on the cache drive?
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