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Everything posted by saarg

  1. It's caused by the self-signed certs. So you need to add the controller to the whitelist. If that doesn't work, try using Firefox.
  2. Did you copy the certificate from the letsencrypt container to the Nextcloud container? If you are using reverse proxy, check what the browser says about the certificate.
  3. I'm sure NSA is still monitoring this thread.
  4. The user logs in and downloads the config. You can also use the command line also if that is better for you.
  5. Sorry, I mixed you up with someone not accessing the webui. So only checked if the webui was available. I don't think it works using host or a custom bridge then. So you are left running it on the default bridge, unless someone else comes up with a magic sauce.
  6. I just tested to set it up on a custom bridge and had no problem. You have to set the interface variable. It tells you how in the Readme on Github. You might have to delete the appdata folder for openvpn to get it to work if you already set it up using bridge. As far as I know, --link is deprecated.
  7. If you create a custom bridge, you can't connect to the host, which is unraid. I would advise you to not expose the openvpn gui through RP. Not sure why you need to, since you can connect through openvpn and get access. That way you don't need to move openvpn to a custom bridge. The reason openvpn doesn't work is most likely that you have set it to the custom bridge. Read the Readme on github linked in the first post for more info about setting it up correctly.
  8. If you set openvpn to a custom bridge, you will not be able to access unraids gui. It's a security feature in macvlan. Even if you don't have a custom bridge, you can use unraids IP and the port of the container in the proxy confs. You don't have to use the internal docker network IPs.
  9. Try changing the appdata path to /mnt/cache/ instead of /mnt/user/.
  10. That is probably the best solution for it if there is no option in settings.
  11. You can't use the command manually like that. If your provider needs an update every week there should be an option in the configuration to do that. I haven't checked it, so you will need to read the documentation about it.
  12. Then you are not installing through CA. Remove the existing one and add it again from CA. You have modified settings you shouldn't modify.
  13. Currently we have no maintainer for this container. It's a babysitting job to build this container and it's a hack as kodi is not meant to be used headless. I would advise to not use kodi headless. I would suggest either emby or plex as backend. I'm not sure if jellyfin have good enough clients/plugins available yet to be a choice.
  14. Same here. Skipping today's support run.
  15. If you can't boot and it stops before unraid is loaded, the issue is not unraid. If your bios is from 2016 it is about time you update it.
  16. If system initializing comes before the unraid boot menu it could be that your USB isn't chosen in the bios as a boot device. Or it could be hardware failure. You can try to check the USB drive in windows and try to run the make boot able script again.
  17. You are welcome to try to make it for everything everyone wants added.
  18. It might have been the VPN that triggered the issue then. One of our team members have never been able to update using the webui, while everyone else manages. One theory was that he is using subfolder, while the others use subdomain. So I was just trying to see if there was any difference between subfolder and subdomain.
  19. Showing reset and info about the usb devices/controllers is very good.
  20. Good you got it running. So it made the backup and deleted the files and then failed unpacking it. I'm not sure why the web update fails for some. Do you reverse proxy using subfolder?
  21. The updater probably already turned on maintenance mode and made a backup and deleted the current install. So you don't have the occ file. How far did you get in the update?
  22. Just be aware that not all devices works well with pass through. So buying cheap from China might not be the best thing to do.
  23. If you have it working now, there is no reason to change it. It's different methods and using the new method binds all devices in the group to vfio. What the new method is good at is to only pass through one device vs all devices with the same vendor:id using the old method.