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Everything posted by ysu

  1. Hi, I've got a problem; the error message this plugin gives me disappears (webgui) after a few seconds, making it very hard to use the software. Is there any way to keep the error/warning message on the screen, and only close it if - for example - I click a little X in the top-right corner of it? (or a close button, some kind of user interaction)
  2. Nope, PIA alone - fine. Torrent w/o PIA - fine. Only the two together is the problem. I have tested this out earlier. PIA on, then speedtest and downloading a large-ish file eg from S3. Near-perfect. Pings are still single digit, speed drop is negligible. But thanks for your suggestion.
  3. Thanks mate, I'll try this! So, just copy all files over - from the data dir and - from the /state/ dir then - force re-check correct?
  4. Yeah I think this is a PIA problem. I'm having the same issue now - and to test it out I've tried the desktop torrent as well as the server torrent. At best I'm getting 30-40KB/s with PIA on. w/o PIA i'm in the MB/s measures. That is an unacceptable speed drop, and PIA support could not help either, they've sent cookie cutter response after response. I'll try another VPN provider, PIA just does not cut it. Btw, I can recommend this site for a bit more information: https://thatoneprivacysite.net/vpn-comparison-chart/
  5. Hey guys, I've finally got it working - I've purchased PIA after all. Got a question though: How can I migrate my torrents from my win7 PC's deluge to the unraid server's delugeVPN?
  6. Interesting you say that; I did not edit anything off the end. My procedure is stop/delete log/start - and then replace the sensitive info in file and send. Anyway, here's another one, hopefully it's better. (it's certainly longer) Edit: here's one a bit longer even, after a few minues of running. supervisord.log
  7. Thanks. My netmask is, so now the lan_network is However, I still can't connect to deluge on the server after restarting it. Here is the current supervisord.log attached, please have a look if you can find any other stupid mistakes. I went through it but to my untrained eye it looks ok. Edit: hm...in my ifconfig this is what I'm getting. Is this normal / correct? (i.e. the docker seems to be on a different network) ifconfig docker0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast .... eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast ... supervisord.log
  8. Attached. Thanks for looking at it! supervisord.log
  9. Hm...I've looked, and I'm lost. If you have some insight on this one, please help.
  10. I'm running an "Unraid Server Basic" (funny because I've purchased a licence, I'd expect it not to be basic now.) I've not tried that command before as it was pre-fixed with [synology users] - I've tried it now, but >insmod /lib/modules/tun.ko >insmod: ERROR: could not load module /lib/modules/tun.ko: No such file or directory I'll have a looksie at the wiki you've posted, I hope I'll be able to figure out something. Thanks!
  11. Thanks for the tip - I did manage to get the 2nd one out of the way, as it had a bit of 'help' there. But this first one baffles me, even my google-fu has failed. Any chance you can shed some light on this one? What/where is the "tun" module, and/or how do I get it? 2017-03-15 23:16:37,276 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [warn] 'tun' module not available, you will not be able to connect to Deluge or Privoxy outside of your LAN [info] Synology users: Please attempt to load the module by executing the following on your host:- 'insmod /lib/modules/tun.ko'
  12. Hey gents, I'm wondering if I'm in the right place. I've installed delugeVPN on my unraid server, and I can't get it to work. When I go to the webui, all I'm getting is "Unable to connect". Now I have set it up once w/o vpn capabilities, and it worked, so I'm guessing the problem is somewhere there in the vpn config. I'm trying to use it with an openVPN server of our own that sits in the Amazon cloud. The openVPN server works well with openVpnConnect from win7 desktop. Again, this is pointing to a probable error in the configs. Is there any place where a detailed description for each of the configs exist? The 'help' next to each field in the delugeVPN config is rather frugal in information. Or otherwise, how can one debug what's happening? I feel I'm going around in circles in the dark; it's very frustrating. Please bear in mind I'm rather beginner with this whole thing. Thanks for any help.
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