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Posts posted by jeffreywhunter

  1. On 4/27/2024 at 6:42 PM, jeffreywhunter said:

    I have the latest version of the Docker installed (Version on the latest version of unRaid (v6.12.9).  Server has been running for years with no issues.  Recently I went to watch and old favorite (The Hunt for Red October).  When I did, plex only showed the 'Plex TV' version of the show which is paid access.  Disabled the online media sources and still not finding Red October.  That got me to looking for other missing titles.  I've found a number of titles that are missing.  Then I looked at the Plex Database in the Appdata folder and its been 6 months since the database was modified.  Not sure what else to check at this point.  Corrupted database?


    Thanks in advance!

    Has anyone ever experienced this issue?  Lost with what to do next except perhaps to check for DB corruption, then reinstall?  Or switch to something else?

  2. Duh, I totally misread what the DNS Rebind protection did.  I had understood that to protect the DNS resolution preventing attacks. But DNS rebinding protection blocks the use of private IP ranges by public domains - so that will essentially (potentially) give some modest protection - but also prevents resolution from connect.myunraid...  Live and learn.  Thanks!


    • Like 1
  3. On 4/27/2024 at 6:42 PM, jeffreywhunter said:

    I have the latest version of the Docker installed (Version on the latest version of unRaid (v6.12.9).  Server has been running for years with no issues.  Recently I went to watch and old favorite (The Hunt for Red October).  When I did, plex only showed the 'Plex TV' version of the show which is paid access.  Disabled the online media sources and still not finding Red October.  That got me to looking for other missing titles.  I've found a number of titles that are missing.  Then I looked at the Plex Database in the Appdata folder and its been 6 months since the database was modified.  Not sure what else to check at this point.  Corrupted database?


    Thanks in advance!

    Any thoughts on this issue?

  4. None of the links on the Management access page works except the local NAT server address.  I've tried them all and only the NAT address works from a local browser (warning about not secure).


    I have dockers running, but not trying explicitly to do anything other than clicking on the command line icon in the unraid menu to open a terminal session.


    Diagnostics attached.  Thanks in advance!


  5. I have the latest version of the Docker installed (Version on the latest version of unRaid (v6.12.9).  Server has been running for years with no issues.  Recently I went to watch and old favorite (The Hunt for Red October).  When I did, plex only showed the 'Plex TV' version of the show which is paid access.  Disabled the online media sources and still not finding Red October.  That got me to looking for other missing titles.  I've found a number of titles that are missing.  Then I looked at the Plex Database in the Appdata folder and its been 6 months since the database was modified.  Not sure what else to check at this point.  Corrupted database?


    Thanks in advance!

  6. Not sure if I've missed a config somewhere after setting up unraid connect, but I'm not not able to access a terminal session/command line from the WebUI menu any longer.  When i click, I get the following: 



    This site can’t provide a secure connection

    "ServerIP" sent an invalid response.





    In Settings>Management Access I have the following:

    Start page: Main
    Use TELNET: Yes
    TELNET port: 23
    Use SSH: Yes
    SSH port: 22
    Use UPnP: Yes
    Use SSL/TLS: Yes
    HTTP port: 80
    HTTPS port: 443
    Local TLD: local


    FYI, I've also used Use SSL/TSL as STRICT, no difference.


    I can access/manage the server from connect.myunraid.net just fine (also get "can't provide a secure connection" from command line button).


    I've also made sure that Enable DNS Rebind protection is turned on in my router.


    Log attached in case its helpful...


    Given this is a protocol error, got to believe I just have a bad config somewhere. 


    Appreciate wisdom from the community!  ;)





  7. A few weeks ago I setup HTTPS on my server and its working great.  Today, as I was working on the server, suddenly the screen displayed 500 NGIX error.  My console was still working so I rebooted the server and after it cam up, was able to access just fine through the HTTPS login I've been using.  I've read through the various 500 NGIX errors on the board but not found anything that feels similar.  Is there a set of diagnostic steps I should go through?  I can access my server just fine through Connect.MyUnRaid.net.

  8. Thanks, that really clears it up for me.  Who could I make recommendations to for improving Unraid Connect?  I'd recommend the following:

    1. Add a description of the process and how it works (as you did).  

    2. Clarify the button to Generate & Download Backup.


    As Unraid has become more and more user friendly (and its amazing how much improvement there has been since I started back in 2017), there are more and more 'near nubes' on unraid now. So expanding documentation and user information would get a lot of mileage!  ;)

  9. Thanks for the reply ChatNior - I've seen that and clicked "Generate Backup" before, but it didn't appear to do anything.  I thought it was generating a backup from my server to Unraid Connect.  Now I see that it does that, THEN downloads the zip file.  Just takes a while.  Perhaps a better button label would be "Generate Backup & Download"... ;) 

  10. I configured Unraid connect to backup my flash.  I see it in the dashboard correctly, but don't see where I can restore it to a new USB drive should the previous USB fail.  I've not been able to find any detailed instructions.  I'm sure it out there somewhere, just can't find it.


    Thanks in advance!

  11. On 11/29/2023 at 2:19 PM, KluthR said:

    Do you have a recent flash backup? If yes, restore it on a new usb drive and boot up. This should made it.


    if not, reinstall unraid (same old version) on a new usb drive, install the old backup plugin and restore.


    you could also reinstall with latest UnraidOS and restore the things by yourself (new plugin does not read old backup archives for restore).


    this is how I would proceed, if anyone has better ideas, please post.

    I had a backup on another USB (manual copy) so I just went ahead and upgraded to 6.12.6 and then upgraded to the latest CA Backup Appdata. 


    Everything appears to be working fine - I don't get the error anymore?? The error disappeared after the upgrade, so assume it was a bug somewhere. 


    Backups completed on schedule. Upgrade to 6.12.6 had a couple plugins that I had to update, but everything went smoothly.  Thanks!

  12. Unraid 6.11.5 (I've not upgraded to 6.12 yet...and thus not upgraded to new CA Appdata)


    Opened the dashboard and had this message: " Your flash drive is corrupted or offline." Appears my USB has failed (*sigh*)

    I have CA Appdata installed (Since v2.5 came out), but now that the USB has crashed, of course, I don't see any USB related apps running.  i.e. the Dashboard page displays junk and nothing is working.  Unraid still running, apps (i.e. plex) still running).  However, anything related to the USB drive does not run.


    Diagnostics attached.  I have not yet rebooted.


    If I go to Settings>CA Backup Appdata v2.5, I get a junk page (see attached screenshot).


    Not sure what to do at this point.  I have a backup, but don't know how to restore!


    Thanks in advance!

    UNRaid CA Backup page - chrome_2023-11-29_13-43-17.png


  13. 6 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Unfortunately there's nothing relevant logged, this usually points to a hardware issue, one thing you can try is to boot the server in safe mode with all docker/VMs disabled, let it run as a basic NAS for a few days, if it still crashes it's likely a hardware problem, if it doesn't start turning on the other services one by one.

    Assuming its a hardware problem, we'd want to try to isolate where that's coming from.  Safe mode is interesting.  If I run in safe mode, will I be able to run apps?  I've seen a post that lots of things don't work, but not been able to find a definitive answer as to what does and does not work in safe mode.  https://forums.unraid.net/topic/142975-safe-mode-no-local-gui-no-remote-gui-no-remote-ssh/


    That said, are there any hardware diagnostics that can be recommended?  i.e. run a memory check (although I think that would show up in diags?), HBA controller check?  I do have a couple drives that had displayed errors (I'm currently replacing them over time as they fully fail).  Could the drives in partial fail state cause the server to crash?  (see attached SMART reports).

    UNRAID Disk 3 - chrome_2023-09-06_11-01-00.png

    Unraid Disk 5 SMART - chrome_2023-09-06_11-04-21.png

    hunternas-smart-20230906-1100.zip hunternas-smart-20230906-1100.zip

  14. I'm having some problems with my server randomly locking up.  I've not been able to identify any specific actions or circumstances as a cause and it appears to be random.  I can go 30 days with no crash, or a few days.  Diagnostics attached.  Appreciate any insight folks might have.


    The only thing that's been happening (other than regularly applying updates) is I've been replacing older drives.  I have a couple with SMART errors.  Just replace one drive this week.  Have 2 more to go...


    Is there a knowledgebase article somewhere which describes how to interpret the diagnostics?  I'd love to learn how...


    Thanks in advance!


  15. "Slow/Fast Drives" - That's probably what's happening.  I'm in the process of replacing slow 5900 RPM drives with 7200 more modern drives.  I had turned the mover off during the rebuild so there would not be an issue with writing while rebuilding.  Dockers were all turned off as well...  Its now running 185mb/s, so not sure why so slow for the first 15min, but appears to be working fine now.  Thanks!

  16. Version 6.11.5 2022-11-20

    LSI 9207-8i SAS Controller

    15 drives (balance of SATA ports off motherboard)


    Replaced a 2 TB functioning (but error indicated) drive with 10 TB drive (Seagate ST10000DM0004 7200RPM 6gb/s) running on the LSI.  Rebuild started running at 28-30mb/s, now running about 50mb/s.  Seems slow.  Just ran a previous replaced drive (2 TB w/ 10TB HGST 7200) and rebuild took about 24 hours with speeds in the 90-120mb/s+ range.  


    Does that seem slow?

  17. On 4/13/2023 at 10:14 AM, ljm42 said:

    Once this is resolved, you'll want to investigate these read and write errors on disk1. Hopefully someone else can help with that:

    Apr  3 00:33:30 HunterNAS kernel: md: disk1 read error, sector=2160964152
    Apr  3 00:33:30 HunterNAS kernel: md: disk1 write error, sector=2160937944


    Yep, I've got a bad drive which needs to be replaced.  New one on order...

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