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Posts posted by jeffreywhunter

  1. On 4/17/2018 at 9:59 AM, Myke said:

    GoodSync developer here. I'm not sure that's exactly what you need, but one of my colleagues already did some kind of docker for goodsync/gs-server (see https://github.com/grinnery/gsdock.git). I'm not sure it's working right now (because we did some changes recently), but I guess you can start with that.


    If you need something explained, you can ask here.


    I'd be interested, if it can become a supported product.  Currently I'm using Goodsync via FTP to my UNRaid server.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Squid said:
    4 minutes ago, jeffreywhunter said:

    Try making the window larger


    Duh...  Got a new larger monitor and stacking browsers with smaller width... 1/2" too small.  Thanks!

  3. I'm at UR 6.4.1.  Have the latest version of buttons and plugins running.  But the buttons have stopped showing up this week after a reboot.  I still see Dynamix system Buttons in the Plugins, but don't see anything displaying in the GUI.  No buttons, no Log Tail, etc.  Any ideas/




  4. I've been dealing with a crazy cycle with my unraid server (latest version).  The server is on an ASUS P8-V77Z motherboard, 16gb memory, 11 disks using 2 LSI 9207-8i controllers.  I have a number of apps running, one of which is Proftpd which I rely on for backups (because of SMB issues).  I have one docker running (Plex) which works fine.


    The problem I've had (and posted here: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/59269-persistent-syslog-or-how-to-save-syslog-in-a-crash/) didn't lead to a permanent answer.  The server can run for a couple of days, then just dies.  I opened a real-time log window (from the GUI) and just let it run hoping that the last entries might give me an answer.  The very last lines in the real-time log tail were ProFTPd's typical complaint about 'world-writable directory'.  I know this is a stretch, but I'm grasping at straws.  Is it possible that ProFTPd could be having a conflict with something in my system?  Is there a way to diagnose that?


    Log tail attached.  Thanks in advance!

    Hunternas Log Tail.txt

  5. 25 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:


    I can only tell you that I have seen more posted problems with the Marvell-based SATA cards then I have seen from using a used LSI card...


    I'll confirm Frank1940's point.  Once UR 6.2 'ish' I started having problems with my Marvell Based AOC SAS2LPMV-8 adapters.  When I went to the LSI card the problems went away...

  6. 5 hours ago, saarg said:


    There are multiple threads where it's mentioned that the app feed for CA is down. You will have to wait until it's back up to clear the errors. 

    Our server with the app feed is down caused by the block storage of Digital Ocean being down. 


    Ah, I was searching on the actual error message, not the app feed.  Thanks for the insight.  I'll go into patience mode... ;)

  7. I'm getting a couple errors in fix common problems.  Not finding the errors in any forum.


    Shows up in "Other Comments"

    Could not perform unknown plugins installed checks	The download of the application feed failed.	
    Could not perform docker application port tests	The download of the application feed failed.


    Thanks in advance!


  8. So I've noticed a "BLAKE2 hash key mismatched (updated)" entries in logs on a few files across a several disks.  I've checked the files out and they all seem to play correctly (all movies).  If the file plays with no issues, what does the error mean?

  9. 4 hours ago, c3 said:

    Wow, the same thing as you reported in March 1, 2017, might want to try the same thing this year and see if it works.


    Hey thanks for the suggestion.  But I had already tired that again when the error showed up this time.  Yep, it worked then and cleared the log, but when it showed up again this time the error continues (and why did it come back?).  So apologies for a terse post, should have included that history, will try to do better next time.

  10. I renamed a couple shares and I'm seeing this in my log.  How do I correct?  When I go into settings, the old directories are not in the list.


    Jan 26 16:40:25 HunterNAS cache_dirs: ----------------------------------------------
    Jan 26 16:40:25 HunterNAS cache_dirs: ERROR: included directory "DocArchive" does not exist.
    Jan 26 16:40:25 HunterNAS cache_dirs: ERROR: included directory "ISO\ Files" does not exist.
    Jan 26 16:40:26 HunterNAS cache_dirs: cache_dirs process ID 9360 started





  11. 1 hour ago, garycase said:


    And you consider this an issue because ??     I can understand the psychology of wanting to "balance" your content, but really don't see any actual reason to do so.   Especially for effectively "static" content.    My main media server has dual parity plus 12 data disks (all 4TB Reds); with the first 8 being my main "DVDs" share, and the last 4 containing a few other shares that are modified more frequently.    The DVDs share uses "fill up" -- and the first 7 all report 100% utilization (actual free space varies from 88MB to 348MB).   The other shares are set to high water (the last disk was only recently added).



    Media Disk Utilization.jpg

    Yeah, I'm getting it now.  Static content is just that Static.  Does not really matter in the end how much is on a specific drive...other than the performance hit of files stored on the outside vs the inside of the platter.  Not sure that really matters for 'movies and picture'...  I'm satisfied at this point...


    And besides, the real issue was my ignorance in how UnBalance worked...or better, I didn't know it was a manual utility that one ran.  Lesson learned.  Now I just wish I could get my server to stay up.  Runs a few days, then crashes...but that's a different conversation!  ;)

  12. Duh, that would explain a lot...:$  RTFM!  Its a utility.  When I installed it, "This plugin frees up space space from one of the disks in the array, by moving folders and files to other disks".


    Not sure how I gathered it would do it automatically.  Perhaps my assumptions overwrote the truth...funny how that happens...  ;)





  13. 36 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Where did you get this idea? unBalance plugin can only balance existing data. Where new data gets put depends on your user share settings.


    The default setting of High-Water is the default for a reason. It is a good compromise between balancing disk usage without making unRAID constantly switch between disks just because one has briefly got more free than another. Fill Up could be the choice if that is indeed what you want to do.


    Make sure Minimum Free is set to larger than the largest file you will write. unRAID doesn't know how large a file will become when it starts writing it so if you don't set Minimum Free large enough it might choose a disk that doesn't have enough free for the whole file, and of course, it will never split a file.


    Go to the setting page for a user share and turn on Help.

    Really?!?  Apologies for the errant statement.  I made that assumption because I had a drive that was nearly full, which never got 'balanced' after I installed the app.  I ended up moving the files manually...ergo the statement.  From what you say, unBalance actively balances existing data on the drives as well?  So I probably don't understand how it works fully, for instance, I have a drive that is again 'creeping' up as I add new movies.  Its now 80% full, with other drives from 21%-66% full in the same share.  Does unbalance not balance until drives reach a specific % full?  So maybe I'm missing something?  Screenshot of share settings...and stats.

    Thanks for setting things straight.



  14. Yes, I have that installed, however, it only balances new data coming in, not existing data.  Ergo the issue.  If my disk is full, and I add a new disk, how to 'balance' them.  However (yet again), reading through the posts by @garycase, its better to let the drive fill up...especially for static content.  Better to have ALL of a movie on one drive, than split across multiple drives.  I think the perspective is that for the most part, fill-up (with an appropriate amount of free space) is a reasonable default.


    Any opinions on best practices behind the disk fill process (most free, fill-up, etc)...?

  15. 13 hours ago, 172pilot said:

    Thanks for the quick response..  That describes EXACTLY what I'm seeing..  I guess for the few $$ I spent, I shouldn't be surprised..  Oh well - They're probably decent enough cards to leave on the shelf for a windows box someday..  :-)


    Ebay, here I come for an LSI card..  :-)  Any recommendations, or is any LSI basically the same??


    Edit: Based on other posts on this thread, I've got 2 Dell  H310 cards..    Thanks for the help!!


    Wide variety of cards available.  Here's the manufacturers website (googled LSI HBA product family).  Differences in the cards depend on

    1. the number of lanes (VERY IMPORTANT)

    2. the number of external or internal ports.

    3. PCI Express 2.0 or 3.0 (important depending on your motherboard).  This article discusses the difference from a gaming perspective, but the concepts are the same...after all, in the end its ALL data!  http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/pci-express-3-0-vs-2-0-gaming-performance-gain/


    I bought this card: https://www.broadcom.com/products/storage/host-bus-adapters/sas-9207-8i, which has performed well (get 120mb/s across gigabit ethernet).

  16. I recently replaced my cache drive.  I use CA Backup/Restore and it worked great.  Everything came back and working.  So I thought until I tried to load a movie.  Now when I try to play a movie, Plex reports that the file is unavailable.  However the file is there and playable via SMB no issues.


    TV episodes play no problem.  Music plays not problem.  I looked at a couple dozen movies.  I found one that didn't have the red 'unavailable' indicator.


    Screenshot of plex reporting "unavailable", file is located in a proper share (via SMB) and being played with VLC attached.


    I've retired rebuilding the metadata for that movie, but didn't make any difference (didn't think it would since its just the info about the movie...).  Any other ideas on how do diagnose this issue?


  17. 2 hours ago, SlrG said:


    I had it happen to me, that if the rootfs runs full I get unexpected results like slowdowns and hangs.


    Do you have the fix common problems plugin installed? This will do a lot of checks and warn you if there are common problems on your server. It will also check if /var/log or the rootfs in memory are running full and warn you accordingly. If this happens you can then look for the cause and fix it. If you don't have it installed yet, I would recommend giving it a try.


    Debug logging generates a lot of output, so how big the log will get, depends on how often you have backups or other ftp tasks running and how much data is transferred in the process. So I can't say if it would fill up your flash. It should not be too dangerous to try, however. Keep an eye on it and stop the logging if it gets too big, too fast.

    @SlrGI do use fix common problems, and not seen anything recently.  The system is still running a parity check and found a bunch of errors.  Assuming those are being corrected (I'll run another parity check after this one completes...).  Does this trigger anything for you?


    Regarding the rootfs getting full.  I've got a 16gb USB stick.  The webgui is now unresponsive (won't load).  But I could SSH, did a df -a and only 7% of the file system is used.

    DF -a from SSH.  So unless I don't understand something, appears space not an issue?  Thoughts?


    Dec 4 08:54:44 HunterNAS root: Restarting HunterNASPlexServer
    Dec 4 08:54:44 HunterNAS root: #######################
    Dec 4 08:54:44 HunterNAS root: appData Backup complete
    Dec 4 08:54:44 HunterNAS root: #######################
    Dec 4 08:54:49 HunterNAS sSMTP[27981]: Creating SSL connection to host
    Dec 4 08:54:49 HunterNAS sSMTP[27981]: SSL connection using ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
    Dec 4 08:54:51 HunterNAS sSMTP[27981]: Sent mail for [email protected] (221 2.0.0 closing connection i63sm2650913itb.35 - gsmtp) uid=0 username=root outbytes=747
    Dec 4 08:54:51 HunterNAS root: Deleting /mnt/user/cachebackup/current/[email protected]
    Dec 4 08:54:51 HunterNAS root: Backup / Restore Completed
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104224
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104232
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104240
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104248
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104256
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104264
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104272
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104280
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104288
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104296
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104304
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104312
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104320
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104328
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104336
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104344
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104352
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104360
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104368
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104376
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104384
    Dec 4 09:08:52 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3307104392
    Dec 4 09:20:03 HunterNAS kernel: md: recovery thread: P incorrect, sector=3408952616


  18. 5 hours ago, SlrG said:


    Hmm... emhttp is the unRAID webui. It should have no connection to the proftpd plugin. Googling the error, I find a post of yourself, where you  solved it by making sure smb3 is enabled on the windows machine. So if you have multiple windows 10 machines, is it enabled on all of them?


    The proftpd side error is lacking information. I would guess  Dec 3 12:45:17 is the moment you cancelled the backup job? If so, its no real error, but proftpd saying it was stopped by the user. If not you could try to get more information by enabling debug logging as described here.


    Yep, I have several windows machines, but I'm on the same one that had the SMB issue.  I was never able to get SMB to work consistently with GoodSync.  I ended up moving to Proftpd - which worked well until this error...and the further oddity is that (and don't know why I didn't mention it), I have a dozen backup jobs running in GoodSync.  Except this one.  In fact I'm running a backup now that is working.  I've had jobs abort before, so I was watching the syslog when the above mentioned abort happened.  So it appears to be sporadic.  I'm having other problems with the server where the webgui either slows way down or locks up after a day or two of running.  Webgui goes first (unresponsive), then pieces of the system degrade until the console finally becomes unresponsive.  Then I have to do a hard reset.  I have an AOC-SAS2LP-MV8, which i've replaced with an LSI 9207-8i.  But I still have 8 drives that are on the motherboard (ASUS P8Z77-V LK Pro) which use the marvell controller, so I'm about to move all the drives off the motherboard onto a second LSI 9207-8i.  Will try that once parity completes (its also having problems being VERY slow).


    If I enable debug logging, will that fill up the flash drive?  Would you recommend I turn it on and leave it on until the next occurrence, or should I wait to see if these other modifications fix the problem?

  19. Latest version of the ProFTPd docker running on 6.3.4.  I'm using FTP for doing backups from my windows 10 stations.  Its worked flawlessly.  In my last backup attempt, I ran into the following errors showing up in my log.


    Dec 3 12:07:00 HunterNAS emhttp: err: sendFile: sendfile /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm: Broken pipe
    Dec 3 12:45:14 HunterNAS emhttp: err: sendFile: sendfile /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/styles/font-awesome.css: Broken pipe
    Dec 3 12:45:14 HunterNAS emhttp: err: sendFile: sendfile /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm: Broken pipe
    Dec 3 12:45:15 HunterNAS emhttp: err: sendFile: sendfile /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm: Broken pipe
    Dec 3 12:45:17 HunterNAS proftpd[14758]: ([]) - notice: user ftpaccount: aborting transfer: Data connection closed
    Dec 3 13:10:23 HunterNAS proftpd[20140]: ([]) - notice: user ftpaccount: aborting transfer: Data connection closed
    Dec 3 13:39:01 HunterNAS emhttp: err: sendFile: sendfile /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm: Broken pipe
    Dec 3 14:17:14 HunterNAS emhttp: err: sendFile: sendfile /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm: Broken pipe
    Dec 3 14:42:43 HunterNAS emhttp: err: sendFile: sendfile /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm: Broken pipe
    Dec 3 14:44:57 HunterNAS emhttp: err: sendFile: sendfile /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm: Broken pipe
    Dec 3 15:00:01 HunterNAS root: mover started
    Dec 3 15:00:01 HunterNAS root: moving "archives" to array
    Dec 3 15:00:01 HunterNAS root: .d..t...... ./
    Dec 3 15:00:01 HunterNAS root: .d..t...... archives/
    Dec 3 15:00:01 HunterNAS root: .d..t...... archives/_gsdata_/
    Dec 3 15:00:01 HunterNAS root: .d..t...... archives/
    Dec 3 15:00:01 HunterNAS root: mover finished
    Dec 3 15:20:04 HunterNAS emhttp: err: sendFile: sendfile /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm: Broken pipe
    Dec 3 15:20:04 HunterNAS emhttp: err: sendFile: sendfile /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm: Broken pipe
    Dec 3 15:28:10 HunterNAS emhttp: err: sendFile: sendfile /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm: Broken pipe


    The last entry continues to repeat.  I've canceled the backup job that was running on the PC (using Goodsync via FTP).  But the messages keep repeating sporadically.


    Thoughts on the cause?

  20. 7 hours ago, johnnie.black said:


    Note that both are x8 max and the 9201-16i is PCIe 2.0 while the 9207-8i is PCIe 3.0, so in this case the 9207 would have double bandwidth per disk with PCIe 2.0, much more than that on a PCIe 3.0 board/CPU, still the 9201-16i has adequate bandwidth for spinners, for SSDs it's a different story.

    Would the 9207-8i sata ports be faster and/or more efficient than the ports on the motherboard?  Would it make any sense to go with the latest 12GB/s cards (i.e. LSI 9300-8i) so as we eventually convert from spinners to ssd, we'd be ready? 

  21. Just now, johnnie.black said:

    Just replace one with the other, no need to configure anything.

    My mobo (ASUS P8Z77-V LK) has 2xPCIe 3.0x16 (dual x8) and 1 PCIe x4.  From a lanes/throughput perspective, would it be better to get the 9201-16i or two 9207-8i?  In other words, would 2 cards at x8 perform better than 1 card at x16?  PCIe 3.0 x8 runs at 7880MB/s and the x16 at 15760MB/s (duh, double).  So I think its a tossup, but not totally clear on the lanes vs performance conversation when it comes to these HBA adapters.


    That said, my processor is an i5-2500k, which only supports up to PCIe 2.0, so at this point, even though the x16 card supports pcie 3.0, the processor does not.  So again, toss up?  If I upgrade the process to an i7-3770k (fastest the mobo supports @ $100), which does support pcie 3.0, then would that affect the decision? 


    Its cheaper to do 1 x16 HBA vs 2 x8, so is that the decision point?  What am I missing?

  22. On 10/11/2017 at 4:31 PM, tdallen said:


    The AOC-SAS2LP is no longer a preferred solution for unRAID.  It used to be, and it still works well for many people, but there have been a large number of issues caused by Marvell drivers - so much so that it's hard to recommend them anymore.  Get an LSI based card like the LSI 9201-8i, IBM M1015, Dell PERC H310, etc.  Search the forums for LSI and/or Marvell.

    I have one of these in my ASUS p8p67-v LK motherboard.  It worked great from UR 5.x through 6.2.  Once upgrading to 6.3, I've started to have problems with lockups and such.  Is there a post or write up on the kinds of errors one can see?  I suppose I could just buy one of these cards and try it...  Is it such that I could simply replace the SAS2LP with a 9207-8i?  and the drives would line up properly or would there be a 'process', I'd need to do to get all the drives setup properly?

  23. I'm seeing the following errors in the syslog every time ProFTPd executes (I do backups every night via FTP).


    HunterNAS proftpd[619]: ([]) - error: /boot/config/plugins/ProFTPd is a world-writable directory
    Oct 18 01:30:07 HunterNAS proftpd[619]: ([]) - unable to open TransferLog '/boot/config/plugins/ProFTPd/xferlog': No such file or directory

    I've looked at the plugins directory, and the xferlog file is there.  Not been written to since 8/23/17.  Other files in that directory have been written to, even today, so I know its being accessed.  What could be causing this?  Diags attached.


    Thanks in advance!


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