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Posts posted by jeffreywhunter

  1. I've had FCP identify a problem with my primary parity drive.  Upon investigation, I don't see any errors in the SMART report (see attached).  Any ideas what FCP has identified?


    parity (HGST_HUS726060ALA640_AR11021EHJAHKB) has read errors	
    If the disk has not been disabled, then unRaid has successfully rewritten 
    the contents of the offending sectors back to the hard drive. 
    It would be a good idea to look at the S.M.A.R.T. Attributes for the drive in question
    Begin Investigation Here: Parity Settings

    According to the disk information in Parity Settings there are no problems (Failed = Never).

    1	Raw read error rate		0x000b	100	100	016	Pre-fail 	Always		Never 	0
    2	Throughput performance		0x0005	131	131	054	Pre-fail 	Offline		Never	87
    3	Spin up time			0x0007	200	200	024	Pre-fail 	Always		Never 	493 (average 507)
    4	Start stop count		0x0012	100	100	000	Old age 	Always 		Never 	75
    5	Reallocated sector count	0x0033	100	100	005	Pre-fail 	Always		Never 	0
    7	Seek error rate			0x000b	100	100	067	Pre-fail 	Always		Never 	0
    8	Seek time performance		0x0005	130	130	020	Pre-fail 	Offline 	Never	12
    9	Power on hours			0x0012	094	094	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	42086 (4y, 9m, 18d, 14h)
    10	Spin retry count		0x0013	100	100	060	Pre-fail	Always 		Never 	0
    12	Power cycle count		0x0032	100	100	000	Old age		Always		Never 	35
    22	Helium level			0x0023	083	083	025	Pre-fail	Always 		Never 	83
    192	Power-off retract count		0x0032	080	080	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	25085
    193	Load cycle count		0x0012	080	080	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	25085
    194	Temperature celsius		0x0002	176	176	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	34 (min/max 17/47)
    196	Reallocated event count		0x0032	100	100	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	0
    197	Current pending sector		0x0022	100	100	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	0
    198	Offline uncorrectable		0x0008	100	100	000	Old age		Offline 	Never 	0
    199	UDMA CRC error count		0x000a	200	200	000	Old age		Always 		Never 	0		

    I've run SMART long version with nothing reported.  Thoughts?


  2. I've been adding more and more drives to my system.  Today I received the below status message and it stated [FAIL], but I had to search the list three or four times to find NOK.  I'd like to make a suggestion for improvement of this email.  Where would be the appropriate place for that? 


    Did a search for suggestions, but didn't find anything.  I'd like to suggest a simple carriage return be placed after each disk report.  Also, putting the [OK] or [NOK] or [WHATEVER OTHER STATUS] at the beginning would make it easy to scan and find the offending drive.  Something like this...


    Event: Unraid Status
    Subject: Notice [HUNTERNAS] - array health report [FAIL]
    Description: Array has 14 disks (including parity & cache)
    Importance: warning
    [OK] - Parity - HGST_HUS726060ALA640_AR11021EHJAHKB (sdc) - active 39 C
    [OK] - Parity2 - HGST_HUS726060ALA640_AR31021EHUX5HC (sdd) - active 42 C 
    [OK] - Disk 1 - ST4000DM000-1F2168_W30086L5 (sdm) - active 42 C
    [OK] - Disk 2 - Hitachi_HDS5C3020ALA632_ML0220F31HKTDN (sde) - standby
    [OK] - Disk 3 - HGST_HUS726060ALA640_AR11001EV14M3B (sdf) - active 40 C
    [OK] - Disk 4 - Hitachi_HDS5C3020ALA632_ML0220F30MWAYD (sdg) - active 40 C
    [OK] - Disk 5 - HGST_HUS726060ALA640_AR31051EJSYX2J (sdh) - active 42 C
    [OK] - Disk 6 - Hitachi_HUA723030ALA640_MK0371YVG9PYUA (sdk) - active 46 C
    [OK] - Disk 7 - Hitachi_HDS5C3020ALA632_ML0220F30YS4XD (sdl) - standby
    [OK] - Disk 8 - Hitachi_HUA723030ALA640_MK0373YVHH0A4C (sdi) - active 46 C
    [NOK] - Disk 9 - Hitachi_HUA723030ALA640_MK0361YHJ0N8JD (sdj) - active 48 C (disk is hot)
    [OK] - Disk 10 - Hitachi_HDS5C3020ALA632_ML0220F311GHND (sdo) - standby
    [OK] - Disk 11 - HGST_HUS726060ALA640_AR31051EJU87UJ (sdn) - active 42 C
    [OK] - Cache - Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_500GB_S2RANX0H811137T (sdb) - active 34 C
    Parity check in progress.
    Total size: 6 TB
    Elapsed time: 7 hours, 5 minutes
    Current position: 2.48 TB (41.4 %)
    Estimated speed: 100.0 MB/sec
    Estimated finish: 9 hours, 46 minutes
    Sync errors detected: 0

    Much easier to read than this...


    Event: Unraid Status
    Subject: Notice [HUNTERNAS] - array health report [FAIL]
    Description: Array has 14 disks (including parity & cache)
    Importance: warning
    Parity - HGST_HUS726060ALA640_AR11021EHJAHKB (sdc) - active 39 C [OK]
    Parity2 - HGST_HUS726060ALA640_AR31021EHUX5HC (sdd) - active 42 C [OK] Disk 1 - ST4000DM000-1F2168_W30086L5 (sdm) - active 42 C [OK] Disk 2 - Hitachi_HDS5C3020ALA632_ML0220F31HKTDN (sde) - standby [OK] Disk 3 - HGST_HUS726060ALA640_AR11001EV14M3B (sdf) - active 40 C [OK] Disk 4 - Hitachi_HDS5C3020ALA632_ML0220F30MWAYD (sdg) - active 40 C [OK] Disk 5 - HGST_HUS726060ALA640_AR31051EJSYX2J (sdh) - active 42 C [OK] Disk 6 - Hitachi_HUA723030ALA640_MK0371YVG9PYUA (sdk) - active 46 C [OK] Disk 7 - Hitachi_HDS5C3020ALA632_ML0220F30YS4XD (sdl) - standby [OK] Disk 8 - Hitachi_HUA723030ALA640_MK0373YVHH0A4C (sdi) - active 46 C [OK] Disk 9 - Hitachi_HUA723030ALA640_MK0361YHJ0N8JD (sdj) - active 48 C (disk is hot) [NOK] Disk 10 - Hitachi_HDS5C3020ALA632_ML0220F311GHND (sdo) - standby [OK] Disk 11 - HGST_HUS726060ALA640_AR31051EJU87UJ (sdn) - active 42 C [OK] Cache - Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_500GB_S2RANX0H811137T (sdb) - active 34 C [OK]
    Parity check in progress.
    Total size: 6 TB
    Elapsed time: 7 hours, 5 minutes
    Current position: 2.48 TB (41.4 %)
    Estimated speed: 100.0 MB/sec
    Estimated finish: 9 hours, 46 minutes
    Sync errors detected: 0


  3. Thanks ChatNoir, but the problem I have is that none of the disks or devices on the system appear to be available.  There's nothing in /MNT and then there's the errors I saw regarding enumerating the boot USB.  When the computer boots, it sees all the devices (i.e. I see the BIOS messages that the drives load, and I can see them in the BIOS if I boot to BIOS, BUT...when unRaid boots, it can't find the USB drive (BOOT) and thus nothing loads.  I have no idea where the unRaid OS is actually loading from.  Quite puzzling...

  4. Ok, so had the machine turned off since Friday waiting for response to my query.  Turned it on and when it came up it said TOWER vs the name I've given it - HunterNAS.  No drives available and nothing but basic OS.


    Rebooted again and watched it boot.  LOTS of errors.  I tried to capture the info as it booted (see attached screenshots).


    In the second screenshot, there's an error which said "unable to enumerate USB device", then it booted to Tower and not my server name "HunterNAS".  For some reason, unRaid isn't finding the USB or any of the drives on the controller.


    Could not access the flash at /BOOT.  CD /BOOT displays only a /CONFIG directory (The OS must be residing in memory?).  Ran diagnostics and it ran said it created the file on /boot/logs, but the file isn't there since it could not enumerate the USB device.


    The motherboard sees the hard drives, perhaps there's a problem with the USB stick?  I've put the stick in my Win10 computer, and can see the files with no issues.


    I have a backup of the flash, should I reinstall unRaid?

  5. Latest version of Unraid.

    Server has worked fine for years.

    Tried to access server and it was locked (non response via console).

    Hard Reboot.

    Now have console access, but unable to load WebGUI.

    Can ping server, but no shares are visible from Windows File Manager

    I shutdown from console, syslog attached.  

    I see sever errors about unable to communicate with github, openvpn server not started (installed but not yet configured), but don't see anything else.

    I also have a problem with GS-Server and the 4 bytes leftover issue, I have been working with the developer to get the new version which solves that issue, but this problem came up, so I'm stuck at the moment.

    In the \logs directory, I see the hunternas-diagnostics-20200911-1752.zip and syslog.zip files, but they are 0 bytes.

    I didn't see any errors with WebGUI loading.


    Confused.  What could be the issue?  Syslog attached.  Your wisdom is appreciated...




  6. 3 hours ago, Flubster said:

    The author changed the github, but didn't push to dockerhub to rebuild the image.


    After manually updating the container I noticed on (possibly 11+) that for it to register - I needed to create a folder mapping to container path /etc/goodsync/ as it appears the license is mapped here not where it was before.



    So you've successfully updated by manually uninstalling the Docker and Reinstalling from scratch (plus adding the new container path)?

  7. Thanks for creating such a useful tool.  I've recently been digging deeper into the tool, but have experienced a problem where everytime I run the Extended Test, it runs for 12 hours and then locks up the Unraid server.  Is there a log or something I can check to see what is happening/causing the issue?


    Thanks in advance!


    On 8/22/2020 at 9:33 PM, Frank1940 said:

    One more thought.  Look at Lanscaner to see what your WIN10 computer 'thinks' is the Local Master.  Details are in this post.




    Ok, evidently SMB can be affected by MANY things?  What triggered this problem is replacing a defective router and in the process changing the IP address structure temporarily.  There is an OBSCURE setting in the router called "Smart Access" (see screenshot) when says it enables Network Place (SAMBA) network PCs to be accessed remotely.  When I turned that on, suddenly I can now see my unraid server.  I've made a number of other settings changes to my network, most notably going back to the original IP class address (192.168.29.xxx), perhaps the IP change back to the original setup fixed it (a cache somewhere?).  Regardless, this is now solved.  Could it have been the router setting?  Or cache somewhere?  I hate it when I fix something, but can't identify what I did.


  9. I actually see the HUNTERNAS server in the Network folder in file manager as I always have.  Except when I try to open it, I get "Windows cannot access \\HUNTERNAS (See Screenshot)...

    SMB Problem.jpg

    however if I put (the static IP I gave the server), then it works as it should (See other screenshot).  Somehow, \\HunterNAS isn't being translated to in SMB?

    SMB Problem 2.jpg

  10. Thanks Frank!  Great discussion about SMB on your first link.


    1. I set my unRaid server as Local Master and monitor current elected master (dynamix plugin - latest version 2020.06.20) a long time ago when I first setup SMB.  Its still that way (see black arrow in screenshot).

    2. Verified unRaid server AND PC in correct workgroup (see green arrows).

    3. From PC ran Net View /domain, curious that I see BOTH HunterLAN and Workgroup in the response (see Red Arrow).  I have other devices on the network (phones, iPad, IP Cameras, Skylight controller, TV's), but none setup with SMB that I'm aware. 


    Further thoughts?

    SMB Issue.jpg

  11. 17 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    Are you using Static IP address for the server?  If so, go to     Settings   >>>>>     Network Settings  Did you change the   IPv4 default gateway:   address to match the new router. 


    Next check to see that you assigned the static IP address in the router table for static addresses. 

    Yes, I believe all IPV4 addresses are correct...here's the Network Settings...


    Interface eth0
    Interface description:
    MAC address: 08:60:6E:F1:53:41
    Enable bonding: No
    Enable bridging: No
    Network protocol: 
    IPv4 only
    IPv4 address assignment: 
    IPv4 address: / 24
    IPv4 default gateway:
     optional metric (lowest is preferred)
    IPv4 DNS server assignment: Static
    IPv4 DNS server:
    IPv4 DNS server 2:
    IPv4 DNS server 3:
    Desired MTU: 1500
    Enable VLANs: No
    Docker service must be Stopped to change (see Settings)
    Routing Table
    	IPv4	default via eth0		1	
    	IPv4		docker0					1	
    	IPv4		eth0					1	
    IPv6	::1	lo	256	



  12. Unraid Version: 6.8.2.  Lost a router (unraid was and setup temporary router with different unraid address (  I appear to have a login problem.  Network.cfg shows correct ipaddr, network settings show correct addresses (IP, Gateway and DNS).  When I try to access via SMB address (\\HUNTERNAS), I get windows cannot access \\HUNTERNAS.  If I type \\ in windows, I get an unraid login and I then I can see all the shares if I login with the same user as the PC.  I must be missing a configuration somewhere that connects the new IP with HUNTERNAS.  Not sure where to correct that?  Or is it in a temp file somewhere?


    Thanks in advance!  

  13. On 3/1/2019 at 10:41 PM, JoeUnraidUser said:

    I currently use this docker and it runs great but it doesn't have a GUI.  It's the GoodSync Connect Linux server.  It does have a web interface to configure the server.  I'm note sure if you can setup jobs using the command line.  I haven't tried it yet.

    I've been using the GSDocker using Goodsync connect.  Its been flawless and has not had any problems with Goodsync updates so either its very well designed and kept up to date, or the GoodSync Connect protocol isn't changing.  I use GoodSync on Windows 10.  Works really well...

  14. Just wanted to pass Kudo's to the developers.  Very nice tool, easy to setup and...I simply LOVE the locate button.  VERY helpful.  I'd love to recommend that that function be included in the UnRaid base code and offered on the Main and/or Dashboard page.  Makes it SO easy to identify which drive is where.


    Thanks again!

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  15. 2 hours ago, bastl said:

    @jeffreywhunter Did you missed the point to create an account first? Top right on your screenshot shows you're not logged in.

    Yes, I had created the account, but didn't see the error.  Just tried again, both on Edge and Chrome and getting a 'can't create account'.   Evidently they are having a problem with Captcha?




    I called David Baker at the Molecular Engineering Lab to try to get some account support and left a message.  Guess I have to leave it at that for now...

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