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Posts posted by jeffreywhunter

  1. Ok, sorry, missed the use_ssl  no.  was able to access server.  However, settings > management access does not allow me to get a new URL.  I don't see a way to reset the URL.  The old url is still displayed and the message and the warning " Warning Your current url is not in the list of allowed origins for this server." is displayed.  In My Servers, I signed out and back in, but nothing allowed me to change or reset the URL.

  2. No I am still unable to access.  I can access plex, but can't access my server.  My problem is that the IP Address has changed from to  The server is up and I can access the plex server with no issues.  Just can't access the web gui.  The link that JorgeB provided does not apply to an IP class address change, just SSL being down.  So I don't know where to go to fix this. 


    What I need is to be able to access myunraid.net and change the IP address there.  Then it should work. Is there a way to login to my personal myunraid.net account online somewhere and edit the IP address?


    Just don't know how to do that...  or am I missing something?

  3. Interesting, didn't think about how the SSL aspect could be causing the problem.   The link says:



    Once you enable local SSL per the instructions above, you will access your server through a Fully Qualified Domain Name:

      https://yourpersonalhash.unraid.net or https://yourpersonalhash.unraid.net:<https_port> (if your https port is not the default of 443)

    This is required in order to utilize a fully valid SSL certificate. A downside is if you temporarily lose Internet access and your browser has not cached the DNS for yourpersonalhash.unraid.net, you will be unable to access the webgui.


    How do I locate m "personal hash"?

  4. Unraid 6.1.1.  Server was at, router failed and new IP was forced to be different (long story).  New server IP is  Server boots and Plex works fine.  Unable to access WebUI.  Edited network.cfg file from console to get server IP address fixed.  Now the new IP redirects to the old server URL (https://192-168-29-100.07e4127bd082ef3581fee423cf693702d77940a0.myunraid.net/login) and says the site can't be reached.




    I've also tried to access my "myservers" account at https://account.unraid.net as I have before, but all I get is the attached screenshot.  User id and email is correct.


    I must have missed something?   Thanks in advance for the assist...


  5. Hi, new to grafana.  Installed the Grafana Unraid Stack (Thanks for building this!).  Interested in the UPS monitor.  Access grafana at IP:3006 and it displays "Dashboards".  Tried to login with the default admin/admin, but it appeared to not work, but then I was logged in.  Never used these tools before, so complete newbie.  Apparently I'm in Grafana and see Influxdb-Telegraf and Loki data sources, admin user, lots of plugins, etc.  A number of questions, I'm sure are just config/setup.


    1. Was able to activate the General/Ultimate Unraid Dashboard, but there was no data.  Refreshed the page and data appears.   However, the data is wrong (see screenshot).  See #1: I've set UPS Max Output capacity (865) but the Current Load kwh (7.03) does not match what the UPS is reporting in the Unraid UPS settings (164w).  The number does change in the dashboard, but its never even close to what the UPS Settings shows.


    2. There are a number of settings in the dashboard (See #2) that don't have any options.  All are set to None and that is the only selection.  Don't see anywhere to set any of the variables (CPU Threads, Flash Drive, Cache Drive, Parity, etc.).


    3. Did a minor rearrange to the dashboard (moved UPS to top), tried to save but got the following message:


    This dashboard cannot be saved from the Grafana UI because it has been provisioned from another source. Copy the JSON or save it to a file below, then you can update your dashboard in the provisioning source.

    Assuming also a "newbie does not know where to make changes" error.


    Love what I'm seeing, just need to learn how it works.

    Thanks for the assistance!



    Unraid chrome_2023-03-18_20-00-44.png

  6. 19 hours ago, ich777 said:

    No, this is a iGPU from the CPU, these are two different things.


    As said above, your CPU is simply too old to display Video Enhance, you need a CPU that is at least capable of transcoding h265 (HEVC) to have that displayed.


    If you have a newer CPU it would display everything just fine and would be as capable as a GTX1050Ti for transcoding.

    For anyone that is interested, I searched on what is the minimum hardware requirement for Video Enhance AI?  A DirectX12 compatible GPU (NVidia or AMD). An Intel CPU from 2015 onwards or an AMD CPU from 2016 onwards are apparently the minimum requirements for the CPU.


    Thanks ich777!

  7. 1 hour ago, SimonF said:

    you n4ed to install intel gpu top from ca for intel igpu.

    Thanks!  Appears that's the issue.  Although it also appears that not all the trackable features show up...



    Here's what intel_top_gpu displays



  8. 10 hours ago, SimonF said:

    are you using a nvidia GPU? Did you select the GPU under the type selection in settings?

    I have an ASUS P8P67 Deluxe Mobo with onboard graphics which I believe is Intel based.  I've tried all three options, no response from any of them.  Perhaps it does not support onboard graphics?

  9. 1 hour ago, SimonF said:

    You need intel gpu top/radeontop or nvidia drivers loaded first depending on gpu

    That made a difference, I was able to load the drivers and then update the plugin.  Unfortunately, I'm seeing N/A on all the various display items.




  10. I just replaced my USB and everything was going well until I rebooted.  After rebooting, my cache drive (500gb SSD) has become an unassigned device.  However, even when I stop the array, I can't find the cache pool in Main.  When I click on Add Pool and try to add a cache pool, I get an error (Invalid pool name - do not use user share names) evidently a conflict.  I look in /mnt and cache does not exist.  I start the array and look in shares, no cache or appdata shares.  Searching through the syslog I see cache_dirs being established, but an error stating that included directory 'appdata' does not exist.


    As a result, my Docker does not start, but if the cache and appdata shares don't load, that's why...


    I've looked through the forums and can't find a problem like this.  Help me Obiwan!  ;)


    Thanks in advance!


    1st Syslog Appdata Reference (see attached diagnostics)

    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: Arguments=-i Dropbox -i FTP -i appdata -i archives -i homemovies -i movies -i music -i pictures -i tv -l off
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: Max Scan Secs=10, Min Scan Secs=1
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: Scan Type=adaptive
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: Min Scan Depth=4
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: Max Scan Depth=none
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: Use Command='find -noleaf'
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: ---------- Caching Directories ---------------
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: D..x
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: F..P
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: a..s
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: h..s
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: m..s
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: m..c
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: p..s
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: t..v
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: ----------------------------------------------
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: Setting Included dirs: Dropbox,FTP,appdata,archives,homemovies,movies,music,pictures,tv
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: Setting Excluded dirs: 
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: min_disk_idle_before_restarting_scan_sec=60
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: scan_timeout_sec_idle=150
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: scan_timeout_sec_busy=30
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: scan_timeout_sec_stable=30
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: frequency_of_full_depth_scan_sec=604800
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: ERROR: included directory 'appdata' does not exist.
    Feb 14 15:37:42 HunterNAS cache_dirs: cache_dirs service rc.cachedirs: Started: '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/scripts/cache_dirs -i "Dropbox" -i "FTP" -i "appdata" -i "archives" -i "homemovies" -i "movies" -i "music" -i "pictures" -i "tv" -l off 2>/dev/null'


    I've not seen any posts in the forum that sound like this...


    Additional info...

    If I look in the config/shares directory of the flash drive (/mnt/flash share on the server), I see the cache.cfg and the appdata.cfg



    # Generated settings:



    # Generated settings:


    My Current Docker.cfg (that worked) - mnt/cache and mnt/user/appdata do not exist in the /mnt directory.


    Server Diagnostics attached.




  11. Trying to update this plugin on 6.11.5, getting this:


    Update Plugin
    plugin: updating: gpustat.plg
    Executing hook script: pre_plugin_checks
    No vendor utilities found. Plugin install terminated due to failed prerequisites.
    plugin: run failed: /bin/bash
    Executing hook script: post_plugin_checks


    Any ideas why?

  12. Oh, and I have the following warning displaying in the header area of the page:


    Warning: include(/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/include/myservers2.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php on line 592

    Warning: include(): Failed opening '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/include/myservers2.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/emhttp') in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php on line 592


    Don't know if that's related or not...

  13. Ok, was able to build the new USB using the Unraid USB Flash Creator program.  Booted and can access webgui.  When I did the copy, I renamed the old config directory to Config(old), then copied the backup of the config directory.  When I go to Tools, i don't have a "Replacement" link anywhere on the page and can't start the array because I get "Invalid, missing or expired registration key." next to the start button.  When I click "Registration Key" link, i get a blank page under tools (this URL: https://192-168-29-100.07e4127bd082ef3581fee423cf693702d77940a0.myunraid.net/Tools/Registration).


    I must be missing something...



  14. I have a failed USB RAID Drive.  I've rebuilt a new one using the Unraid USB Flash Creator.  I was able to pull the config directory with all of the go, docker, domain, disk, flash, etc cfg files as well as the pro.key.  Before I do it, I just wanted to confirm that if I simply copy the files over the config directory created by the Unraid USB Flash Creator program on the new USB drive that I should be good to go (knowing that when Unraid boots, it will want to correct the GUID). 


    Do I have that correct?


    Thanks in advance! 

  15. 6 hours ago, Squid said:

    It would appear that you flash drive has major corruption on it.  Does deleting everything from /config on the flash drive (except for the .key file and super.dat) fix things up? (Ideally, make a backup of it first)

    When I went to clean out the drive, I see 23 FSCKxxxx.rec files.  Assume these are lost sectors?  Evidenced by the fact that I can't actually copy/backup the flash drive.

  16. 6 hours ago, Hoopster said:

    Did you recently do the password change after the Plex database hack?  Did you select the "logout all devices" option when doing the change?  If not, remote users are still logged in under the old password but if they logout, they will be locked out as well.  


    After password change, I had to get a new claim token in order to see my local server.  Since it expires after four minutes and I had not used it in that time, my local Plex server was unavailable.  I had to get a new claim code and use it immediately to get access.

    Yeah, tired that, but it would not let me claim it.

  17. Unraid 6.9.2 installed and been running with no issues for a long time.  WEBgui login not working, says "site can't be reached".  Went to the console and the display showed gibberish.  It was responsive, I could barely makeout some characters, but most of the characters looked like ASCII characters.


    Did a powerdown from the console (accepted the command).  Turned PC off/on.


    Rebooted just fine to boot menu (readable english).  Let it continue as normal.  BZImage and BZRoot load 'ok'.


    Then as the status lines started to display, its all gibberish (see image).


    I then shutdown and turned off the pc (turned off power supply), then rebooted again.  This time got past BZimage and BZRoot, displayed readable characters this time, but as the last few lines of the boot process showed, the display reset and changed the display mode (132 character mode - see screenshot).  Still readable, but never seen that before either.


    Then I started the WebUI and the following displayed above the login (see third screenshot):

    Warning: syntax error, unexpected END_OF_LINE, expecting '=' in /boot/config/plugins/dynamix/dynamix.cfg on line 2 in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Wrappers.php on line 22
    Warning: array_replace_recursive(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array, bool given in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Wrappers.php on line 22
    Warning: extract() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /usr/local/emhttp/login.php on line 6
    Warning: session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Translations.php on line 16
    Warning: syntax error, unexpected END_OF_LINE, expecting '=' in /boot/config/plugins/dynamix/dynamix.cfg on line 2 in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Wrappers.php on line 22
    Warning: array_replace_recursive(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array, bool given in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Wrappers.php on line 22
    Warning: extract() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/.login.php on line 238


    My regular webui login was accepted, but then the same error message was displayed on the screen.


    Went back to the console and was able to login as normal.  However nothing has been mounted.  Went back to windows, the server shows up in the network neighborhood, but only the flash drive is shown.  No shares are mounted.


    I've never seen this, searching the forum (what term should I use!) didn't find much.  Not a clue what to do...


    Anyone ever seen something like this?




  18. 2 hours ago, ConnerVT said:

    Your link is for the Plex forum, which looks as they likely reorganized since that link was posted.


    This is the link for the Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/plexinc/pms-docker/


    Looks as the last updated package was 15 days ago.


    Plex has never been the most concerned about their Linux package - and even less for support of their "official" docker.  I've been running the linuxserver.io package, with a old version of Plex before Plex developers broke their live TV streaming function.  linuxserver.io is good about updating their packages weekly, if you really must have the latest version.

    Yeah, I've seen the plexinc/pms-docker link as well.  Not much useful support their either.  I originally had linuxserver.io and at some point a couple years ago changed over to the plexinc docker (not sure why...probably just wanted a support nightmare!  ;0  ).  I've got a problem where my plex server has become 'unclaimed' and when i try to claim it, the button does not work.  It also says there's an update, so I suspect that could be the problem.  Guess I'll revert back to LinuxServer.IO.  Would there be a way to copy the plex database from the plexinc docker to the Linuxserver.io docker?  or should I just start over...?


    Appreciate your opinion!

  19. Supposedly, the support link on a docker container should take you to the appropriate support page for that particular docker.  It appears that the link




    Which is in the official Plex Inc Docker does not work anymore.  Is Plex Inc no longer supporting this docker image?  When I go into the Plex App, it tells me that a new update is available, but no updates are actually available in the Docker section.  Is there a better Plex Docker we should use?



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