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Everything posted by macester

  1. What is the pull rate for adding new templates? or does it pull from repos directly?
  2. Dont know if its till a problem? but he latest docker i did work on all platforms i tested it on? but (dosent play nice with kvm/docker on the same bridge witch macvlan something brakes not much I can do, packages get stuck in limbo(works with OVS so kernel/package related ) )
  3. Dont use qbit myself, if you still use? it i can build a new one.
  4. Haven´t checket in here for along time sorry(work, life and not beeing on unraid). This should just be a "false/positive" since sendmail is installed, the messages you see would normaly go to the root user (but could prly fix it if the log is bothering ppl )
  5. See the first post on this thread, it might help: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=45249.0 Nice too hear it worked out! I had to try to reproduce the "bug" and it was quite easy. A docker image of only 2gb and only openvpn-as installed reproduced the same error. So I installed an ubuntu vm and tried the same, when disk space got below 2gb I got the same error. Guess thats the limit =P
  6. The only thing I could find about that error seems to be that i can occur when disk is full. Hows the space of your docker.img? Other then that all I can sugest is to remove the image and config and see if that helps.
  7. The connectivity test will fail, due to it being behind nat(router). Will still work though. Have you tried connecting to your external ip from another network? lets say your phone on 3g/4g? Some routers dosent allow for connecting to your own external ip, due to a "nat loop" I know moast asus routers come with a function called nat-loopback to make this possible.
  8. Heya, Due to this "https://github.com/phusion/baseimage-docker/issues/267" doing an apt-get upgrade fixes it i guess. Normally not a problem but had i client connected with the wrong user details and filled up syslog, my docker used about 4gigs of ram ;( //mace
  9. Added: DDclient DDclient 3.8.3 with support for mail notifications(gmail).
  10. 2015.11.12 -Add variable for pipework, "PIPEWORK". (dont use INTERFACE variable,) - "PIPEWORK=yes" will set container interface to eth1 and change port 9443/tcp to 443/tcp it will also wait with starting openvpn until "pipework" container is up. - http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=43970.0 - https://hub.docker.com/r/dreamcat4/pipework/
  11. I noticed that admin user is not properly set when it was installed, I had this happen when i used symlinks in traversed directories, I set up my share on disk1 as defualt the only thing I changed was just include disk1 then exlude all the other disks that worked for me. you could try that and reinstall it. You could also try and to as i posted before with ssh but add the command to make superuser admin. docker exec -it OpenVPN-AS bash (change OpenVPN-AS to the name of your docker) /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli -u admin -k prop_superuser -v true UserPropPut /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli -u admin --new_pass MyNewPassword123 SetLocalPassword (change MyNewPassword123 to your new pass) Then restart the docker.
  12. That looks as it should, I tried setting this up on my own disk1 to see if something messed up the symlinks and it is working booth trough "/mnt/user/disk1" and "/mnt/disk1/. How have you setup the "appdata" share? Could you paste the log from the appdata directory "/config/logs/openvpnas.log" Can you try to set the admin password to see if there are eny permission issues: ssh to your server docker exec -it OpenVPN-AS bash (change OpenVPN-AS to the name of your docker) /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli -u admin --new_pass MyNewPassword123 SetLocalPassword (change MyNewPassword123 to your new pass)
  13. Try "/mnt/cache/Apps/openVPN" thought i had these issues solved but maby not...
  14. Could you paste the logs? Have you used openvpn before on this box? cleared the old config? Tried useing /mnt/cache/ instead of /mnt/cache/user for config directory?
  15. -Got to your server with your browser and login with your credentials, when you see the page on a windows computer to download the client instead hit the refresh button in your browser and alot more options will be avaible -At the bottom there will be an option "Yourself (user-locked profile)" download that .opvn file. (rename it to something like office.ovpn) -Next download the full openvpn client at https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/downloads.html -Copy your office.ovpn file to "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config" -And ofc copy the .ovpn file from your home setup to -Restart the client -Havent tested it but should be the way its done No idea about the duckdns stuff dont use it myself.
  16. It's only as safe as the VPN server that answers on that port. If a flaw in the VPN package is found and you don't update to patch it, then it's no longer safe. However, it's by far safer than opening things up in general, and you only have one application to audit for security flaws and updates. I'm assuming the docker automatically updates itself! Is that adequate security? And that's not the only open port. In fact there are 3 for Open VPN itself, right? And plus I have another open for Plex, one more for transmission etc. How does that affect the scenario? I´m updating the docker as soon as there are updates, booth for the "os" base-docker and "openvpn-as", as for security moore secure the alot of home routers and businesses out there with that update scheme. Well it all depends on plex and transmissions in this case...
  17. 1. In this case if you mean you enter you externatl ip in the server configuration, it dosent mather beacuse this is only for the certificate and since it is selfsigned the address really dosent mather. then what aptalca said. 2. What aptalca said, however the "openvpn procces" is single threaded so moore GHZ in this case is prfered, also if you have a modern cpu with "aes-ni" instruction you might wanna change the encryption to "AES" fo a little speed boost and better encryption. 3. Port forwarding isent dangerous at all, it all depends what you can reach on them and if you run a vpn on the gateway the ports are still "forwarded" or rather open in the firewall. With these home routers things like certificates/openvpn dont have the best update scheme.
  18. Dont think that is the right address for plex (/web/index.html), no idea about unraid ui. Have you routed your home lan in the route section? Do the remote lan happen to also be ""?. (this might also be the cause on unraid ip not responding) With questions like theese you will probably always get a better response from the openvpn forums. (due to openvpn-as has comercial support they tend to answear thoose questions a tad quicker).
  19. Nice, to hear. Pls say if there is something missing. //mace
  20. Openvpn-AS 2015.10.17 - Openvpn-as, updated to version openvpn-as-2.0.21.
  21. Well, I guess docker is better in the case of beeing more portable with the settings "configuration" could easily be moved. As for unRAID you will not "clutter" up the system with installing a docker and depencencies wont break things as other plugins. As for the differnece I cant say havent tried the plugin but guess its an install of "openvpn" the open source kind... This is the "enterprise" kind with two free license that comes with openvpns webui, the main thing I use it for is that it´s very easy to get working with different clients. Has an client webui, that works with android, ios(ipad works like a charm), and all sorts of clients... However only comes with two licences or rather two user can be connected at the same time, as for reaching your lan and recources i made i quick guide in the first post is a mather of 2-3 clicks.. //mace
  22. Can you elaborate on that? A few of my dockers have the same problem and I'd love to know how to fix it. Thanks I´m not 100% sure but it´s only on unRAID this issue exist tried on ubuntu, debian(omv) and centos with a volume on an nfs share. The issue was for me that i had a directory "/config/etc/socks" (that is symlinked inside the docker) and when openvpn starts it creates some files in the folder and when ever I used /mnt/user/ it couldent write to it (I could however create files manually on host and inside the docker). If I used /mnt/disk/ it would work, so I then noticed that while doing this if I exexuted a simple "ls -la" on the share /mnt/user/appdata/openvpn/socks and it would just output that the files dident exists and question marks on the user permissions. So i did the simple thing since the files in question here dident need permanent storage and I moved them to a /tmp folder inside the container. But the only thing I can think of that is causing this is that the /mnt/user share runs through samba? and has an issue with traversing symlinks.
  23. Openvpn-AS 2015.10.07 - Fix error that "/mnt/user/(appdata) coulden´t be used.
  24. No it´s not havent found a good sulution for it, (other then makeing all the other sybdomains a "cname" of the one updated). //mace
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