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Everything posted by theGrok

  1. btrfs restore -v /dev/sdX1 /mnt/disk2/restore this seems to be working to restore some data. The first method returned could not read superblock. Any chance that something in the logs shows that it is the hardware that went bad? Should I be replacing this SSD?
  2. Thanks I'll try the recovery process. If that fails, I did find an older backup of my vidsk. Better than nothing I suppose. I would format, restore from CA Backup_restore, copy over the old vdisk and reboot?
  3. my vidsks are on /mnt/user/vdisks/ but when I ssh in and look I do not see this directory there, so I assume that it is on the cache drive/ I do not have a backup of the vdisks unfortunately, I guess I would have to try the recovery link above?
  4. Thanks for the help. Can you please specify what you mean by all cache data. The plugin backs up my appdata and my libvirt image. Is this sufficient? If I format and restore this everything will return as normal?
  5. My Windows VM started acting weird. I tried to shut it down and had trouble doing so from the UI. I did a force shutdown. When I tried to restart the VM it gave me some execution error about a read only file system. I then rebooted my system. When it came back up my cache drive shows as unmountable, no file system. I have no idea how to recover form this. I have been regularly backing up my libvirt, and appdate using the plugin. Can anyone help? Diagnostics attached. medserver-diagnostics-20180315-1307.zip
  6. Ok, thanks for the clarification. So as of now this does not seem possible. I will revert everything back to bridge as it all works that way. As networking is not my forte, I don't think I would be able to find a solution.
  7. Hi, I recently upgraded to 6.4 and was interesting in running this with its own IP I set the network type to br0 I gave it the container it's own IP I start the container, but I cannot get access to the webui. It does seem like it is running fine as privoxy seems to be working fine. It seems like it is just the UI that I cannot get into. I checked the supervisor log and I don't see any errors. It says nginx is running etc. Any ideas? I have been able to move other containers to their own IP (plex, tuatulli, sonarr, radarr) I also tried this this with the deluge and I have the same issue. I cannot get into the webui. I can however connect to the deluge daemon with the standalone app. My problems seem to be with accessing both webUIs. As soon as I revert back to bridge instead of br0, I can access the webUIs
  8. Ok thank you for your help and for wonderful work.
  9. Thanks for the clarification. One more question if you don't mind. Am I supposed to forwarding the tunnel port on my router? The port that is in the openvpn conf? I ask because I also run an openvpn-as container which uses 1194 and I have to forward that port for it to work. Thanks.
  10. Hello, I have a port forwarding question. I use PIA. When using PIA, how do I know which port is being forwarded? Do I have to change anything inside the rtorrent config with respect to this port? Sometimes I get a yellow triangle with an exclamation point in the check port status section in ruTorrent. I am connecting to an endpoint that allows forwarding. Sometimes everything seems to work fine, other times I cannot seem to connect to all of the seeds and I get slow speeds. Thank you for this great container
  11. Thanks that worked. Big facepalm on my part. I didn't think of it because it was necessary when I set up sonarr/radarr in a similar way.
  12. I've used this exact configuration and it is working for me from the external world using my domain etc... However when configured this way I can no longer access the webui from my local lan. I end up getting a 404 error. Any ideas?
  13. Since the most recent update I seem to be getting this message in my IRC client status window: ZNC is presently running in DEBUG mode. Sensitive data during your current session may be exposed to the host. unless I am mistaken, it seems that debug option is set during compiling. Is there a way to disable this?
  14. This container seems to be using 1.7.x nightly builds. Is there a way to make it use the stable version instead? I don't see an variable in the template to let me do so. Thanks!
  15. Updated and working. Thank you very much for the update!
  16. I was actually able to edit the auth file in appdata and can now make a remote connection. I then used the auto add plugin. Problem solved.
  17. Hello, I was running regular deluge on my desktop, but have I have transitioned to this docker container. I would like to move all of .torrent files over but I am not sure how to do it. The webUI does not allow for adding multiple torrent files at once and since I have 300 of them, I don't want to have to add them one at a time. I tried connecting the desktop client to the docker container using the connection manager on the desktop so that I could use the desktop UI to drag all of the files at once, however I cannot establish a connection. Any ideas how I can move all of my .torrent files over easily?
  18. One of the big new features is this: A completely re-written Content server with support for reading books in-browser on your phone/tablet. Also works in offline mode. So maybe that is why. Thank you for looking into it.
  19. The RDP-Calibre container I am using updated to the latest Calibre v3.0. Since then I cannot reach the server. I am not sure what is relevant in the logs. I did see this: calibre-server: error: no such option: --with-library Any suggestions where to start?
  20. Thanks for the help. So I can look in any linux manual to see the correct syntax for the rules and different options?
  21. So If I understand correctly (after reading the linked post) I need to add a rule giving the IP of my machine that I want to have access to the share?
  22. Hello, I have been using CIFS shares only up until now. I recently got a raspberry pi and wanted to use NFS on one of my shares so that I can mount it on the pi. I enabled NFS I have Export set to YES I have Security set to PRIVATE Rule: is left empty on my pi I issue the command: sudo mount 192.168.x.x:/mnt/user/Media /mnt/nfs The share mounts no problem. I have however, not provided any username or password. The share mounts Read Only. I was under the impression that with security settings set to PRIVATE, only certain users with username/pass would have access to the share. Is this expected behavior that I can still mount read only without that? Thanks
  23. Thank you so much for your response. I got this working in 6.3.2 thanks to your help! Turns out I already had some extra parameters in there for CPU pinning. Do you know how I would separate those to include both?
  24. Hello, is this working in 6.3.2? I cannot get it to work no matter what I do. I am trying to this with the plex server container: I set the network type to NONE then I click at the bottom add container variable. I name it pipework and in the value section I type this: -e 'pipework_cmd=br0 @CONTAINER_NAME@[email protected]' whee my router is I am getting network unreachable error. Any help would be appreciated.
  25. I know that transcoding in RAM has apparently not worked for while. I have a docker that was set up a while ago and was reviewing the settings I had put in: I noticed that I have a host path as /tmp, and a container path as /transcode Within plex I have the temp directory under transcoder set to /transcode. Everything continues to run fine. So if transcoding to RAM is no longer supported and yet everything works, my question is what is Plex actually using for a directory to transcode now with these mappings I have? My goal initially was to have faster transcoding and avoid using my SSD cache to transcode. What is the best practice now? Should I use an unassigned drive outside the array for transcoding?
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