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Everything posted by Longman

  1. Figured it out. You need to delete the .steam folder in your appdata. This seems to happen when you start the container the first time before you've created the games share/directory. As a result, steam will run until a client update is required but since it can't update the right folder, it fails to run.
  2. I've got this same issue as well. Seems to have just popped up in the past few days, maybe as a result of a steam client update? Reinstalling the image doesn't fix it, which I'm assuming means that there's a problem with the template itself.
  3. Background processes that may get spawned by the script or a command in the script do not get aborted Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk Got it, thanks!
  4. Anybody else having problems with the abort command not actually aborting some scripts? If I have a custom script that runs rclone, for example, and I run it in the background and then click abort at a later time, the log appears to show that it is aborting but it doesn't, and the script continues to run and the log continues on as if nothing happened. Any ideas?
  5. It shows up for me. I just browse down to it. Strange, I don't see mine at all. They're mounted, spun up, formatted XFS, nothing unusual, but they never appear under /Disks/ in the drop down. On a command line 'ls /mnt/disks'. You should see your disks. If not, let me know what you see. I get no return when running that command: login as: root Last login: Wed Jan 27 12:17:52 2016 from Linux 4.1.15-unRAID. root@KingsLanding:~# ls /mnt/disks root@KingsLanding:~# The GUI shows them as mounted. I've tried rebooting, unmount/mounting, and reformatting. Any ideas? You have the mount point set to SSD_VM. It should be /mnt/disks/SSD_VM. This is one of the things I don't like about the renaming feature and will probably change it so this won't happen. EDIT: I made a change so the mount point cannot be changed from /mnt/disks/. If you enter just a mount point name 'MyDisk', it will be changed to /mnt/disks/MyDisk. The mount point has to be at /mnt/disks/ for everything to work properly. This will be fixed in the next release. Worked, thanks! And I agree on the change, sorry for the hassle.
  6. It shows up for me. I just browse down to it. Strange, I don't see mine at all. They're mounted, spun up, formatted XFS, nothing unusual, but they never appear under /Disks/ in the drop down. On a command line 'ls /mnt/disks'. You should see your disks. If not, let me know what you see. I get no return when running that command: login as: root Last login: Wed Jan 27 12:17:52 2016 from Linux 4.1.15-unRAID. root@KingsLanding:~# ls /mnt/disks root@KingsLanding:~# The GUI shows them as mounted. I've tried rebooting, unmount/mounting, and reformatting. Any ideas?
  7. It shows up for me. I just browse down to it. Strange, I don't see mine at all. They're mounted, spun up, formatted XFS, nothing unusual, but they never appear under /Disks/ in the drop down.
  8. First of all, thanks for the awesome plug in! Is there anything I need to do to get a mounted drive available in the "Primary vDisk Location" drop down when setting up a VM? My drive isn't appearing under /mnt/Disks/, but I know it's formatted correctly and works because I can read/write to it as a share from another machine.
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