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Posts posted by happyagnostic

  1. tl;dr qcow2 and very large data img file do not open and the backups were happening but have been incomplete.  Who can I contact to potentially recover/read data from .img?


    I'm in a bad situation as this is a production server.


    I hadn't realized our NextCloud VM's had moved to the cache, it's 1.1TB.


    Over the weekend one of my cache drives from a pool took a dive. It looks like it was a faulty cable. I moved the cache drives to new cables to see if that would resolve the issue and the third disk kept throwing errors. I believe the drive had failed. Shut down the unraid, switched out the failed with a new drive.


    One of the other drives were also throwing an error. I tried a reboot. The cache pool was saying it knew the file system was BTRFS, but unmountable.


    I tried usiing the BTRFS restore techniques, to varying degrees of success, but the VM's that I copied weren't working or opening. The logs were showing that it needed to use mirrors to pull the data. The VM's still won't open.


    I tried the BTRFS check repair... last resort. Still nothing.


    I rebooted. The pool mounted, but it is not writable, which I suppose is a good thing.

    The mover doesn't work.


    I've been able rsync items from the pool, but the VM qcow2 and imgs don't work.

    qemu-img info for the boot drive

    file format: qcow2
    virtual size: 40 GiB (42949672960 bytes)
    disk size: 38.3 GiB
    cluster_size: 65536
    Format specific information:
        compat: 1.1
        lazy refcounts: false
        refcount bits: 16
        corrupt: false

    fdisk -l for the drive

    /mnt/disk12/restore07152020_2/mnt/user/domains/NextCloudUbuntu1604/vdisk40G.qcow2: 38.3 GiB, 41119842304 bytes, 80312192 sectors
    Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    No partitions, no anything.


    I've been at this for days and I am unable to go any further. Please help or direct me to someone who can.


  2. @sgt_spike  @Gobs


    To fix the reverse proxy issue for plex if you followed Spaceinvader One’s tutorial

    1. Log into pfsense or whatever firewall

    Create another Port Forwarding Rule as the tutorial showed (or Duplicate one) but set the ports to 32400
    Click Save / Apply


    2. In Unraid > Docker > plex > Edit
    Upper right corner change from Basic View to Advanced View
    Find the field, Extra Parameters:
    Paste the following:
    -p 1900:1900/udp -p 32400:32400/tcp -p 32400:32400/udp -p 32460:32469/tcp -p 32460:32469/udp -p 55353:5353/udp

    Click Apply


    3. Log into your Plex Server > Settings > Remote Access
    Be sure to Check the Checkbox for Manually specify public port and set 32400
    Click Apply



    *I had to change mDNS ports -p 5353:5353/udp to -p 5353:55353 because there was a conflict with mDNS and wouldn't let my docker start properly... there is probably a bug in the container

  3. @FlorinB


    To fix the reverse proxy issue for plex if you followed Spaceinvader One’s tutorial

    1. Log into pfsense or whatever firewall

    Create another Port Forwarding Rule as the tutorial showed (or Duplicate one) but set the ports to 32400
    Click Save / Apply


    2. In Unraid > Docker > plex > Edit
    Upper right corner change from Basic View to Advanced View
    Find the field, Extra Parameters:
    Paste the following:
    -p 1900:1900/udp -p 32400:32400/tcp -p 32400:32400/udp -p 32460:32469/tcp -p 32460:32469/udp -p 55353:5353/udp

    Click Apply


    3. Log into your Plex Server > Settings > Remote Access
    Be sure to Check the Checkbox for Manually specify public port and set 32400
    Click Apply




    I had to change mDNS ports -p 5353:5353/udp to -p 5353:55353 because there was a conflict with mDNS and wouldn't let my docker start properly... there is probably a bug in the container


    You could try step 2. above and see if that resolves the issue for now.


    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, H2O_King89 said:

    It’s because the template is setup for host so no port needs map. If it gets changed to a different network then the port needs map so it is pass.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


    Why limit the template to a host-only network?


    Or rather, may I submit a request to have the Ports populated in the NetworkSettings?

  5. 3 hours ago, FlorinB said:

    After following up the setup described here

    linuxserver/plex docker IP:Port is not transated/mapped to the Uraid IP:Port.

    Plex is reachable over the public web address, but not from my internal LAN.


    Here are some print screens:



    Docker tab: No address/port mapping for Plex.



    Docker allocations:  the revproxy network ip is displayed, however there is no port mapping.



    SSH Shell: docker network list


    So far I had tried the following, without success:

    - Changed the network of the docker to Bridge, as it was initially.

    - Uninstalled Plex and reinstalled it from the custom templates.

    - Rebooted Unraid server.


    Notice that for the others docker containers which are in the custom docker network revproxy there is no issue.


    Diag archive attached: node804-diagnostics-20181004-0146.zip



    Thank you for posting this.

    I am having the identical error and was going to do the screenshots, but yours is exactly it.


    I noticed in the Docker Image the Exposed Ports are defined properly, but


    NetworkSettings: Ports: {}, are empty.


    I believe this is the cause of the issue.


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