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Everything posted by Kuroyukihimeeee

  1. Seems to work great, thank you for your hard work! Only gripe is that the black GUI look all stretched out whilst before it would fit into the middle of the screen. Unsure if this is a bug or an intended change to the UI? Looks much worse imo
  2. Not sure what's gone on, lost power few days back and ever since my VM's are unable to access the network. They all have br0 set as their network device and under network settings eth0 is bridged. On a Windows VM if i set the IP to say it is then able to ping the unraid server on but unable to ping or access anything else, for example where my router is. Have tried the following to resolve the issue. Set all network settings static, rebooted. No change Set all network settings automatic, rebooted. No change Replaced network.cfg with original from fresh unraid download. No change Created another new VM on br0, still has no network access. Can ping the host when a IP is set manually but still nothing more If i assign the VM's virbr0 they are able to access the internet and a tracert shows that it is going from 192.168.X.X to 10.0.0.X to the internet however then they are not on the same network segment, something i need them to do. Also verified other devices can get DHCP and internet access, so its not my routers end. Its between unraid and br0 Is there any way to reset the br0 or entire networking of unraid? Replaced network.cfg but it seems to have made no difference. Diags attached Please help, your my only hope! avalon-diagnostics-20170307-0532.zip
  3. Had 2 of them cards in the past if i remember correctly or a very similar Fujitsu card. Several hours wasted attempting to flash them, one left bricked. Fujitsu seems to have changed something on the card so it will not recognise stock LSI firmware. Link below to a really good flashing thread along with problems i encountered with Fujitsu cards https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=12767.msg469057;topicseen#msg469057 Edit, as Fireball3 put it on that thread "Although the card may be "just rebranded", probably there are checks in place to prevent crossflashing with LSI or other firmware."
  4. aptalca and CHBMB thank you so much All working now! You guys rock. Now can get some ports closed and some services running securely with a nice SSL Labs A+ rating
  5. Hey all. This is probably stupidly simple but beginner with nginx configs, 4 hours and many many google searches later im not too much further into my problem. Essentially i have stats.domain.co.uk loading up PlexPy perfectly using letsencrypt. Now trying to get requests.domain.co.uk to point to Plex Requests. My default config file below. The first and second "server_name" seem to work perfectly. http traffic is denied and https gets to PlexPy perfectly, but the 3rd server_name doesnt make it to Plex Requests. Tried even using the stats.domain.co.uk with the port for Requests and that works fine so doesnt seem to be the Docker. Any pointers as to what i need to change below? Just want requests.domain.co.uk to work alongside stats.domain.co.uk # redirect all traffic to https server { listen 80; server_name _; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } server { listen 443 ssl; root /config/www; index index.html index.htm index.php; server_name stats.*; ssl_certificate /config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /config/keys/letsencrypt/privkey.pem; ssl_dhparam /config/nginx/dhparams.pem; ssl_ciphers 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES128-GCM-SHA256:kEDH+AESGCM:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:DHE-DSS-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:AES128-GCM-SHA256:AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES128-SHA256:AES256-SHA256:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:AES:CAMELLIA:DES-CBC3-SHA:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK:!aECDH:!EDH-DSS-DES-CBC3-SHA:!EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:!KRB5-DES-CBC3-SHA'; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; client_max_body_size 0; #PLEX STATS location / { # auth_basic "Restricted"; # auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass; } } server { listen 443 ssl; root /config/www; index index.html index.htm index.php; server_name requests.*; ssl_certificate /config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /config/keys/letsencrypt/privkey.pem; ssl_dhparam /config/nginx/dhparams.pem; ssl_ciphers 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES128-GCM-SHA256:kEDH+AESGCM:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:DHE-DSS-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:AES128-GCM-SHA256:AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES128-SHA256:AES256-SHA256:AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:AES:CAMELLIA:DES-CBC3-SHA:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK:!aECDH:!EDH-DSS-DES-CBC3-SHA:!EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:!KRB5-DES-CBC3-SHA'; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; client_max_body_size 0; #PLEX REQUESTS location / { # auth_basic "Restricted"; # auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass; } }
  6. Tried force user = nobody, now finding Couchpotato cant delete/rename movies and i still have to run new permissions on my desktop share. So strange, thinking of just turning it all off again and leaving it unprotected if i can, not secure at all but running that utility all the time is such a pain in the as. Edit after some google, "read only = no" added into smb
  7. Might have to dig around. Quick search cant find them in sickrage on qbittorrent. Super strange this had no issues before with no user accounts, now i add 1, set all shares to private with read/write to that account though it started being an issue
  8. Hey all, Recently set up some user accounts on my server but i am finding that qbittorrent, sickrage, etc seem to "lock" files to the wrong permissions now and i cant copy, rename, etc without first running the new permissions tool every time a new file is added. Before and after for permissions below. All the dockers are set to 99:100 for user and group, do i need to be setting it to something different? I just get the error "You need permission from SERVERNAME\nobody to edit this file" whenever i try to do something. What should i be setting the user and group to to allow everybody read/write permissions?
  9. Might have to look into them. Might take a while, (9TB of data would need to be placed somewhere) Still something seems off. Thinking in the next few months of building an entirely new server anyway so might just throw in the towel for now and see if the new server performs better.
  10. Did a little more tweaking on this using a 10GB test file. Now managing to get about 700MB/s reads from the cache to a ramdisk but its not sustained, seems to go up for a second or so then go back to standard 350-400MB/s. Top screenshot below. Writing still seems to be capped at 525MB/s solid. No drops or anything, it just refuses to go higher. Still stumped by this, seems to be showing improvement from changes i have made, but still not what it should be. Made these tweaks below from this link to my sysctl.conf file - http://dak1n1.com/blog/7-performance-tuning-intel-10gbe/ # -- tuning -- # # Increase system file descriptor limit fs.file-max = 65535 # Increase system IP port range to allow for more concurrent connections net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000 # -- 10gbe tuning from Intel ixgb driver README -- # # turn off selective ACK and timestamps net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0 net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0 # memory allocation min/pressure/max. # read buffer, write buffer, and buffer space net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 10000000 10000000 10000000 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 10000000 10000000 10000000 net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 10000000 10000000 10000000 net.core.rmem_max = 524287 net.core.wmem_max = 524287 net.core.rmem_default = 524287 net.core.wmem_default = 524287 net.core.optmem_max = 524287 net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 300000
  11. So directly to array with no cache SSD looks like this. Starts at about 200MB/s solid then drops down to the slow speeds. Im assuming parity calculations, HBA,etc and all that is why its so slow right to the disk. Array is all WD Red 3TB's. 3 data, 1 parity. Tried taking out all other add-in cards so only cards left are the NIC and HBA which should free up more lanes and CPU resources for them, both in 16x PCIE2 slots. Both of them however only have 8x connections on the bottom so will be limited to the 8x speeds, but still this should be more than enough. I highly doubt intel would make a 2x 10gbe connection NIC that does not have the bandwidth available to it. Same for the LSI based HBA. Since swapping PCI slots and removing other cards, i see a different message in the syslog about bandwidth though, no warning this time. Jul 25 22:40:55 AVALON kernel: Intel(R) 10 Gigabit PCI Express Network Driver - version 4.3.13 Jul 25 22:40:55 AVALON kernel: Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Intel Corporation. Jul 25 22:40:56 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:02:00.0: PCI Express bandwidth of 32GT/s available Jul 25 22:40:56 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:02:00.0: (Speed:5.0GT/s, Width: x8, Encoding Loss:20%) Jul 25 22:40:56 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:02:00.0 eth0: MAC: 3, PHY: 3, PBA No: G36748-005 Jul 25 22:40:56 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:02:00.0: a0:36:9f:3c:59:88 Jul 25 22:40:56 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:02:00.0 eth0: Enabled Features: RxQ: 16 TxQ: 16 FdirHash Jul 25 22:40:56 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:02:00.0 eth0: Intel(R) 10 Gigabit Network Connection Jul 25 22:40:57 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:02:00.1: PCI Express bandwidth of 32GT/s available Jul 25 22:40:57 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:02:00.1: (Speed:5.0GT/s, Width: x8, Encoding Loss:20%)
  12. Just gave it a go with a 15.5GB file. Still solid transfer speeds (from about 525MB/s to 485MB/s so i dont think its NIC related at the moment, might try tomorrow making sure my HBA and NIC are both on PCIE2 16x slots to see if i can find any performance gain. I mean its still a super clean 5GBe transfer, but still half what it should be.
  13. Hey all, Having a small issue. Basically im trying to work out where my system is having the bottleneck for its cache speeds. Currently the cache is running 3x 850 120gb SSD's setup to use btrfs RAID0 with the -dconvert=raid0 command. No matter what i try though, i seem to keep hitting this limit of about 458MB/s write and around 355MB/s read. Tried using different HBA controllers for SSD's, different PCIE sockets and still no change. My HBA cards currently are only Dell H200 passing the disks directly to unRAID, i appreciate these are not the most powerful cards on the planet so suspect these could be the issue, but i had the same problem when running directly off the SATA2 ports on the motherboard too. Tried using hdparm -tT on one of the SSD's and it reports that it can do Timing cached reads: 16800 MB in 2.00 seconds = 8409.01 MB/sec and Timing buffered disk reads: 1394 MB in 3.00 seconds = 464.27 MB/sec. Not sure if this is useful at all, just that them buffered disk reads seem to be very very close to the ramdisk to cache array speeds. Both clients have a Intel X540-T2 10GBe network card and are connected using a CAT7 cable. Both have been tried using 1500MTU up to 9014, virtually no change. unRAID has 8 cores, 16 threads and gets up to about 30% usage when copying over, the other system has a i7 4790k and uses about 15% when copying so im fairly sure its not a processor issue. Again im not sure if this is just a blatant message pointing out the issue, but syslog does have these messages about the H200 and the X540-T2 when booting. Jul 18 23:21:48 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:04:00.0 eth0: Intel(R) 10 Gigabit Network Connection Jul 18 23:21:49 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:04:00.1: PCI Express bandwidth of 8GT/s available Jul 18 23:21:49 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:04:00.1: (Speed:2.5GT/s, Width: x4, Encoding Loss:20%) Jul 18 23:21:49 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:04:00.1: This is not sufficient for optimal performance of this card. Jul 18 23:21:49 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:04:00.1: For optimal performance, at least 20GT/s of bandwidth is required. Jul 18 23:21:49 AVALON kernel: ixgbe 0000:04:00.1: A slot with more lanes and/or higher speed is suggested. Just wondering if anybody has any tips to break this barrier i seem to be hitting? Or is there just a system bottleneck i haven't identified yet? Its almost like unRAID is ignoring the RAID0 of the cache and only writing/reading from a single SSD at any one time? avalon-diagnostics-20160725-1550.zip
  14. Perfect thanks, ran the repair and it found some corrupted metadata. Will keep an eye on it over the next few hours to see if it drops again. Any ideas what usually causes this? Been rock solid over the past few weeks
  15. Hey all, recently upgraded to RC2 and RC1, pretty sure this is unrelated but at the same time my array started having issues My log is filled with constant errors shown below. I/O errors on Windows based machines trying to write to the array aswell "Jul 16 12:00:58 AVALON kernel: XFS (md3): xfs_log_force: error -5 returned." All disks were showing as active but an entire disk worth of files was just missing. Rebooted array and it came back, but im going to keep a close eye on it now All SMART tests come back clear, drives are 3-4 months old yet an entire drive dropped without unraid even noticing... I kept logs open and watch Plex as normal, about 10 mins after booting array this kicks in with red. Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: XFS (md3): Internal error XFS_WANT_CORRUPTED_GOTO at line 1635 of file fs/xfs/libxfs/xfs_alloc.c. Caller xfs_alloc_fix_freelist+0x155/0x2de Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: CPU: 7 PID: 22360 Comm: kworker/u34:7 Tainted: G IO 4.4.15-unRAID #1 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: Hardware name: FUJITSU CELSIUS R570-2 /D2628-C1, BIOS 6.00 R1.22.2628.C1 12/19/2011 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: Workqueue: writeback wb_workfn (flush-9:3) Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: 0000000000000000 ffff88050f8cb480 ffffffff81369dfe ffff8804ea7f8000 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: 0000000000000001 ffff88050f8cb498 ffffffff81274baa ffffffff812457e0 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: ffff88050f8cb510 ffffffff81244eb1 0000000300000001 ffff8801ad7ec780 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: Call Trace: Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81369dfe>] dump_stack+0x61/0x7e Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81274baa>] xfs_error_report+0x32/0x35 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff812457e0>] ? xfs_alloc_fix_freelist+0x155/0x2de Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81244eb1>] xfs_free_ag_extent+0x13d/0x558 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81243ee2>] ? xfs_alloc_get_freelist+0x135/0x14d Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff812457e0>] xfs_alloc_fix_freelist+0x155/0x2de Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126b1cd>] ? xfs_perag_get+0x3a/0x44 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81245bb2>] xfs_alloc_vextent+0x249/0x3a3 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81251251>] xfs_bmap_btalloc+0x3c8/0x598 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8125142a>] xfs_bmap_alloc+0x9/0xb Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81251cbe>] xfs_bmapi_write+0x40e/0x80f Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8127cd9d>] xfs_iomap_write_allocate+0x1c1/0x2bd Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126dc40>] xfs_map_blocks+0x134/0x143 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126e8e7>] xfs_vm_writepage+0x287/0x483 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c0eb2>] __writepage+0xe/0x26 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c1372>] write_cache_pages+0x249/0x351 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c0ea4>] ? mapping_tagged+0xf/0xf Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c14c2>] generic_writepages+0x48/0x67 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8137a240>] ? find_next_bit+0x15/0x1b Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8136a14d>] ? fprop_fraction_percpu+0x32/0x72 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126daef>] xfs_vm_writepages+0x3f/0x47 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126daef>] ? xfs_vm_writepages+0x3f/0x47 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c2e31>] do_writepages+0x1b/0x24 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81129a8f>] __writeback_single_inode+0x3d/0x151 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a044>] writeback_sb_inodes+0x20d/0x3ad Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a255>] __writeback_inodes_wb+0x71/0xa9 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a43b>] wb_writeback+0x10b/0x195 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a984>] wb_workfn+0x18e/0x22b Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a984>] ? wb_workfn+0x18e/0x22b Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105acd4>] process_one_work+0x194/0x2a0 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105b68a>] worker_thread+0x26b/0x353 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105b41f>] ? rescuer_thread+0x285/0x285 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105f910>] kthread+0xcd/0xd5 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105f843>] ? kthread_worker_fn+0x137/0x137 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff816232bf>] ret_from_fork+0x3f/0x70 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105f843>] ? kthread_worker_fn+0x137/0x137 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: XFS (md3): Internal error xfs_trans_cancel at line 990 of file fs/xfs/xfs_trans.c. Caller xfs_iomap_write_allocate+0x298/0x2bd Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: CPU: 7 PID: 22360 Comm: kworker/u34:7 Tainted: G IO 4.4.15-unRAID #1 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: Hardware name: FUJITSU CELSIUS R570-2 /D2628-C1, BIOS 6.00 R1.22.2628.C1 12/19/2011 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: Workqueue: writeback wb_workfn (flush-9:3) Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: 0000000000000000 ffff88050f8cb820 ffffffff81369dfe ffff8804ba061790 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: 0000000000000101 ffff88050f8cb838 ffffffff81274baa ffffffff8127ce74 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: ffff88050f8cb860 ffffffff81288dc0 ffff8800cc6ef800 0000000000053e82 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: Call Trace: Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81369dfe>] dump_stack+0x61/0x7e Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81274baa>] xfs_error_report+0x32/0x35 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8127ce74>] ? xfs_iomap_write_allocate+0x298/0x2bd Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81288dc0>] xfs_trans_cancel+0x49/0xbf Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8127ce74>] xfs_iomap_write_allocate+0x298/0x2bd Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126dc40>] xfs_map_blocks+0x134/0x143 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126e8e7>] xfs_vm_writepage+0x287/0x483 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c0eb2>] __writepage+0xe/0x26 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c1372>] write_cache_pages+0x249/0x351 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c0ea4>] ? mapping_tagged+0xf/0xf Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c14c2>] generic_writepages+0x48/0x67 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8137a240>] ? find_next_bit+0x15/0x1b Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8136a14d>] ? fprop_fraction_percpu+0x32/0x72 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126daef>] xfs_vm_writepages+0x3f/0x47 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126daef>] ? xfs_vm_writepages+0x3f/0x47 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c2e31>] do_writepages+0x1b/0x24 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81129a8f>] __writeback_single_inode+0x3d/0x151 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a044>] writeback_sb_inodes+0x20d/0x3ad Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a255>] __writeback_inodes_wb+0x71/0xa9 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a43b>] wb_writeback+0x10b/0x195 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a984>] wb_workfn+0x18e/0x22b Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a984>] ? wb_workfn+0x18e/0x22b Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105acd4>] process_one_work+0x194/0x2a0 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105b68a>] worker_thread+0x26b/0x353 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105b41f>] ? rescuer_thread+0x285/0x285 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105f910>] kthread+0xcd/0xd5 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105f843>] ? kthread_worker_fn+0x137/0x137 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff816232bf>] ret_from_fork+0x3f/0x70 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105f843>] ? kthread_worker_fn+0x137/0x137 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: XFS (md3): xfs_do_force_shutdown(0x8) called from line 991 of file fs/xfs/xfs_trans.c. Return address = 0xffffffff81288dd9 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: XFS (md3): Corruption of in-memory data detected. Shutting down filesystem Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: XFS (md3): Please umount the filesystem and rectify the problem(s) Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_read: read: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_read: read: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_read: read: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_read: read: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_read: read: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_read: read: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Ran memtest all night, came back with 3 passes and 0 errors so still running now but does anybody have any ideas as to what the problem could be? Never had any issues in the past, array keeps running like normal but the drive that is dropping out obviously means the files on that cant be accessed. Can still open the folders but the files inside them are missing. If i take down the array and then reboot it it works perfectly though for another 10 mins or so until the error kicks in again avalon-diagnostics-20160716-1447.zip
  16. my experience is that this normally means the disk has dropped offline. You were right All disks were showing as active but an entire disk worth of files was just missing. Rebooted array and it came back, but im going to keep a close eye on it now All SMART tests come back clear, drives are 3-4 months old yet an entire drive dropped without unraid even noticing... I kept logs open and watch Plex as normal, about 10 mins after booting array this kicks in with red. Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: XFS (md3): Internal error XFS_WANT_CORRUPTED_GOTO at line 1635 of file fs/xfs/libxfs/xfs_alloc.c. Caller xfs_alloc_fix_freelist+0x155/0x2de Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: CPU: 7 PID: 22360 Comm: kworker/u34:7 Tainted: G IO 4.4.15-unRAID #1 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: Hardware name: FUJITSU CELSIUS R570-2 /D2628-C1, BIOS 6.00 R1.22.2628.C1 12/19/2011 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: Workqueue: writeback wb_workfn (flush-9:3) Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: 0000000000000000 ffff88050f8cb480 ffffffff81369dfe ffff8804ea7f8000 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: 0000000000000001 ffff88050f8cb498 ffffffff81274baa ffffffff812457e0 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: ffff88050f8cb510 ffffffff81244eb1 0000000300000001 ffff8801ad7ec780 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: Call Trace: Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81369dfe>] dump_stack+0x61/0x7e Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81274baa>] xfs_error_report+0x32/0x35 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff812457e0>] ? xfs_alloc_fix_freelist+0x155/0x2de Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81244eb1>] xfs_free_ag_extent+0x13d/0x558 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81243ee2>] ? xfs_alloc_get_freelist+0x135/0x14d Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff812457e0>] xfs_alloc_fix_freelist+0x155/0x2de Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126b1cd>] ? xfs_perag_get+0x3a/0x44 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81245bb2>] xfs_alloc_vextent+0x249/0x3a3 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81251251>] xfs_bmap_btalloc+0x3c8/0x598 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8125142a>] xfs_bmap_alloc+0x9/0xb Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81251cbe>] xfs_bmapi_write+0x40e/0x80f Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8127cd9d>] xfs_iomap_write_allocate+0x1c1/0x2bd Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126dc40>] xfs_map_blocks+0x134/0x143 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126e8e7>] xfs_vm_writepage+0x287/0x483 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c0eb2>] __writepage+0xe/0x26 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c1372>] write_cache_pages+0x249/0x351 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c0ea4>] ? mapping_tagged+0xf/0xf Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c14c2>] generic_writepages+0x48/0x67 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8137a240>] ? find_next_bit+0x15/0x1b Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8136a14d>] ? fprop_fraction_percpu+0x32/0x72 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126daef>] xfs_vm_writepages+0x3f/0x47 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126daef>] ? xfs_vm_writepages+0x3f/0x47 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c2e31>] do_writepages+0x1b/0x24 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81129a8f>] __writeback_single_inode+0x3d/0x151 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a044>] writeback_sb_inodes+0x20d/0x3ad Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a255>] __writeback_inodes_wb+0x71/0xa9 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a43b>] wb_writeback+0x10b/0x195 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a984>] wb_workfn+0x18e/0x22b Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a984>] ? wb_workfn+0x18e/0x22b Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105acd4>] process_one_work+0x194/0x2a0 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105b68a>] worker_thread+0x26b/0x353 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105b41f>] ? rescuer_thread+0x285/0x285 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105f910>] kthread+0xcd/0xd5 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105f843>] ? kthread_worker_fn+0x137/0x137 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff816232bf>] ret_from_fork+0x3f/0x70 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105f843>] ? kthread_worker_fn+0x137/0x137 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: XFS (md3): Internal error xfs_trans_cancel at line 990 of file fs/xfs/xfs_trans.c. Caller xfs_iomap_write_allocate+0x298/0x2bd Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: CPU: 7 PID: 22360 Comm: kworker/u34:7 Tainted: G IO 4.4.15-unRAID #1 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: Hardware name: FUJITSU CELSIUS R570-2 /D2628-C1, BIOS 6.00 R1.22.2628.C1 12/19/2011 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: Workqueue: writeback wb_workfn (flush-9:3) Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: 0000000000000000 ffff88050f8cb820 ffffffff81369dfe ffff8804ba061790 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: 0000000000000101 ffff88050f8cb838 ffffffff81274baa ffffffff8127ce74 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: ffff88050f8cb860 ffffffff81288dc0 ffff8800cc6ef800 0000000000053e82 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: Call Trace: Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81369dfe>] dump_stack+0x61/0x7e Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81274baa>] xfs_error_report+0x32/0x35 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8127ce74>] ? xfs_iomap_write_allocate+0x298/0x2bd Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81288dc0>] xfs_trans_cancel+0x49/0xbf Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8127ce74>] xfs_iomap_write_allocate+0x298/0x2bd Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126dc40>] xfs_map_blocks+0x134/0x143 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126e8e7>] xfs_vm_writepage+0x287/0x483 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c0eb2>] __writepage+0xe/0x26 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c1372>] write_cache_pages+0x249/0x351 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c0ea4>] ? mapping_tagged+0xf/0xf Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c14c2>] generic_writepages+0x48/0x67 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8137a240>] ? find_next_bit+0x15/0x1b Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8136a14d>] ? fprop_fraction_percpu+0x32/0x72 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126daef>] xfs_vm_writepages+0x3f/0x47 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8126daef>] ? xfs_vm_writepages+0x3f/0x47 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff810c2e31>] do_writepages+0x1b/0x24 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff81129a8f>] __writeback_single_inode+0x3d/0x151 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a044>] writeback_sb_inodes+0x20d/0x3ad Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a255>] __writeback_inodes_wb+0x71/0xa9 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a43b>] wb_writeback+0x10b/0x195 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a984>] wb_workfn+0x18e/0x22b Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8112a984>] ? wb_workfn+0x18e/0x22b Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105acd4>] process_one_work+0x194/0x2a0 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105b68a>] worker_thread+0x26b/0x353 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105b41f>] ? rescuer_thread+0x285/0x285 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105f910>] kthread+0xcd/0xd5 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105f843>] ? kthread_worker_fn+0x137/0x137 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff816232bf>] ret_from_fork+0x3f/0x70 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: [<ffffffff8105f843>] ? kthread_worker_fn+0x137/0x137 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: XFS (md3): xfs_do_force_shutdown(0x8) called from line 991 of file fs/xfs/xfs_trans.c. Return address = 0xffffffff81288dd9 Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: XFS (md3): Corruption of in-memory data detected. Shutting down filesystem Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON kernel: XFS (md3): Please umount the filesystem and rectify the problem(s) Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_read: read: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_read: read: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_read: read: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_read: read: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_read: read: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:44 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_read: read: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Jul 16 19:46:45 AVALON shfs/user0: shfs_write: write: (5) Input/output error Going to run memtest now. Seems to be RAM related
  17. I would suggest that you follow the request (see first post in this thread) to attach your Diagnostics file to your post if you want a definite diagnoses. Your description is most likely the result of the problem and not the cause of the actual problem. Diag attached. Was more posting to see if this was just a know issue others are experiencing avalon-diagnostics-20160716-1447.zip
  18. Anybody else seeing loads of XFS errors since this update? My log is filled with constant errors shown below. I/O errors on Windows based machines trying to write to the array aswell "Jul 16 12:00:58 AVALON kernel: XFS (md3): xfs_log_force: error -5 returned."
  19. Been using PIA here for over 2 years, works perfectly in my cases. No issues and decent price. Mostly use UK London since its my closest server
  20. In your log are you seeing any errors like "failed to mount". Think there is an issue with it mounting an image that VM's need. When i tried the beta my VM's really were not happy and failed to start.
  21. Worked perfectly, ended up keeping my go file for some custom network binds and ensuring that all disks were in the right place so no data was lost. Only thing i had to do was set all shares to use cache drives again and that was pretty much it. Running much more stable now, excellent work on the wiki page. Hell, even my array is performing almost double its old speed in some cases! Something must have been really wrong with my old install.
  22. Cheers guys for the pointers, Going to take down the server in the next few hours, hopefully should be quick and painless!
  23. So im wondering if its possible to reinstall unRAID from scratch, ie wiping the flash drive and downloading a fresh copy and starting over. Checked wiki and forums, some say yes, some say no. Quite vague information is all i can really find and im not up for risking my data. Reasons for reinstalling is that unRAID is just causing so many issues right now i just want to nuke and start over. It will not shut down without a hard reset, dockers randomly loose file permissions resulting in me having to run the new permissions utility at least 5 times a day, array often crashes or freezes. Over my time with it, i have made many tweaks to the go file, upgraded, downgraded, swapped hardware and at this point i think it would just be faster to just start over rather than backtrack every tweak, plugin, addon, docker, etc to see where something is slightly wrong. My only concern is that i want to keep my existing array without losing data. Will unRAID just import its old array or do i need to grab some files and put them on the fresh install if its possible? I cant really dump the array anywhere because i dont have 9TB of storage laying around to use Thanks in advance!
  24. Sorry for delay, only just seen this had a reply I just added the lines to my go file. **your server**\flash\config\go.cfg Mine looks like this, highlighted which parts i added