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Everything posted by Joseph

  1. OMG! First, I love, Love, LOVE this!! Its the closest thing I've seen so far that makes me want to upgrade my production unRAID box off of 6.5.3. (See my feature request below about my disappointment with the button/tab colors being too harsh in v6.6) Within my post, @digitalformula mentions something about CSS as well... So tell me, what is this Stylus chrome plugin and how where do I learn about making CSS changes? With a little luck, I might be able to make a few changes to v6.6 myself. PS. Is there any way you can share your banner/CSS with the community? Its really Slick! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  2. I agree with every point you've made. The right thing for EMBY to do is to push a warning out to the EMBY dashboard to let everyone know. A peripheral thought is I would hope the devs for unRAID would give its community full notice if something this egregious was ever discovered on an unRAID stable release.
  3. Is it possible to setup a container so that files can only be added or changed, but not deleted/destroyed? I think windows has that option through its permissions interface. IMHO, as far as Emby goes, the devs ought to just remove the media KILL switch and one can use Krusader or samba if they want to delete something.
  4. Thanks for point that out... I too will research the topic.
  5. Man that sucks! ๐Ÿ™ I use the recycle bin and from what I can tell, any media that I delete in EMBY does not go in the bin.... so +1 for some kind of data loss prevention feature to be built in to future releases of unRAID.
  6. ๐Ÿ‘ Hopefully they'll release a stable branch soon so I can try it.
  7. So nvidia cards can't be used with these unRAID dockers: EMBY (to transcode) or Handbrake (to encode x265)?
  8. Other random thoughts: Seems like the ribbon adapters in theory should work... I don't see why they have such mixed reviews on amazon. Also, they sell external enclosures for 16x cards, but they're kinda pricey
  9. lol, so true! If it was just a test bench mobo, I'd give it a shot. ๐Ÿคช
  10. I'm with you on the ribbon cable idea, it does makes more sense so a card can be mounted elsewhere in the chassis. The ones I saw on amazon had mixed reviews, and my nephew says he's never been able to successfully get one to work; which is why I created this thread. I might be looking at just waiting it out until I get an upgraded server that properly supports 16x cards. ๐Ÿ˜•
  11. I've seen the videos... thanks, but not gonna risk damage to my server mobo by cutting off the back end of a slot bracket or a 16x PCIe card by sawing off the "extra" teeth๐Ÿ”จ ๐Ÿ˜ฒ; which is why I was looking for a 16x to 8x adapter. ๐Ÿ˜†
  12. Good to know, thank you. Sounds like I need to do more research before I get one. That's what I thought, which is why I was looking for a 16x to 8x adapter.
  13. Thanks for your prompt reply. I didn't realize you could just plug a 16x into an 8x slot. I thought the teeth on the 16x would hit the back side of the 8x slot preventing it from properly seating in the slot.
  14. Hi unRAIDers, My main unRAID box has onboard video for basic viewing only and several 8x PCIe slots. I want to add a beefy GFX card (perhaps a Geforce 1080ti) to help with video transcoding/streaming. Can anyone share their experiences with 16x to 8x adapter cards and/or offer a recommendation for adding a GFX card? Many Thanks!
  15. oic. I'll wait it out until there's a stable release.
  16. Does unRAID support animated gif banners?
  17. That looks awesome! What theme are you using? My dashboard doesn't look that good. (v6.6.6) (I like how your items are separated in to columns with boxes.)
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