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Community Answers

  1. Just asking out of curiosity, I was running the old docker for years and recently changed to this new one, I see a lot of people requiring the absolute latest updates, can I ask why? I have been running old versions without issues for years, what am I missing 😄
  2. Ah, ok, I have 2 different controllers in this machine, I will move to the other one, thank you!
  3. Oh, is this an inherent problem on these drives? If I were to try and RMA it, what does the diag say is actually the problem? The smart is ok, but I cannot find a fault code or similar to report for the RMA? Thank you
  4. Oh! After all these years, never noticed that! thanks!
  5. Thank you, so there is a reason, even though I do not know what FUSE is/is doing (I will investigate) Can you please enlighten me on the setting the pools to exclusive? I really do not know what you mean? Thank you!
  6. Hi, I have 3 different NVME pools on my main server as pictured. All tests have been done using midnight commander. If I copy between any of the pools using /mnt/cache - /mnt/cachetwo - /mnt/Nvmepool I get 450-500 mb/s which is great, but if I copy from any of those pools to a user share I only get around 150mb/s ? I don't understand this as the shares are set to use the NVME cache pools and parity drive is not being used when writing to the pools so why are file transfers slower when writing to user shares? Any guidance would be very appreciated! unraid1-diagnostics-20240915-1036.zip
  7. Thank you, I think I will remove it and try my luck RMA'ing it, worth a shot?
  8. Hi, A month ago, I had a Toshiba X300 8TB Fail, I copied the data from it and re-introduced it back into the server in a different slot (SAS Backplane) So, a month on, and it has failed again, so I am once again copying the data from it to re-introduce it back to the server. Can anyone please take a look at the diags, I have a year warranty left on it but do I have grounds to return it as it works perfectly except unraid is reporting it as failed? Many thanks! unraid1-diagnostics-20240905-1834.zip
  9. Hi, I have had everything running via cloudflare tunnel, followed @SpaceInvaderOne guide but after a month I have received an email from cloudflare advising me of my analytics, 44.63K requests! 507 visits! Is this something I should be concerned about? I have 6 family members using immich on their phones for my setup.
  10. i ended up creating a new 2TB nvme pool with 2x2TB nvme drives, works.great!
  11. OK, thank you, I have a Server rack with SAS backplane so only one cable so hopefully just a "glitch" I have removed and re-inserted so fingers crossed it should be ok! Thanks again, I will do this now 🙂
  12. Attached, Many thanks! unraid1-diagnostics-20240809-1236.zip
  13. I never unassigned any disks but the disk is showing in the unassigned section, what is the best way to recover from this please?
  14. Hi, I had a drive remove itself from the pool due to read errors showing contents emulated. I have a new drive arriving today but had to reboot for a different reason and now the drive is showing as not installed? It does show the correct usage of the old disk but wonder if this is going to cause me problems when I install a new drive later?
  15. Hi, I am getting an inotify error with "For the following folders an error occurred while starting to watch for changes. It will be retried every minute, so the errors might go away soon. If they persist, try to fix the underlying issue and ask for help if you can't.  Support Immichfailed to setup inotify handler. Please increase inotify limits, see https://docs.syncthing.net/users/faq.html#inotify-limits" I have searched but little info on how to increase inotify limits on a container? Can anyone offer any advice please?
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