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Posts posted by Vr2Io

  1. 2 hours ago, dwilson2547 said:

    Same behavior on both boxes 


    Both box got same behaviour ? This strange.


    In general, display will blank due to saving suspension, but once press any key, monitor output will resume.


    For immediate shutdown behaviour on power outage (different UPS), I don't thing this related, it is because power unstable won't cause crash, system will just reboot or keep in power off.

  2. I apply routing (Pihole) and install duplicate docker for different need, to install duplicate docker really easy, just copy the template then change its name and appdata path.



    3 hours ago, firstTimer said:

    there is teleport function/app


    I don't like that method, it will affect network traffic and cause security concern.

  3. 5 hours ago, firstTimer said:

    do you have any suggestion?

    Most people will apply dynamic DNS service to register a domain to map your ISP IP, then open necessary port ( i.e. HA is TCP 8123 ) at your router and point to the IP of HA. But this may be dangerous,  so people will limit the internet IP range to allow access or add reverse proxy between them. There are many free dyn DNS service provider, you could try Google Duck DNS https://www.duckdns.org . For HA, Android have HA apps, this would provide much great user experience then web browser to access on mobile device. Once you have a domain, you can open different port for different service for internet access.


    5 hours ago, firstTimer said:

    I suspect that firewall rules that blocks VLAN to communicate with other VLANs

    This normal, router default won't routing traffic between different subnet / vlan, it default only routing private traffic to internet. So you need set routing rule, i.e. the rule for other subnet to access Pihole. There are also another method was each subnet ( vlan ) have its own Pihole, then you don't need additional routing.




  4. If a device at same subnet and vlan of eth0 (local), then no much reason will unreachable when docker service start.


    If still that, pls try unplug eth1 cable before docker start. Not much idea.


    Pls also try access UI by putting client in eth1 same vlan and 30.X subnet.


    To eliminate network / switch related, direct connect Unraid and client then stat docker service .... also a step to troubleshooting.


    ** Pls also confirm Pihole haven't turn on DHCP server function **

  5. I found abnormal on docker part, there are no gateway in 30.X and 60.X, pls check why. It should auto copy from network setting.


    This may be why UI lost when you start docker as gateway gone and you access the UI were route through UDM and Unraid instead locally.



  6. 1st suggestion if I use two ethernet port in Unraid.


    Don't set same untag network to eth0 and eth1.


    Pls setting untag 6 ( just don't same as eth0 ) and tag 6 to eth1 port. Or simple blank the setting in eth1 setting and only keep lower part vlan6.

    That means 20.X and 60.X truly seperate from eth0 30.X first.


    Then check does problem gone.

  7. 18 minutes ago, firstTimer said:

    Unraid UI immediately ( I use tailscale as plugin).

    I wrongly identify it under docker or VM.


    18 minutes ago, firstTimer said:

    the issue disappear is when I start the Unraid Server without docker

    Pls post more detail in network and docker setting.


    18 minutes ago, firstTimer said:

    The only "weird" container that use VLAN network instead of a bridge type of network are homeAssistant and pihole.

    You found I have both too, and it can run under different vlan without any problem. But I don't use bridge mode. But I don't thing bridge mode will cause any problem.

  8. You use IP or domain to access Unraid GUI ?? Pls try use IP.


    If Unraid GUI unreachable, there should because two reason


    1.  Unraid GUI web service crash, pls check any abnormal from syslog.

    2. Unraid MAC address resolve wrong


    to verify, type below command ( if Windows ) and check the MAC address correct or not


    arp -d

    ping -n 1 ( Unraid IP )

    arp -a ( mark down the MAC address of Unraid )


    < Start docker / VM > and Unraid unreachable


    ping -n 1 ( Unraid IP )

    arp -a ( Check does MAC address still show and correct )





  9. 9 hours ago, firstTimer said:

    What confused me, I think is that even though each LAN port of the MB has a different MAC Address (just last octet changed) they are "recognized" badly

    For me this not a problem, you will found I only use one port for all service, so many mac address under same port. I only care about what IP assignment make me easy to identify what they are.


    For example


    1xx was mobile device in "Internet valn"

    1st sister 11x ( so allow 0-9 device )

    2nd sister 12x

    3rd brother 13x




    And I use Wireshark to capture some important traffic too, i.e. DHCP assignment, easy to check in one place what device have access network



  10. 13 minutes ago, firstTimer said:


    Yes all these vlans use same subnet mask :)

    So to recap, in the end I will have a network like this:

    3 VLANS:

    • Unraid
    • IoT
    • InternalServices

    Physical connections:

    • LAN1 of UnraidServer --> VLAN Unraid
    • LAN2 of UnraidServer --> VLAN InternalServices

    VLAN Connections:

    • HomeAssistant "phisically" connected on LAN2 but gets an IP from IoT VLAN
    • 2 Win11 VMs "phisically" connected on LAN2 but get IPs from InternalServices

    Seems good to you? :)

    What confused me, I think is that even though each LAN port of the MB has a different MAC Address (just last octet changed) they are "recognized" badly




    I ( in fact most people ) will setting like that to separate the network as they need.


    - Main & Main IoT ( because they need communicate each other )

    - Aux IoT

    - CCTV ( vlan666 )

    - Guest Internet only




  11. 2 minutes ago, firstTimer said:

    @Vr2Io This is what I meant:

    LAN1 (UnraidOnly) will go on VLAN Unraid with IP:

    LAN2(InternalServices and IoT) will go on VLAN Internal Servicess with IP:


    Am I right? :)

    Yes ( assume subnet mask was or /24 )

  12. 12 hours ago, firstTimer said:

    Unraid Server:
    Lan1 assigned with IP: (Static IP on UDM AND assigned statically on Unraid as well)
    Lan2 assigned with IP: (Static IP on UDM AND assigned statically on Unraid as well)

    Some router support same subnet for different VLAN, but most won't support that, I am not sure UDM support or not.

    But even UDM support, Unraid just not, so you need setting them in different subnet. And this not relate macvlan nor ipvlan.

    The advantage of use same subnet for different VLAN was IP assignment won't change even device sit on different VLAN.

  13. 11 hours ago, mathgoy said:

    I am using 2 devices:
    1) a plug with direct reading on it

    2) a smartplug (TP-Link)


    both give roughly the same figures (+/- 3%)

    Thats great, if you take power usage from UPS then it just meaningless.


    Like other person suggestion, check all hardware setting first.

    I suggest you troubleshoot at system in idle with spin down disk, because other factor would affect the power usage a lot too.


    Check "disable SVID" setting in BIOS


    12 hours ago, mathgoy said:

    200W on average and idle at 140W (at best).


    I would expect idle should under 100w. If base on my builds ( no special hard turning )


    9800x , 256G ram, 16 disks, 10gNIC, LSI-3008, expander backplane, GT710, idle at 100w

    9700k, 64G ram, 2 disks, 10gNIC,  2 NVMe, idle at 30w

    5600h , 64G ram, 2 NVMe, 12 docker, average loading 20w, idle may be 15w



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