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Posts posted by testdasi

  1. 13 hours ago, falconexe said:

    Have you got a test file I can use to test varken? I don't use it personally so need something to verify that it works correclty in GUS.


    On 9/27/2020 at 1:41 PM, koala784 said:

    EDIT3: AutoRemovePlus seems to work now, after a restart... I think it wasn't working correctly if activate with the Label plugin in the same time ; so the only issue is with the Label plugin.

    This is a known bug with Deluge (see bug report below). As binhex himself said "if the plugin is not made for deluge v2 then you will be out of luck until the plugin developer updates the plugin to work with python 3.x". Binhex seems to have implemented his own fix so I think you might have no choice but to use his docker instead.



    On 9/28/2020 at 7:51 AM, ctrlaltd1337 said:

    For GUS, is it possible to include Varken?: https://github.com/Boerderij/Varken


    Worked great before I decided to nuke all of previous installed to install your version. :) I miss it, but don't think I miss it enough to install it again with one of my backups.

    I'll look into it but it may take a while.


    20 hours ago, koala784 said:

    I've set Pihole-DoT-DoH like this on (br0) : 

    But when I start Wireshark and visit a website, the DNS request are still visible :




    I'm not really good yet in networking, so I think i've miss something, but I don't know really what yet...

    The DNS queries within your network is not encrypted e.g. DNS between the client ( and the Pihole docker (

    It's the query out of the docker to the DNS resolver (e.g. from Pihole ( to google ( that is encrypted.

  2. For (3) an safer alternative rather than enabling disk share universally is to have custom SMB config file pointing to a top level folder on a disk (e.g. for a share called sharename, have custom SMB config pointing to /mnt/cache/sharename or /mnt/disk1/sharename). Then have the SMB Extras in SMB Settings "include" that config file. That way you just need to restart SMB to change the config file (instead of needing to stop the array to change SMB Extras).


    Works really well with my cache-only nvme-raid0 share.


    More detailed guide:

    Let's say you have a cache-only share called "sharename" that you want a user called "windows" to access via SMB with shfs-bypass.

    1. Create a smb-custom.conf with the content below and save it in /boot/config
      	path = /mnt/cache/sharename
      	comment =
      	browseable = no
      	Force User = nobody
      	valid users = windows
      	write list = windows
      	vfs objects =
    2. Then with the array stopped -> Settings -> SMB -> add this line to Samba extra configuration box: 
      include = /boot/config/smb-custom.conf
    3. Apply, done, start array. You can now access the bypassed share at \\tower\sharename-custom or \\server-ip\sharename-custom



    Some hints

    • It's critical that the name of the bypassed share (e.g. sharename-custom) is DIFFERENT from the normal share name or you will run into weird quirks i.e. Unraid share conflicts with your custom share.
    • To add more shares, just copy-paste the above block in the smb-custom.conf and make appropriate changes (e.g. name, path, user), save and then restart SMB. No need to stop array.
    • Similarly, for edit, just edit smb-custom.conf, save and restart SMB.



    • Like 2
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  3. 4 hours ago, jmbailey2000 said:

    So now that I can use GUS, was wondering if there is any special gotchas that might exist if I want to migrate my last 2 weeks of data from my stand alone InfluxDB docker to GUS? If a big issue, I'll just scrap the old data and start from scratch. 


    Was just curious if you have heard of anyone successfully doing it before?



    There shouldn't be any gotchas. Compare the folder structure of these:

    • Telegraf docker: the host folder that corresponds to /var/lib/influxdb
    • GUS: the host folder that corresponds to /data/influxdb

    They should look identical in terms of structure.

    If that is confirmed then just turn the dockers off, backup the data before proceeding further (if the data is important to you), delete the existing GUS /data/influxdb content and then just copy the Telegraf /var/lib/influxdb data over (ensuring no change to the previous folder structure).


    I suggest to use mc from command line (or Krusader or similar 2-panel docker) so it looks a lot more obvious.




  4. 5 hours ago, falconexe said:

    Sweet! UUD 1.4 will be out soon. @testdasi You may want to specific that UUD version 1.3 is currently what's added. Thanks for officially integrating the UUD as another option within GUS. This is really cool.

    Yep. Specified that it's 1.3 now. I'll keep an eye out for v1.4.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Hoopster said:

    Just installed the Grafana-UnRAID-Stack docker from testdasi but I am using UUD as the dashboard.  I have everything customized and working except my APC UPS.  No stats there at all.  I suppose I need to do something in telegraf.conf as I see no UPS input in the file that downloads with the aforementioned docker stack.


    1 hour ago, falconexe said:

    Yes. In post 1 it talks about dependencies. It is possible @testdasi does not have the prerequisite settings on the telegraph docker. You will need to add them manually. If they are missing from his GUS, then hopefully he will add them in the future... You most likely have the plugin commented out and disabled in the Telgraf Config. Simply uncomment it, and stop/start all 3 dockers.


    @Hoopster: the latest version of GUS has all the configs enabled, including inputs.apcupsd. However, it won't delete the old Telegraf config. You just need to delete the telegraf.conf file and update to latest version (and restart the docker if already updated) and it should work.

  6. Update (23/09/2020):

    • Grafana Unraid Stack changes:
      • Expose Influxdb RPC port and change it to a rarer default value (58083) instead of the original common 8088.
      • Added falconexe's Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard


    34 minutes ago, SDEN said:

    @testdasi please do :)


    Love this

    Thanks. It's done.


    7 hours ago, tuner562 said:

    Why are my cpu cores listed/grouped this way?

    The GUS dashboard is based on Threadripper 2990WX. You will have to customize the default dashboard to suit your own exact hardware.

    Also give UUD a try to see if you like that layout more.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, andreidelait said:

    I have the same issue and it looks like it's related to an internal port 8088

    Edit: I had another docker using that port. After changing that, it works now.


    45 minutes ago, JimTebo said:

    So after checking influxdb.log as you mentioned to jibo, I'm having the issue of port 8088 being bound. I have that port in use on another docker service, and it wasn't listed in used ports so I wasn't aware of the issue. I fixed this by shuffling ports on my other docker service. Thanks for the lead on that, I was a bit blind to the log file inside of influx's folder, sorry.


    I hate it when apps do that. That 8088 is for Influx backup / restore but their config file doesn't allow disabling that if not used. And to make it worse, they use a rather common value of 8088.

    Sounds like something on the to do list. I'll have to add that to the expose port so it's transparent to people (and probably pick a different port from 8088 - I'm probably just gonna pick 58083 or something random like that).




  8. 13 minutes ago, jibo78 said:

    It seems that i have the same issue with influxdb crash.

    i installed GUS with default parameters and i also tried to change influx port without succes.

    Show me your docker settings please. Also go to the folder you map to /config and look for influxd.log under influxdb folder and attach it here. Hopefully it tells me what's wrong.

  9. 6 hours ago, rachid596 said:


    I download your Grafana-Unraid-Stack for test it.

    It works very good but in the hdd graph i have the message "No Data".

    I choose yes option in the docker template for the USE_HDDTEMP:

    I attach some capture.

    Thank you very much

    You can either edit the graph to change the parameters to use hddtemp or alternatively just wipe your config folder and reinstall with USE_HDDTEMP=no. The panels use SMART, not HDD_Temp. I only included the option because some prefer it over SMART (which is why it defaults to no).

    I kinda wonder if I should make a UUD edition that includes @falconexe's dashboard. That looks pretty damn sleek out of the box.


    4 hours ago, Blaz0r said:

    Can someone help me a little with the configuration of GUS with linuxserver/swag ?


    I've selected network type: custom (picking the proxynet used by the other services that already use swag), but the docker won't get its ports mapped


    I know that's been written to leave network to host.. but that's why I'm asking for help 👼

    Try use host network and in the nginx config file, change:

            set $upstream_app grafana;
            set $upstream_port 3000;


            set $upstream_app;
            set $upstream_port 3006;

    (Replace with the actual IP of your Unraid server).


    With bridge network (including custom), you have to map the ports yourself (it's the "Add blablabla" at the bottom of the Docker edit GUI). But that shouldn't be necessary with host network.


    • Thanks 1
  10. 7 hours ago, lizwan said:

    I realized that upon starting, the docker image creates 2 folders `rtorrent` and `sabnzbd` each with their own watch folders.

    I already have a folder for torrents and watch folders. How can I have hyrosa read from my existing ones, such that even upon restart of the image  my settings will be respected?

    You just edit add more path mappings in the Unraid GUI (from Dashboard, click on Docker then Edit then scroll to the bottom for the + Add blabla option). The default mapping is for 1 mapping to docker /config (settings) and 1 mapping to /data (watch, downloads etc.) just for simplicity.

    The one I'm using on my server, I have individual mappings for each /data subfolder so for example e.g. /data/rtorrent/watch, /data/rtorrent/incomplete and /data/rtorrent/complete all point to different folders on the host (they are on different pools on my server).

    Note that if you map subfolders then you can't map the parent.


    Settings should not reset after restart, btw. Mine is all fine so you might have done incorrect path mappings.


    5 hours ago, JimTebo said:

    Was really interested in the Grafana-Unraid-Stack docker, as it seems like a really nice, pre-configured all-in-one solution for Grafana, on top of all the individual parts being all together. Unfortunately influxdb just seems to not want to start at all within the container, and it just keeps crashing, according to the log.

    Please attach log.


  11. 9 hours ago, DrJake said:

    I dont really know what I'm talking about, but I can confirm that passing through RX580 (only GPU) is working on my setup. I left detail notes in the other thread

    Quoting from your post, I wouldn't call this working. In any case, you are the first report of a primary RX580 pass-through working (albeit intermittently) that I know of so maybe AMD is finally starting to fix stuff.


    "Think some luck is involved, after starting the VM, and seeing a black screen, I went on to reading forums on the other computer. Prob after couple minutes delay the screen just came on... I tried to passthrough the keyboard and mouse afterwards (quite straight forward, just 2 checkboxes in VM settings), that seems to have messed with the GPU passthrough which didnt work for a while (even when all the settings were the same as before, when it did work :s). Anyways, after a few VM restarts, everything seems to work again................... Luck I tell you, this doesnt make sense to me...."

  12. 5 hours ago, questionbot said:

    Isn't OpenVPN and ReverseProxy aboutt security though.. if you use plex to steam or airsonic to stream out of the house... won't my IPS know what is happening if they looked?

    Plex support specifically mentioned remote access is encrypted. I guess you can use a Reverse Proxy if you don't trust their words.



    Also even with encryption, your ISP will know you are streaming stuff if they bother to look, just by the pattern and amount of data transfer. Encryption just stops them from knowing WHAT you stream.

  13. 31 minutes ago, mmag05 said:

    Loving GUS as I never could get a stack working before.  I see you mention it's compatible with UUD.  How would a go about adding UUD?  I don't see the option to add a new dashboard.

    The high level instruction is login (default is admin/admin) then hover mouse over the + sign and pick Import. Then upload the json file from UUD topic.





  14. 10 hours ago, Sic79 said:

    Worked really nice, thank you for the Docker. I would also love to have monitoring of my APC UPS, or maybe it´s hard to add in your docker since ppl use different brands? I assume if I add that manually it would disappear on a future update?


    Edit: Did just notice that CPU does not report temp. I have a Intel E5 2697 V3 if that helps

    I don't have a UPS so unfortunately can't really test adding ups functionality. Installing the apcupsd exporting script is (somewhat) trivial but without actual device to test, it's pure luck if anything works.

    You are probably better off installing the apcupsd-influxdb-exporter docker from the Apps page and point it to your Gus docker IP + 8086 port. Have a look at this guide to see if it helps.


    You will also have to read up a bit on how to edit grafana dashboard / panel to update the queries.

    Each person's hardware has some unique parameters (e.g. which sensor to read CPU temperature), making a completely hands-off dashboard virtually impossible. Usually it just involves picking a few values from the drop-down to see which one makes the most sense.



    4 hours ago, lizwan said:

    Hi there,


    First off, thanks for the development effort that went into putting these images together.

    I am using openvpn-hyrosa using bridge network.


    The image starts but the logs show that the no servers are reachable:


    The Connection in progress... message keeps looping. What gives?

    The loop is intentional to make sure a vpn connection is established before anything else is run.

    Assuming your VPN server is working and no issue with Internet connection then the most likely reason is an issue with the ovpn config file.


    The most frequent mistake is missing credentials (i.e. login).

    Create a file e.g. login.txt with exactly 2 lines, 1st line is username, 2nd line is password. Save that file in the same folder as the openvpn.ovpn. Then edit your openvpn.ovpn and find auth-user-pass line and add login.txt after it so it's like this:

    auth-user-pass login.txt


    If that still doesn't work then copy-paste your openvpn.ovpn file here and I can help have a look.

  15. 22 minutes ago, loady said:

    thats interesting...are you saying its possible to turn off UEFI and that might cure the issue?

    Whether it's possible or not depends on whether your hardware requires UEFI or not. Some rare hardware just wouldn't boot properly without UEFI so in most cases, Legacy ("BIOS") boot is an option.

    That may or may not fix the issue but worth a try.

  16. 20 hours ago, trurl said:

    Crossposting has been considered a bad thing on message boards since before the World Wide Web.

    🤣 ahhh nostalgia!


    On 9/19/2020 at 12:30 AM, questionbot said:

    What I would like to do, but do not know how to do it.

    Currently I have no dedicated audio streaming service but a lot of google seems to recommend me AirSonic so was planning to use that. I also use BinHex-PlexPass.


    What I want to do to finish up my media server is be able to stream to remote locations Plex and AirSonic.. but I am not sure the best methods to do this.


    SpaceInvader has two videos.. How to Setup and Configure a Reverse Proxy on unRAID with LetsEncrypt & NGINX and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpkLvnAKen0 ]How to setup an OpenVPN-as Server on Unraid -- new 2019 guide[/url]


    I have watched them a few times but still sorta confused as to what they do and why to choose one over the other. I "think" OpenVPN setup just makes my computers think they are on the local area network. So if I want to acess Sonarr from a remote locaiton, I connect to the OpenVPN and then just load the WebUI the same way I do on my home network... BUT to stream from AirSonic and Plex I have to use a ReverseProxy...... . . . Is that correct?


    If I make AirSonic and Plex run off a reverseProxy, when I access it on the local network, will it go through the network? Like will my loungeroom TV be pulling it form the "internet" and not from my local home network?

    I don't use airsonic specifically but I can answer in more general terms.


    OpenVPN server is generally better for admin-level stuff as it allows you access to everything. It's like the door to your house.

    If you just want to access a few services, especially if that service has a Web UI, then Reverse Proxy is better as it is basically specialised for web stuff.


    So needless to say, AirSonic should be done through Reverse Proxy.


    For Plex, you don't need a reverse proxy. Plex has built-in support for remote access so you can stream your own stuff through Plex.tv.





  17. 7 hours ago, DrJake said:

    hello, any resolutions to passing through the RX580?

    I'm stuck at there too. Watched SpaceinvaderOne's video, still stuck on black screen...

    The RX580 generally can only be passed through if the BIOS boots Unraid on a different (primary) graphic card. There isn't any resolution since the issue lies in the card.

  18. 17 minutes ago, dkerlee said:

    @xthursdayx really cool. Before I dump this one, and switch to yours, can you tell me about it? I only have a remedial understanding of Docker and how that works, and it appears that you're using the same image that "roon-server" uses? Why is one different than the other? Thanks again!



    If it's from the same repo (e.g. "steefdebruijn/docker-roonserver") then no diff. What he did was just to create Unraid template for the docker so the necessary mappings are visible.

    • Like 1
  19. Update (21/09/2020):

    • OpenVPN-based dockers now will crash out if the user doesn't provide an ovpn file as per instructions.
    • Deprecated rutorrent-plus-plus as binhex has implemented multi-remote functionality. Please use his docker instead.

    • Added Grafana Unraid Stack

    Quick screenshot:


  20. 1 hour ago, Aegisnir said:

    Yeah I read that step but it concerned me that the container was running when the VPN link was not up as there was no VPN configured yet.  Made me think that if my VPN ever stopped, the container would continue to run without it and reveal my IP and data.  Thanks.

    That shouldn't happen. I tested specifically for that scenario.


    It's like doing car crash prevention technology. It has to assume you wear a seatbelt and build additional safety around that assumption e.g. some of the emergency braking is so sudden that at sufficient speed, you can break a few rib crashing into the steering wheel without wearing a seatbelt.


    So in this particular case, I provided specific instructions that say "put on a seatbelt" and "DON'T FORGET THE SEATBELT" reminder so I assume people already wear a seatbelt.


    Completely different scenarios. The new logic would not start the engine if there's no seatbelt.

  21. 16 hours ago, Aegisnir said:

    Just installed the OpenVPN HyDeSa container.  The kill switch does not seem to work correctly.  I just installed it and the container running and is reporting my real IP address(used curl ifconfig.io to verify).  I did not setup any OVPN config files yet so I would assume the container should refuse to start or at least refuse connection to the internet shouldn't it?

    Thanks for reporting. I fixed that.

    I was assuming users would follow the instructions (even added reminder "DON'T FORGET THE OVPN FILE!!!" in the docker description) but I guess just crashing the docker is a better approach.

  22. 2 hours ago, Boojah said:

    I got both the DoH-client and server running with the intra app on andoid, via Pihole. Thanks for the dockers!


    I'd like to use DoT using the built in support in android, to avoid a VPN connection app like Intra. Would it be possible to make a DoT-server docker, or add support for DoT in the existing server docker? Or is there another solution?

    I tired doing a direct TLS stream to Pihole using letsencrypt, and it actually worked sometimes but with crap performance and lots of hiccups. 


    Check out my Pi-Hole DoT DoH docker. 😉

    • Thanks 1
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