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Everything posted by darrenyorston

  1. I tried going back to the last stable version, 6.7.2, but the config files from 6.8.1 dont seem to work with it. It finishes the boot sequence but after displaying the server IP it shows an error for something related to login. I have been looking for a copy of 6.8.0 online but as yet have not found one. Lesson learnt not to update to the latest version, stay one version behind.
  2. I have reimaged again, copied over the same files as listed above. This time I ran the diagnostics for you. They are attached. I rebooted and the system fails at the modprobe error again. Hopefully the file dump is helpfull. tower-diagnostics-20200123-1329.zip
  3. OK. So I have been doing some testing. I re-imaged my original USB with the latest version, 6.8.1 I then copied across the following files from my backup: - Plus.key to config - config/super.dat to config - config/disk.cfg to config - config/share.cfg to config - config/shares/ to config - config/passwd.cfg to config - config/shadow.cfg to config - config/smbpasswd to config - syslinux/syslinux.cfg to syslinux I then booted the O/S. It booted successfully and I was able to login to the UI from a laptop. I then shutdown the O/S from the Main tab. After a minute or so I rebooted. The O/S halted with the modprobe error. I have attached three pictures I took when the O/S was booting. I am not a programmer/software engineer so forgive my logic. Most often the O/S stops at the modprobe line. However, occasionally it seems to progress but halts soon after. Usually at different spots. It seems to be processing something in relation to bluetooth.
  4. Hello Jon, thankyou for your reply. I cannot access the UI currently, as a result I cannot access Tools-Diagnostics. When the O/S boots its not completing to the logon prompt. I downloaded a fresh copy of the USB creator from the website. I utilised a fresh USB to make an image, booted and confirmed the O/S loads and I can access its UI from another device. I copied the config folder from my existing USB, the one which gets the modprobe error, across to the new USB. I booted this USB but it stops at the modprobe error. I re-flashed it and I was able to boot with a bare O/S. I followed the instructions on the wiki about copying files over from the old USB to a new. I was able to determine that something in the plugins folder was causing the error. If I didnt copy this folder the O/S booted ok. When I copied it I kept getting the modprobe error. I decided to re-image by original USB and copy over only necessary files, disk allocations, password related files, and shares. This worked and I was able to boot the O/S and login. I deleted my docker image. I added a number of plugins, community application, the dynmix ones, unbalance and such. The only docker container I added was binhex's plex pass. Everything was working fine. This morning, before attempting to build the system back up, I did a reboot from the U/I. The system has not rebooted, its stuck once again with the line: /etc/rc.d/rc.M: line 164: 2381 Killed modprobe - r $DRIVERS At this stage, considering the O/S hasnt booted successfully, I can only do a hard reboot from the case switch. The O/S will not reboot successfully on any of the options on the boot menu. I can copy files from the USB if that helps but obviously I cannot gain access to the UI. I tried to follow the instructions about changing the USB here https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Changing_The_Flash_Device but the replace key box is greyed out and is not selectable. I would appreciate any advice. you could provide. My system was working fine under 6.8.0 and had been rebooted with no problems. Unfortunately I do not have a copy of 6.8.0 to go back to.
  5. I have downloaded the USB creation tool from the website and created a new USB. This works, it does not report the modprobe error, and I can access the UI. I copied the config folder from my USB backup to the new USB. When I reboot I get the modprobe error. So I assume that means there is a problem in my existing configuration that occurred as a result of the 6.8.1 upgrade. When I re-image the USB it is once again usable. It would appear that something in my existing configuration is not compatible with version 6.8.1. I dont know how to proceed. I have created a new USB, confirmed it works, and copied over the reevant files as indicated here https://wiki.unraid.net/Files_on_v6_boot_drive I have not put this USB into the system as I am not confident that I wont loose my data. Whilst I do have backups of critical materials I have a lot invested in my config.
  6. Not that I am aware. As I posted previously I developed the modprobe error after upgrading to 6.8.1. I followed Limetech's suggestion to rename the network-rules.cfg file and reboot. It didnt work. So I replaced the three bz files with those from a fresh download. My server has started but I cant access the UI. So what should I do now?
  7. Could someone please offer some advice about how I gain access to my server's UI? Its running, I can access shared drives as well as some Docker containers but I cannot access the Main Page, Plugins, or VMs page. Browsers keep telling me the page is not available.
  8. I also have a Threadripper CPU. A 2950X. I wonder if the problem is related to Threadripper CPUs?
  9. I was able to downgrade to the last previous stable version however it didnt work, I was not able to log in. I downloaded another copy of 6.8.1 and copied over bzroot, bzimage, and bzgui. The server has started but I cannot access its web interface. The server is running as I can access my windows shares as well as access the Plex server from various clients. I cannot access the servers IP address at Nor can I access /Plugins, /VMs, /Dashboard and such. I can access various Docker containers on their respective ports. Any ideas on how I access the UI?
  10. The error: /etc/rc.d/rc.M: line 164: 2426 Killed modprobe -r $DRIVERS has returned. I was able to get back into my system by reverting to a previous version of unRAID then upgrading to the latest version. Today I experienced a power outage and when I restart I am back to the same error. I dont want to keep reverting to previous versions to get going again. What is the problem and how can it be fixed? Edit: I have noted that each time I try to restart the system the number following "...line 164: " changes. One time 2433, then 2523. Never seems to show the same number. I have tried restarting in GUI mode, safe mode 9no plugins, no GUI), and Safe Mode (no plugins). Same error, different number after line 164: Boot reports: bzimage ..ok bzroot ..ok I was able to boot successfully after doing the rename of the network-rules.cfg file. However, if I reboot I get the same error again. Upon rebooting the server appears to start normally. It tells me an IP address has been assigned. However, when I try to access that address my devices report the site cannot be reached. If I restart I get the modprobe error. If I rename the network-rules.cfg file as recommended I can boot into GUI mode. But the browser says it cannot access local host.
  11. I anyone experiencing an issue with special characters not working in VNC? I have been able to work out that if I connect to a VM from a physical machine with VNC that shift + characters work correctly. However, if I connect to a VM from a different VM that shift + characters do not work. This is only a recent development as I have been able to work with VMs quite fine previously.
  12. Anybody having an issue with shift + keys not working using VNC? I can change between caps and lowercase using shift but I cant add any of the special characters. I have tried from different PCs using different browsers but none of my keyboards will use special characters in VNC. They work fine if USB is passed though. I have tried a standard 104 kb as well as a 10 keyless and a 65%.
  13. Yes. I was able to restore to version 6.8.0. I upgraded to 6.8.1 which worked. I still have two problems though. When I select the terminal button from the server webpage toolbar I cannot see any text on the window which opens. When I type I can see the cursor move but no text. If I drag and copy then paste into a txt document I can see the text. I have tried accessing the terminal from a few different browser, three different PCs including a Macbook; but get the same result. Something is wrong with the terminal. I also have a problem with accessing VMs using VNC. The shift plus number keys (to give @, #, $ and so on) dont work. I have tried three different keyboards (a full size, 10% keyless, and a 65%) connected to the same PCs and Macbook. No special characters. The O/S used in the VM doesn't seem to matter, Ubuntu, Arch, Windows 10, Debian..all the same..no special characters in a VM. As a result I cant use a VM with VNC. Unfortunately I cannot even access my VMs as my password has special characters. Ill have to pass through the keyboard, log in, and change the pwd. Not really a solution as it means that I cannot use special characters in a word processor. I don't know what the problem is. Update: I have been able to find a way to address the no text appearing in terminal buy using qutebrowser on linux. Firefox and Brave both seem to have this issue of not displaying the text. It must be a config somewhere.
  14. Ok. Will that have any affect on my array configuration and data?
  15. Memtest completed, no errors reported. So how do I move forward to get my server back up and running?
  16. I have a SAS controller, yes, a LSI00244 9201-16i PCI-Express 2.0 x8 SATA / SAS HBA PCIe card. All my storage drives are connected to it.
  17. I am booting from one of the internal USB2 ports. I was using the server last night, accessing a Plex Docker. This morning the VM I had open was frozen. I tried connecting to the server from a different device but the IP was not accessible. I rebooted and get the above posted message. I have a backup of my config, but not the flash. What does the message suggest is the problem? I started getting abnormalities after I did the recent upgrade, then after a day it just died.
  18. I am doing it at the moment. I have 126GB of ECC so its going to take awhile. About another 3hrs to go, 2:43 done.
  19. Not that I am aware. At the moment its not the major problem. My server has since become completely unresponsive. I rebooted but its now not completing the boot process. Ill get back to you about your app once, if, I can get my server started again.
  20. Since updating to the latest version I have been exeriencing problems; typed text in the terminal window isnt visible and the shift + keys, other than letters, doesnt work. So no @, # and such. This morning when I went to use a VM I found the server unresponsive. I rebooted and now the server wont start. It keeps stopping on a certain part of the boot sequence. I have attached a photo of what is shown on the screen during boot. It keeps stopping here even if I select safe boot. What is the problem and how do I fix it?
  21. So I have been doing some testing and it seems to be that VNC doesn't like non-104 key keyboards. Is anyone using a 65 or 75% keyboard and encountered a problem with key mapping when using VNC? I know it did work as I have some VMs which didnt have GPU passthrough and there hasn't been a problem before. I have rolled back the unRAID update and am getting the same problem. I have tried two other keyboards and none of the shift + number functions are working in VNC. Shift + letter still changes to caps. One kb is a full size Razer and the other two are 65% and a 10 keyless kb. Any ideas how to fix this problem?
  22. I tried to run your script from putty and received the error. "curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found"
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