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Everything posted by Bungy

  1. Yes, change the image to mysql:5 instead of mysql
  2. Please check the documentation located here: https://github.com/jshridha/docker-nzbgetvpn If you can't figure out what to change, please post back and I'll try to help.
  3. @Katherine I pushed a build that bumps nzbget to v20.0, updates the baseimage, and adds in the packages you need. With the updated baseimage, the setup for the VPN has changed. Please check the docs for setup info. It may take 10 minutes or so for the build to finish.
  4. @Katherine In the meantime, try out this Dockerfile for adding in those packages: FROM jshridha/docker-nzbgetvpn:latest RUN pacman -S python2-requests-oauthlib python-requests-oauthlib \ python2-markdown python-markdown \ python2-decorator python-decorator That should get you the dependencies into python2 and python3 that you requested. Good luck and feel free to ping me if you notice nzbget get into archlinux's package manager. I don't always do the best job of keeping a close eye on those
  5. The new NZBGet hasn't hit the archlinux repo yet: https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/n/nzbget/ Once it gets in there, I'll trigger a rebuild and get NZBget updated. I'll also try to include those packages. I'm not sure what their equivalents are in archlinux.
  6. I saw that. I'll push an update to the docker container soon.
  7. Yep that's correct. Minimize, close, full screen didn't work. Good catch. I'll try to add that to the known issues section since I don't think I can configure that without the GUI.
  8. Wow awesome write up. Thanks for taking the time to dig into it. I'll add a script to chown root:root at startup just to make sure perms are set right. I'm guessing that was the big problem. I didn't have to mess with winecfg at all to get it to work. It seems as though some of this may be system dependent. Can you verify which unraid version you're working on? EDIT: Next step is for me to add a PID/GID variable similar to linuxserver.io's docker containers. Can you elaborate on what wasn't working that caused you to need to run winecfg?
  9. The way it's supposed to work is if it sees that blueiris is already installed, it'll launch blueiris. If it sees that it's not installed, it downloads and starts the installer. I've only ever launched it using the command line such as below. After it downloads, it takes maybe 10 seconds to start the installer. I can fix how it's downloading multiple times, but the concern is that the installer never launches for you. This is what's causing the multiple downloads. It looks like you have things set up properly. Try to remove the container and run the command below, which sets up the volume mapping to the cache drive. Then connect to port 8080 over http. The port 81 is to expose api access to blueiris, so you can leave that out unless you need it. docker run -d --name blueiris -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:81 -v /mnt/cache/.blueiris:/root/prefix32 jshridha/blueiris
  10. I agree. I hate having to devote those resources and manage VMs. I just got a working version of blueiris with persistence working. I just published to dockerhub but I'm not ready to show it to the whole community until I've tested it for a few days. jshridha/blueiris @bigjme Can you give it a shot and let me know how it works for you? @rix Let me know if you're having persistence issues. I can look into it.
  11. Wow that worked great right off the bat. Have you put any thought into how to make this persistent? Mayble mapping the /root/prefix32/drive_c directory to the host would work?
  12. pwgen doesn't exist on unraid. You may have to run that command from within a Ubuntu docker container or another container that has that command. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  13. @Katherine I decided to go ahead and include python3. You're not the first user that requested it, and more things are moving towards python3 so it's definitely warranted. Give it about 10 minutes for the build to finish and then pull down the new image. Revert your shebang back and you should be good to go.
  14. Post the script and I'll take a look. Otherwise, it may just be easiest for me to include python3 in and you can reset your shebangs to the original.
  15. The issue is that python2 is installed, but python3 is not. If your scripts are compatible with python2, the easiest fix will be to change the shebang in your scripts to point to /usr/sbin/python2. Otherwise, I'll have to include python3 in the container. Let me know if you need python3 and I'll be happy to include it.
  16. No, you will need to provide your own certificates if you would like to use this option. The docker does not generate certificates by default. This shouldn't be hard to accomplish though. There's plenty of tutorials out there on how to use openssl to generate certificates.
  17. The top of your logs are cut off. What do you have LAN_NETWORK set to and what is your unraid server's ip address?
  18. That's the problem. LAN_NETWORK should be set to if that is your IP address. Make that change and you should be able to connect.
  19. This is a common symptom of trying to access the docker container from a machine that is not on the LAN_NETWORK subnet. Can you verify the ip address of the machine you're trying to connect from? Can you also exec inside of the container and verify it is connected to the VPN?
  20. Build with version 18.1 is up and running. I'll update to 19.0 as soon as it hits the arch repository.
  21. My goal is to update to 18.1. However, this requires an update to openssl libraries, which ends up breaking lots of binaries that require the older openssl version. I haven't had the time to sort out all the packages required to update, but I'll take a look again shortly. Keep poking me because I may forget!
  22. I pushed a new commit that fixed the issue yesterday. Feel free to post here or on the github issue if you have any more problems.
  23. The problem isn't the upgrad to unraid. The problem is you recreated the container so the /home/git/data directory is now missing. It seems your config is missing the directory mapping for /home/git/data. You'll have to manually map /home/git/data in the container to /mnt/user/appdata/gitlab on the host for example to get persistent storage to work. The template should have handled that for you, but maybe you changed the default settings?
  24. This seems to be an issue to take up with the official owncloud team for their docker image. I only wrote the template and not the container. Alternatively, you can use these commands to install smbclient: docker exec -it owncloud bash apt-get update apt-get install -y smbclient exit Keep in mind that your apps will disappear unless you manually persist their storage on your unraid server. Also, the above commands will have to be re-done every time you recreate the container. The owncloud container wasn't designed to use the external storages plugin. I'd suggest you use docker volume mapping instead to provide similar functionality.
  25. I'm out of ideas. Can you get me remote access to your server and I'll dig into it more? A ssh terminal, TeamViewer, gotomeeting, or something like that will work. Ssh terminal is preferred. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
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