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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Stop the container open the log and then post the contents of the log window.
  2. You can write a script on the host that you can name however you want, lets name it "lb-etherwake.sh" with the following contents: #!/bin/bash apt-get update apt-get -y install etherwake ...after that go to the template, click on "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device", as config type left it at Path, the container path must be: /opt/scripts/user.sh and on the host you have to go to the path where the script is located and you then have to manually append "lb-etherwake.sh" to the path, this will mount the script in the container. It should look something like that: Click on "Add" and then on "Apply", by doing all of that the script should pull etherwake on container start and it should be available in the container after you did all of that. Please keep in mind that you maybe also have to change the network type from the container to Host since otherwise etherwake will most certainly not work (I have never tried that but if you set the network type to host in the template it should work because if you leave it on bridge your WOL package will be only be sent into the Docker subnet and never reach anything outside that network).
  3. This is really strange, have you yet tried to completely remove the container and then reinstall it from the CA App, it seems like your Docker layers for this container became corrupt.
  4. https://steamcommunity.com/id/christophhummer
  5. If someone donates the game to me I will look into it.
  6. Are we talking about your Intel iGPU or the ASPEED one? If you are talking about the iGPU this is most certainly caused because usually they get disabled if you put a dGPU in your system, you can prevent this by using the iGPU as your Primary Graphics output and enable Multi Monitor Support <- this is actually what enables the iGPU if a dGPU is installed. I would recommend that you also enable this feature with newer hardware. Maybe someone started transcoding? First of all remove this file: /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf <- because you are blacklisting your iGPU there and then enabling it the go file with this line: Even if you are blacklisting it, the line in the go file is not necessary because you have the Intel-GPU-TOP plugin installed which will enable your iGPU anyways. So to speak, please also remove the above mentioned line from the go file. I would recommend that you change your added lines to the go file like that: # Suppress ACPI Error messages echo ':msg,contains,"ACPI Error: AE_ALREADY_EXISTS" stop :msg,contains,"ACPI Error: Aborting method" stop :msg,contains,"ACPI BIOS Error (bug)" stop' > /etc/rsyslog.d/95-blockacpi.conf /etc/rc.d/rc.rsyslogd restart (this will work)
  7. Did you also edit the config file .../save-data/Settings/ServerHostSettings.json that these two values are like that: "ListOnSteam": true, "ListOnEOS": true, I have just tried to start my server and it shows up just fine after a minute or so after starting it, keep in mind that the server list is a bit buggy sometimes and it will not show your server at times (at least that's my experience with V-Rising).
  8. LOL, weil ich ein ESEL bin, habs hier mal ausgebessert (hab den kompletten Pfad vergessen): # Hide DP dual mode Errors from syslog echo ':msg,contains,"*ERROR* Unexpected DP dual mode adaptor ID" stop' > /etc/rsyslog.d/98-blockdpmode.conf /etc/rc.d/rc.rsyslogd restart (hab es oben auch ausgebessert) Führ es einfach nochmal aus.
  9. I'm assuming you've stopped the container in the first place and then replaced the files? Did you name the server exactly the same or did you choose another name? I would also recommend that you replace the entire save directory. But it is possible that the saves are not inter-compatible.
  10. Please see the post above yours, I've update the container yesterday so that you can use the ini file and it will be automatically put in the TheFrontManager directory. GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA will override the .ini file BTW.
  11. This is caused because, as the message implies, your motherboard firmware has some kind of bug in it. Have you yet tried to disable the IPMI and see if that changes anything, also try to disable the Aspeed iGPU? Do you have Above 4G Decoding, Lage Address Space for PCI devices and Resizable BAR support enabled in your BIOS? In your case I would also try to boot with UEFI instead of CSM (Legacy) and see if that makes a difference.
  12. Bitte füge das hier ins go file (/boot/config/go) ein, nachdem emhttp gestartet wurde: # Hide DP dual mode Errors from syslog echo ':msg,contains,"*ERROR* Unexpected DP dual mode adaptor ID" stop' > /etc/rsyslog.d/98-blockdpmode.conf /etc/rc.d/rc.rsyslogd restart Das sollte die Meldungen entfernen, zumindest nachdem das go file ausgeführt wurde, sprich beim booten siehst du die Meldung vermutlich noch aber dann sollte sie verschwinden. Wenn du das gleich ausprobieren willst ob es funktioniert dann für die zwei Zeilen einfach aus einem Unraid terminal einmal aus und sie sollten aufhören.
  13. This is not a valid point because first of all this plugin is highly experimental as the GitHub repo from the maintainer states over here, the version for 6.11.5 is based on a completely commit, the Kernel from 6.11.5 is a different one and what it ultimately boils down to is that there are too many variables involved. I would strongly recommend that you create a Issue on the GitHub from the maintainer over here. TBH I'm not too sure if this repository is actively maintained anymore since the last commit was my PR that I requested to make it compatible with Kernel 6.5. last month but I could be wrong about that. BTW @fromonesource also mentioned that he got it working with an older guest driver.
  14. This is necessary because you most certainly had it in /root/.ssh correct? This will not be necessary next time if you leave it in /luckybackup/.ssh The step of creating a new key pair is not necessary, the container does that on it's own on the first start or each start no key pair is found, the tutorial that I've linked is all you need to do.
  15. Please read the third recommended post from this thread. You have to put your keys in /luckybackup/.ssh not in /root/.ssh
  16. Bitte stell deine Diagnostics morgen ein und dann zeig ich dir wie du diese Meldungen ausblenden kannst.
  17. I'm not using it anymore and for me it's a pain to maintain because I have to research almost everything if someone has an issue with it. What's really bugging me is that the container is outside of my control and I can't help much if something needs to be change don how the container is working (I'm not very comfortable using a container that someone else is maintaining). However if someone wants to maintain it fell free to use the existing template that I have in my CA App repository on GitHub.
  18. Sorry, I've tried now a few things but couldn't get it to work either. It's a bit weird anyways because the are using a subfolder in the main directory for the config instead of the Saves directory which usually every UnrealEngine game is using (.../ProjectWar/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/) for their config files. Forget the above, sometimes I'm really dumb. Please stop the container, remove the folder TheFrontManager from your TheFront location in your appdata directory if you've created it already, update the container itself and the "default" configuration for the container will be put in TheFrontManager directory. Please also update your GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA variable so that only this is in there: -port=15636 -BeaconPort=15637 -QueryPort=15638 -UseACE=true (otherwise the servername and password form the config won't be honored) Now you should be able to change the settings as you like, please don't forget to stop the container before editing the file. This only applies to installations that where deployed before this post. I've already updated the template and it has the necessary changes already in there (the updated template should be available in about two hours in the CA App).
  19. This was just a maintenance update to bring the underlying base packages to the latest version (all my containers received this update today where nothing changed in terms how the container is working).
  20. Deswegen hab ich oben gemeint du könntest mal versuchen ob die Meldung auch auftritt wenn der Monitor nicht dran ist, bei @MPC561 wird die Meldung ja nur beim Boot generiert wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe. Nur so nebenbei, man könnte diese Meldung auch "verstecken" das eure syslogs nicht voll laufen, aber bitte Berichte mal ob die Meldung auch generiert wird wenn kein Monitor dran ist.
  21. Ah sorry hätte wieder klarer sein sollen, ich vermute die benutzen DP++ und splitten das so auf in VGA und HDMI, aber das ist nur eine Vermutung da ich nicht weiß wie das Hardwaretechnisch designed ist.
  22. Sorry, ich meinte den Source Code im Kernel wo die Meldung generiert wird. Im Source Code sollte das nur eine Warnung sein für den Nutzer falls DP++ benutzt wird statt normalem DisplayPort (was sie hier Augenscheinlich machen) das die den Bildschrim nicht richtig erkennen können und das kann dazu führen das das Bildschirm nicht funktioniert flackern usw... Scheint mir immer mehr und mehr nach einer schlechten implementierung, sei es jetzt in Hardware oder Software. Auf keinen Fall, das bringt nichts. Das ist was anderes 11th Gen (CPU) nutzt 12th Gen (iGPU) nicht 11th Gen (iGPU) wie 10th Gen (CPU) <- verwirrend nicht... Vergiss auch nicht das du keine crashes hast und auch das 10th Gen (CPU) also der N100 sollte 11th Gen (iGPU) benutzen, jedoch kann es bei mobilen Chips, welcher den N100 ist anders sein was ich mir aber schwer vorstellen kann. Normalerweise sind das die gleichen iGPUs mit weniger Core Clock. Probieren kannst du es ja.
  23. Can you do that to your external IP too? I pull the IPs in via icanhazip.com That should work, is a mess but should work. Thanks, I will try that later today, will maybe take me one or two days but let you know.
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