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Everything posted by ich777

  1. To which location? Please double check if your Docker image is okay and doesn't have any errors, something must be wrong with it, I have no other explanation for that because usually a Docker layer is not persistent which in your case it seems to be.
  2. Look for something like a NVIDIA T400 if you only have two or three simultaneous 4K transcodes, this is a pretty cheap and power efficient card (even new). No, that's not possible, yet...
  3. Please try to remove the container (only the container) and the install it again. If you assign the paths and ports exactly the same as before it will pick up your settings again. The unrar executable is actually part from the container and the reinstall from the container will hopefully solve that. Something seems stuck on your system.
  4. Do you have custom scripts installed or something like that? Please try to click force update and see if the issue is persists.
  5. Are you really sure that you are using my container and that you are on the latest version from the container itself? I don't see that over here, actually I see that:
  6. What do you mean with unresponsive? Have you cleared the browser cache? But I assume everything is now working correct?
  7. You clearly didn't read to your above comment from @alturismo correct? Please look at the first recommended post at the very top from this thread. You can't install this driver through the plugin and even if it would install it would do nothing for you because you can't use the old legacy drivers with Docker container. What is your use case for your card? Nope, this is the wrong one, this would be the correct one: NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-390.157.run But anyways, the driver would do nothing even if you install it.
  8. What requirements do you have? How many streams? How many drives are connected? I would say if you only do transcoding from a maximum of 2 simultaneous 4K streams or maybe 4 simultaneous 1080p streams a Intel iGPU is also enough (I would recommend that you don't go lower than 10th gen). If you only have 1x 4K stream you can even go as low as something like a Asrock N100 motherboard, this is basically a 4 core Intel Mobile GPU. Maybe create a post in the Hardware subfroums and post what you need/want and do with the server there, this is a bit out of scope for this thread. You can also take a look at my server over here (it's in German but you can use Google translat if you want to read), I don't have the addon cards anymore (only 2x 6 port ASM1166 SATA cards) installed, 7 spinning disks, 4 SATA SSDs and 2 NVME drives -> In this configuration (with a lot of services/containers running in the background) it draws around 50W of power with the HDDs in spindown.
  9. I would also recommend that you search for IPMI in the CA App since you'll find these:
  10. Have you yet looked into your IPMI? There are also plugins for that in the CA App, but as said I can't help with that because I don't have such hardware. As said above server hardware work most of the times differently than consumer hardware. I don't see any indication that you have a NCT chip on your motherboard, so to speak, you should open up your own thread for that, however you should really look into IPMI and what you can do with it <- as said I can't help with that because I don't have such hardware and even don't know how to use it.
  11. This is to little information, please post your Diagnostics. I also think that your Dell PowerEdge T30 (this is the only real hardware information which I can see from your screenshot) has a IPMI interface and you should look into that first to control your fans since I don't think that this system is controllable like a consumer system. Can't help much with server hardware because I don't have hardware on hand to test and I also don't like these locked down systems (especially Dell, HP,...).
  12. Dell and HP Server hardware is notorious for hardware locks and usually they allow vendor specific hardware in their servers. I would strongly recommend doing that first, this would not be the first P2xxx series card which I've seen not working at all and is basically dead (I don't wish for you that it's dead)... These cards are pretty "old" now.
  13. I don't even see a Nvidia GPU listed in your Diagnostics, are you sure that the Motherboard can provide enough power? So to speak the card isn't even recognized because that is also strange because if you have too less power the card would be recognized but would complain that it dropped from the bus or similar because of too less power. Can you maybe double check if the card is working in a second system?
  14. This is not possible, you have to use RCON or the ingame console. There is not much documentation out there yet for CS2, even the official Wiki has not much to give. I haven't tried to modify a dedicated server or pass over parameters, maybe someone else can help with that, sorry. But if I have time (what I don't will happen soon in the near future) I will let you know about my findings.
  15. Doesn't work currently and crashes all the time.
  16. A bit more information would be good, did you change anything to the config or in the template? Which ports did you forward exactly with which protocol? Screenshots would be also nice from the template and the error.
  17. Sorry, das ist nicht Teil meiner Anleitung. Du musst jq installieren zusätzlich.
  18. Ja aber für transcoding ist die meiner Meinung nach zu viel weil die viel zu viel Strom im Leerlauf braucht und AV1 ist noch ein paar Jahre entfernt das es Mainstream wird, zugegeben meine A380 ist zwar bei h264 und h265 auf Unraid extrem schnell jedoch steht sich das nicht für den Leerlaufverbrauch. Aber wenn ich mir deine HW specs so ansehe glaube ich weniger das bei dir der Stromverbrauch eine Rolle spielt. Vielleicht auch noch früher, aber ich will keine Falschen Hoffnungen machen...
  19. Erwarte den Release einer RC in der nächsten Wochen. ARC is schon cool aber auch überbewertet. Was sie „gut“ (h264 & h265) machen machen sie in anderen Bereichen wieder „schlecht“ (Stromverbrauch). Ich war mal früher mit dem developer in Kontakt und der war nicht grad nett zu mir obwohl ich nur eine Frage gestellt hab. Ich rate auch mittlerweile von custom Kernels an da dir viele andere features verwährt bleiben dadurch. Vergiss auch bitte nicht auf Kernel ebene kannst du viele böse sachen machen, wobei ich mir sicher bin das er sowas nicht macht. 😉
  20. Yes and no. BTW this is a really dumb move from the developers I hope they release a dedicated server for Linux too.
  21. If you change the App ID you have to validate the installation. Is there yet a dedicated server app out?
  22. It is already fixed but not for 6.12.4, the next release will have proper sound drivers, but keep in mind only for dedicated USB devcies and dedicated sound chips, not integrated audio solutions over HDMI or via the SoC.
  23. Yes. I would also recommend that you remove the directory that was created for luckyBackup in the CA App.
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