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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Have you created a variable with the Key: PHOTOPRISM_SITE_URL and as the Value your domain name like: https://photoprism.yoursite.org/ ? Like: See also the official documentation here: Click
  2. Please post your Diagnostics:
  3. Nein, das stimmt so nicht und wurde mir auch fon FS.com so bestätigt. Die Mindestkabellänge ist 0,5m bei nicht LR (LongRange) modulen sprich alles bis 10km. Vorteil von SingleMode ist das du BiDi Module verwenden kannst mit nur einer Faser und Preislich ist eigentlich kein unterschied mehr. Uh, many points of failure, nice... Genau, hab einen ConnectX2 im PC und im Server eine ConnectX3 und noch sicherheitshalber eine ConnectX2 als Backup im Schrank, BIOS von beiden entfernt für schnellers booten. Aber trotzdem glaub ich das die Karten nicht grad stromsparend sind... Oh, btw, dein Server läuft jetzt oder?
  4. Ich hab auch den Fehler gemacht Multimode zu nehmen... Aber ich hab das meiste schon auf SingleMode BiDi umgestellt... Eher unwahrscheinlich oder du hast nicht viel traffic drauf, hab das selbe hier bei mir. Der CRS309-1G-8S+ braucht schon alleine ca 15W bei mir mit einem mix aus 1Gbit/s und 10Gbit/s SFP/SFP+ modulen und 2x RJ45 SFP 1Gbit/s Modul. Der CRS305-1G-4S+IN braucht ca 12W mit nur 2 SFP+ 10Gbit/s modulen und einem angeschlossenem RJ45 Kabel. Ich gehe auch davon aus das du RouterOS verwendest weil du oben schreibst das du den CRS305-1G-4S+IN als Router verwendest.
  5. That's just normal, you have to put the query port in the range of 27015-27030 to show up there, but you have to delete the old port for the query port and create a new port with the appropriate protocol and also change the query port in the GAME_PARAMS. I will try to set up a Squad server later on my server again. EDIT: I've set it up now on my server and it runs just fine but I can't test any further since this was a game I did on request and I actually didn't own the game, if you report it as broken I will remove it from the CA App. Back then the users @dave234ee and @Pede reported that it was working.
  6. What's the exact issue? Any logs? Do you try to log in from the beta client or the default one (only beta is supported). From what I know several people run it.
  7. Exactly because of this. No, just turn "Allow install of second instance" in the CA App settings and you can install as many templates as you want.
  8. I will try this again on my computer, can you at least browse it from the Steam Server Browser? Try YOURSERVERIP:27165 and/or YOURSERVERIP:7787
  9. Please remove this container entirely (also the created folder in your appdata directory "/mnt/user/appdata/photoprismpersonal") and pull a fresh copy from the CA App. From what I see you are having a permission issue on that folder.
  10. Yes, in LibreELEC itself (the OS) not in my driver package... My package includes only the DVB Driver portion from LibreELEC and are basically the Kernel in tree drivers. Sundtek is however another story, LibreELEC itself got it's own drivers for Sundtek. Maybe I will create a dedicated Plugin for Sundtek, but first I need some hardware from them on hand, otherwise I can't test.
  11. No, not really. But you can use for sure a Xbox USB Tuner and a DigitalDevices card with the LibreELEC package because they are all included in there, even some TBS Cards should work with the LibreELEC drivers.
  12. Have you yet tried to install the LibreELEC package, reboot and see if it got recognized? It should be supported by the LibreELEC package. If it doesn't get recognized please post your Diagnostics with the LibreELEC package installed after a reboot and the USB Tuner connected. Please remember you can't install two or more packages at once because they all use different V4L drivers and this is a huge pain...
  13. I see nothing suspicious there, please stop the container and run this command from a Unraid termianl and post the output: docker container logs PhotoPrism-personal After you've run this command also please post the output from your docker run command.
  14. The TBS package will be released yes, but no new release from the DVB Plugin itself. Please check back from time to time in this thread, but currently there is no fix in place.
  15. Yes, please, but I will start after I get my DVB-C tuner.
  16. Einfach einstecken und dann sollte er dich auffordern das du eine Lizenz kaufst weil er eben kenn das die UUID vom Stick schon mal verwendet wurde.
  17. @dremeier & @TOMillr update on the Sundtek drivers, I will get my hands on a Sundtek DVB-C Tuner in a few weeks and will try to create a driver for Unraid for it.
  18. Meinst du vermutlich du hattest Stick X am Testsystem hattest und möchtest jetzt deine Einstellungen von Stick X auf deinem Produktivsystem mit Stick Y aufsetzen? Falls ja, lösch auf dem neuen Stick (sprich Stick Y) das config Verzeichnis und kopier dann vom alten Stick (Stick X) das config Verzeichnis auf den neuen Stick (Stick Y). Danach bootest du ganz normal und du wirst danach augefordert deine Lizenz zu erneuern bzw. in deinem Fall eine Lizenz zu kaufen da sich die UUID geändert hat.
  19. First I would strongly recommend that you upgrade to Unraid 6.11.1 The logs seems okay from what I see so far. Did you forward all ports from the template with the appropriate protocol in your router too? Did you change any of the ports or settings in the template itself?
  20. Yes of course. Please post a screenshot from you PhotoPrism Docker template otherwise I really can't tell what's going wrong.
  21. Video Accelerated API, but that's mainly used for Intel and AMD GPUs. Have you passed the path /dev/dri to the container in your template? If yes, please remove it if you are using Nvidia unless you want to use a Intel or AMD GPU for transcoding.
  22. Seems like this is not related to the plugin since the card is recognized and working in other containers. I would recommend that you post your logs and everything on the appropriate Plex support thread. Just a little hint from my side, it seems that Plex tries to utilize VAAPI instead of NVENC.
  23. No, because I can‘t get my hands on a tuner. The developers from the Sundtek cards contacted me once but never got back to me. Sort of, please see the first recommended post on top pf this thread.
  24. Is the ZFS plugin still installed? Maybe something went wrong while downloading. If it‘s not installed anymore please check if you got a tab Plugins Error, remove it from there and pull a fresh copy from the CA App
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