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Everything posted by ich777

  1. The last update, that was pushed about 25days ago I think, changed the executable from 32bit to 64 bit. I will look into this, when did you first experienced that issue, since as said above, the last update to DockerHub was made about 25days ago. I will look into that if I can make it 32bit compatible again, please give me one or two days. i5-10600 Does ArmA3 need AVX anyways? I'm really not to sure...
  2. Do you boot Unraid with Legacy or UEFI? I would strongly recommend that you boot with Legacy for best results and as machine type like you've already selected Q35. Can you try to unbind it from VFIO and try what happens if you pass it through without VFIO? Keep in mind this patch is certainly not compatible with different cards out there, I would also recommend that you try to open up a issue on Github.
  3. Nope, the plugin install all necessary modules from gnif over here on Github, tries to catch when you end a VM and tries to reset the card. Keep in mind this is more a workaround than a patch... It would be necessary that the manufacturer from the card updates the firmware to properly solve this issue.
  4. Can you download this file if you can actually download it? I just tried it and it works flawlessly (ArmA3 container). Have you changed anything in the template? Are you sure that the container has access to the internet since from what I see in the log it also can't download the libraries for Ark and they are pulled from GitHub.
  5. Ah, sorry I confused you with another user... Can you try this:
  6. Only double checking but it's actually not mentioned that you shouldn't expose your WebGUI on this page or am I wrong? Basically the My Servers plugin does the same... I think with Authelia in front of the Unraid WebGUI you are pretty secure because it gives you another layer of security before you even can reach the WebGUI itself. At least from my perspective this is way better than use just the password for Authentication to the WebGUI because you will be redirected to Authelia where you have 2FA with a user and password and additionally a OTP or Push message (depends on how you set it up).
  7. Can you download the linked file from above on your desktop? I just tried it and it works flawlessly (ArmA3 container). Have you changed anything in the template? EDIT: Are you sire that the container has access to the internet since from what I see in the log it also can't download the libraries for Ark and they are pulled from GitHub.
  8. On what Unraid version are you? Do you have any AdBlocking software on your network? Maybe try to disable it. It looks like the container can't download this file (which btw works fine from my machine) and so the whole container can't work because SteamCMD is missing.
  9. Your Phenom is well capable of x64 since this is a 64 bit CPU as you can see here where it supports x86_64. Please try to stop the container, delete the file "steamclient.so" that lives in your main directory for ArmA3 and start the container up again. It is very strange that your server tries to load the x86 version because it should load the x64 version instead, maybe also try to do a from the container itself if the above doesn't help. I've now tried it and it loads up just fine on my server.
  10. On what Unraid version are you? It seems like it failed to download SteamCMD, I would recommend to stop the container, delete the folders for steamcmd and the game itself from your appdata directory and try to start the container again.
  11. Can you please be a bit more specific? What does it display? Can you connect to the metrics page? The user above you is talking about the Prometheus Node Exporter plugin not PiHole Exporter. On what version are you? Please also use English here in the official support thread.
  12. What do you mean? Are you using Unraid 6.9.2? Simply download the Nvidia Driver plugin.
  13. Please remove "nomodset" from your syslinux.conf since this instructs the Kernel to not load the graphic drivers until X is started. Why did you use this command?
  14. Definitely not... What ports have you forwarded? Please forward all the ports that are in the template with the according protocol, except for "TCP2 - Web base control" and "TCP3 - Web Panel". You also can @Spectral Force's Discord where he also helps me out with support for 7DtD: Click
  15. Do you have your Prometheus Docker on a Custom network? If yes you have to enable Allow Host access in the Docker settings.
  16. Just set up shares as Private and create a few users and then you can give them read or read/write access. Please keep in mind that if you are using Windows that you choose a different name for the SAMBA user than the Windows Account name since this can cause trouble.
  17. More performant and it is integrated in the Kernel and not that system hungry. Glad to hear that it is working now. Yes, they are needed for SSH, please leave them where they are, luckyBackup also creates these files in the container itself. This is maybe a misconfiguration from SAMBA or in luckyBackup. Linux has a lot more evolved in the last years and is really mature and TBH it is in most cases easier to set up than Windows at least for such niche cases.
  18. You know that you can simply rename the existing files that the container creates... I would strongly recommend that you use Wireguard, more performant than OpenVPN and I also run it on my OPNsense box. There is no 100% protection against ransomware, that's why you have multiple backups, but don't run multiple backups at once, run it a day after another or every 10 days, sure you loose data but if I loose data from the last 10 days is better than using data from the last couple years, I think you get what I mean. Exactly, in my case my backup server runs luckyBackup and connects to my main server and backups everything. By default you can't conntect to the SSH session from luckyBackup. You can always configure a schedule, but don't forget to click the console mode button if you set a schedule in luckyBackup.
  19. So you run it with this in the template: This is also working just fine. If you want to do it like that you have to use something like Wireguard and not SSH, SSH is more for direct server connections between two computers. But keep in mind that you can have with a setup with Wireguard other issues, if one server gets infected by ransomware, basically all other servers will be affected too. I would rather recommend that you connect from the backup server to that server that you want to do a backup from. Sorry but then something is misconfigured... If I configure it like this: even with a self generated key like in your case, copy over the public key to another Unraid server and start the sync I have no issues at all.
  20. Do you run it as root? Restart the sshd service. As said from a security perspective not the best thing in the world. Because you need user passwords, you can't log into shares via SMB with the root user.
  21. So you are basically saying you didn't read my above comment... Where is the line where you did: su $USER Why did you again put it in /root and not in /luckybackup? What did you add the corresponding key from the .pub file? Have you restarted sshd on the foreign host, so to speak "MitchFlix" with the command form above? That will basically work but from a security perspective this is a nightmare and is not recommended by anyone... Always authorize each host with it's own public key. Anyways, if you want to do it like that you can basically share for example the first private key from a luckyBackup instance across all backup servers and all servers will authenticate as the ones you want. This feature works 100% in Unraid because I use it on a daily basis (except for the one difference that I use for each foreign host that connects to my server a different public and private key), otherwise the Nvidia Driver, ZFS or many other things wouldn't be built for newer Unraid versions or I wouldn't be able to build containers...
  22. Or press Enter or ESC. I don't understand that, you have to put the public key in the file "authorized_keys" on the foreign server. Then you have to copy over the private key file to the container and specify the private key there. It works just fine, I connect to my server from many different machines and it is working just fine. But I would rather recommend to use the public and private key file that luckyBackup generates on the first start. Do you actually run luckyBackup as root or not? If you are not running the container as root that can't work. If you use the files generated by luckyBackup I would recommend that you use the files that are located in /luckybackup/.ssh/ rather then from the root directory (I would also recommend to do that because the files are as said generated on the first start from luckyBackup). I really don't recommend creating keys on your own and if you do so please login as the "default" user in luckybackup by typing in: su $USER from the container console and after that generate a key that lives if possible in the home directory from this user (/luckybackup) and use the private and public file from there. But as said above I would really recommend that you use the default ones. Is this the console from the container or from Unraid? If you used the default keys then simply copy the contents from the according .pub file to the "authorized_keys" file on the foreign Unraid server and restart sshd with: /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd restart
  23. What? What did you put where? I also don't get it do you want to backup from or to luckyBackup? What public keys did you put where? What private keys did you use? Can you please start with only one server first and try to get it working? I can only tell you that it is working just fine and flawlessly on my instance (I run Backup on a foreign server that connects to my server and backups up everything. Answer the following questions: Do you want to backup to the server where luckyBackup is running or do you want to backup form luckyBackup to another Unraid server? Can you post a screenshot from the task where I can see which private key you've used? Have you restarted sshd on the foreign server after putting the public key to the autorized_hosts file? Then don't use it if you are not fine with it.
  24. Can you please not spam the thread, you have now posted in 3 different spots on the forums, please read the forum rules! You have to wait a few hours that you get an answer...
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