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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Look what I've found: Also please be sure to leave the Steam credentials in the template empty since they are only needed when they are marked with the red asterisk (*). If you have filled in the credentials, delete the container and also the directory for ARK that is created in your appdata directory and start over.
  2. Have you also added '+exec autoexec.cfg' to the GAME_PARAMS? Otherwise the autoexec.cfg isn't loaded:
  3. Please keep in mind that the container does 3 main steps: Check if SteamCMD is installed Start SteamCMD and check if the game is installed and up to date Start the game The warning that SDL isn't found is displayed at step 2 and has nothing to do when step 3 is executed. SDL isn't needed because this is only a media layer that SteamCMD wan't to use but is not necessary. Yes, you get this message in all my Steam based containers and they all run just fine. Can you please post a screenshot from the Steam Server Browser or what error message do you get? You give so much little information.
  4. Something with your setup is wrong I think, I now tried it and downloaded a fresh copy from the CA App, I can just see it fine from the Steam Server Browser: ...and also can connect to it and play on it.
  5. Have you already tried port 7777? Have you also tried to connect through the Steam Server Browser? Can you explain to me why this should fix your problem?
  6. Can you give me a little more information? Does it work? One user posted that it doesn't work but I've actually never tried it with Windows 7. It is recommended to install the latest version of Windows to get GVT-g working.
  7. What port did you try to connect to? I can only tell you that you have to connect through port 27015 if you are using Steam.
  8. Not as far as I know but that would be something for the VM subforums. But keep in mind that you don't have to extract the BIOS from the card anymore. Try it first and if you experience any problems feel free to make a post again.
  9. Please open up a console and can you give me the output from 'nvidia-smi'? Can you also send me a secreenshot from the container template itself (with Advanced View turned on)? Go to Tools -> System Devices -> Click the checkboxes for the 1080Ti (Graphics and Audio) and click on Bind to VFIO on Boot, this should make the card invisible for Unraid and the plugin so that ot ia reserved for exclusive access in the VM. Exactly, follow the second post in this thread after you installed the plugin (you can assingn the P2000 in multiple Containers too).
  10. How did you tey to connect? You have to search for unofficial servers amd I also recommend to conmecting directly via the IP. I have reports from when you add this that it works. Have you got the log output? @Cyd are you familiar with the Epoc version of the game?
  11. Please set the Use Cache setting to "Prefer" or "Only". This is the main reason why it doesn't work! Your appdata folder should always live on the Cache drive amd not on the Array for snapy and fast Docker containers and also to not stress the Array too much. I will look into this ASAP and report back, haven't used the BBS container in a long time...
  12. This parameter has to be added on the client side (on your desktop where you actually play the game Click) not on the server side, this can't work on the server, also to take advantage of this you have to add your user as an admin in the 'adminlist.txt' (Click) and restart the server after you added it (you find the file here: ../appdata/valheim/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/adminlist.txt). This is a little bit weird and also I can't do anything about is, the best solution would be to join from the Steam Server list or you enter the IP manually.
  13. This should be possible but I actually never tried it yet because my time is very limited. You have to edit your xorg.conf file to use the Intel vGPU instead of the VNC output. I think this should point you in the right direction: Click
  14. Ja gibt es aber das ist jetzt schon zu spät wenn er den check schon ausführt.
  15. Jein, das hab ich so noch nie probiert, in diesem speziellen Fall würd ich die config komplett neu machen damit alle vorhergehenden zuweisungen von Disks gelöscht werden und beim Array start dann den hacken setzen das die Parity bereits stimmt (natürlich nur wenn sie jetzt schon stimmt) und die Disks genau wieder so zuteilen wie sie waren!
  16. But this seems like an issue of the game itself and there is nothing I can do about that, eventually make a short post om tge Valheim Forum/Discord/Steam Community Hub. @kennelfort Forget what I've wrote above, you have to press the REAL ENTER key (and not the one on the NUM PAD) twice, tried it now on my server and this works (haven't played the game a while).
  17. Can you try to run the game fullscreen, enter does nothing in Valheim after you've enter the password. Something seems wrong with the rendering, have you set any scaling within Windows? Please try to run it in Fullscreen mode.
  18. I don't understand completely... You mean in game? There has to be an okay button, do you have a screenshot from that? Do you made sure that the password in the template for Valheim is at least 6 characters long? You don't have to do that, I also don't run it in br0 mode. Yes I would recommend doing that, have you also read the second recommended post on top of this thread?
  19. Exactly, this docker has a autoupdate feature built in too so if you leave that enabled in the template the container will restart itself and update itself, but keep in mind that this can happen anytime (check interval is by default 60mins). No, this is only if you have problems with the files and should not be necessary. Also please keep in mind to not fill in your Steam credentials (this is only necessary if the credentials marked with a red asterisk "*"). Also please make sure to read the Unraid blog there is actually a really nice tutorial how to set up the container. You can also read the second recommended post on the top of this thread. In other words, leave everything as it is and you should be good to go and the container will do the work for you.
  20. The problem with that is that Unraid needs exclusive access to the internet on boot without any blocking software infront of it because the plugin needs modules that are compiled speciflicy for the corresponding Unraid version you are running and the plugin also checks if there is a active internet connection on boot and tries to ping the google servers for 30 seconds. This only applies to other plugins and not only this and not only plugins that I've created.
  21. Are you having a acticlve internet connection on boot or do you have a Firewall installed on Unraid or any blocking software like PiHole that prevents Unraid to connect to the internet on boot?
  22. Is it now working? Eventually something is wrong with the contection to Github, the package should be only about 5MB in size. Can you attach the Diagnostics please (only if it's not working)?
  23. Mal was ganz anderes zwischendurch: Mich würd interessieren wie sich ein Array verhält das auch 1 oder 2 Parity SSD's (da die ja mal günstig waren auch in größeren Kapazitäten - aber dann kam Chia... ) besteht und der rest aus HDD's. Speziell würde mich interessieren ob ein schnelleres schreiben möglich ist wenn die Paritys SSD's sind...
  24. This would require a complete rewrite of the container. You can look at the source code of the Chromium container and also how to install RealVNC Server on Linux. The container simply wasn't designed to have sound and also would need other dependencies that are simply not installed. Eventually look out on Dockerhub if someone created a container with RealVNC and Chromium.
  25. Sieh dir mal diese Tabelle an (Source😞 Du hast hier ein PCIe x1 interface und wenn das stimmt was auf der Karte steht dann in Version 3.0 du kannst also einen maximalen theoretischen Druchsatz von 0.985GB/s haben sprich du würdest dann theoretisch schon am Limit sein wenn du auf 2 SATA SSD's schreibst bzw. liest (mit einer durchschnittlichen Geschwindigkeit pro SSD von 492,50MB/s gerechnet). Wenn du auf das Array schreiben würdest, wie in deinem geplanten Setup, schreibst du gleichzeitig immer auf 3 SSD's (2 Parity und die Datenplatte) sprich du könntest somit nicht die maximale Geschwindigkeit der SSD's ausnutzen und hättest pro SSD dann "nur" einen maximalen Durchsatz von 328,33MB/s (bitte vergiss nicht wenn da noch eine andere Platte drauf hängt und die auch grad was schreibt dann müsstest du das nochmal teilen). Hoffe das ergibt Sinn für dich (und ich hoffe ich hab mich nicht verrechnet... ). Ja der funktioniert, hat ein Kumpel von mir mit normalen Festplatten (HDD's) am laufen.
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