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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Eigentlich ist das nicht so wirklich gut, solange der Wert nicht steigt sollte es kein Problem geben, ich hab selbst 2 Festplatten mit dem Fehler, einmal mit 5 und einmal mit 2 Fehlern wurde von einem kaputten SATA Kabel/SATA Stromkabel ausgelöst bei mir (man soll hald einfach nicht am laufenden System herumfummeln... ). Ein CRC Error gibt nur an das ein Paket das entweder vom Controler and die Platte oder umgekehrt gesendet wurde fehlerhaft ist (also fehlerhaft bei der Gegenstelle ankam), dieses Paket wird aber nochmal neu geschickt und deinen Daten passiert somit nichts. Sollte der Wert aber stätig ansteigen wäre dies nicht so toll. Kontrollier mal die Steckverbindungen ob die alle gut drin sind die Kabel, vielleicht hat eines auch einen Wackelkontakt oder ähnliches.
  2. Nein wird nicht unterstütz, du kannst dir einen Access Point besorgen der als Bridge fungieren kann oder gleich eine richtige WLAN-LAN Bridge. Bitte überleg dir das aber zweimal mit WLAN und dem Server, die Zugriffszeiten sind meistens extrem lahm, Dateiübertragungen das gleiche usw...
  3. The problem is that the Windows NTFS filesystem handles the timestamps completely different... There are also tools out there that can read Linux filesystems from Windows. Probably the better way is to use a Linux formatted disk since if you eject the NTFS disk from within Windows the wrong way Linux can have some problems mounting it (at least from my experience) and also NTFS can cause much overhead and is usually slower than a native Linux filesystem when you copy something over from Unraid.
  4. This seems like a hardware related issue, are you sure that your card get's enough power from your power supply? Please make sure that you enable above 4G decoding in your motherboard. Is it eventually possible that you put the card in a system where it works under Windows, create a new Unraid USB Key with a Trail key (don't start the array), install the CA App, then install the Nvidia Driver plugin and after that look if the card is recognized on this system (just to be sure that it's not a issue of the hardware combination cpu/motherboard/gpu? The last thing that you can do is to reset your BIOS (only if you know how to set back everything back so that you can boot Unraid). Also make sure that you boot Unraid with Legacy Mode and not UEFI.
  5. Can you try to format the drive in XFS or BTRFS and try it again.
  6. This would nothing do to the plugin and the way that the driver detects the card. Without the Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drop the downloaded zip file here in the text box) I really can't tell what's the problem here. EDIT: Also I would recommend to upgrade to 6.9.2 first.
  7. I hope you understand I want to slowly move away from custom built images and I have not built this "plugin" into the Unraid-Kernel-Helper and have not planed it... I also have to say a possible solution for the gnif/vendor-reset as a plugin is in progress for an upcoming version of Unraid but this needs to be more tested and since I've got no AMD card this is a little difficult.
  8. This is the problem... The gnif/vendor-reset patch makes it impossible to load a module after the vendor-reset patch is applied to the system. The plugin has to load a module and append it to the Kernel in order to work correctly and since it can't load the module the daemon start fails and without the module and the daemon corefreq-cli can't work. The same would happen if you install for example the DVB, ZFS, USBIP or Nvidia plugin (or any plugin that needs to load a module) and can result in a hard lock of Unraid itelf... Hope that makes sense to you...
  9. Seems like something went really wrong when installing the plugin and the modprobe seems to fail. Can you attach your Diagnostics here (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drop the downloaded zip file here in the text box). Are you running a custom build of Unraid with the gnif patch installed?
  10. May I ask how much system memory you have installed?
  11. Hat er bereits versucht, er hatte dann aber dieses Problem:
  12. Ich hab mir das script nicht im detail angesehen aber wäre doch mal einen versuch wert das Komando im Terminal auszuführen. Evtl muss man auch nix hinzufügen, am besten wäre einfach einen kurzen Beitrag im Support thread des Plugins zu machen wie man das ausführen kann. EDIT: Wie @bonienl grad gepostet hat einfach den Befehl ausführen. Danke!
  13. Thank you for the feedback! The problem with this device is that you don't know what you actually get inside the device, so I don't think further testing is needed... Just sell it and eventually mention that Linux is not supported, at least on this specific device...
  14. Please go to your VM page, switch to XML view on the VM edit page and click on apply, this will verify that you configuration of the VM is valid again. Eventually something is messed up in the XML itself... If that doesn't change anything try to delete the vGPU assignment for the VM from the plugin page and reassign it.
  15. Versuch mal folgendes mit installiertem Sleep S3 Plugin folgendes im Terminal einzugeben: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.s3.sleep/scripts/s3_sleep -S
  16. On what type of media do you copy the files on? NTFS?
  17. @Gerch So, ich mache hier dicht, du hast 3 threads offen und in keinem erklärst du was du wirklich brauchst weder gibst du antworten auf fragen und ignorierst sogar die lösungsvorschläge andere nutzer. Noch dazu hast du im anderen thread ein bild von einer laufenden unraid instanz gepostet, auch wenn es eine VM ist. Bitte stell deine Frage in einem anderen Thread den du bereits offen hast.
  18. Yes, the Radeon-TOP plugin will also enable your iGPU but if you've already enabled it through the "file method" that's also fine. Please read the full description of the Plugin it says: "no editis to the 'go' file or creation of other files are necessary"
  19. There is actually a Docker request thread open here on the forums: I think it would be best to post their since I don't know anything about this software...
  20. Main Screen: Set Processor states: Dashboard: Performance Monitoring: Tools Menu: [F1] Shortcuts Menu: [F2] Main Menu: [F3] View Menu: [F4] Window Menu: If you run 'corefreq-cli -c' (without quotes) the client traces counters (press 'CTRL + C' to interrupt).
  21. (only Unraid 6.9.2+) CoreFreq is a CPU low level monitoring software designed for x86_64-Processors. You can show Package and Core temps, Hot sensor, Vcore, RAM,... You can also toggle SpeedStep, Clock modulation, Turbo boost, C-States demotion, C1E,... It has also a built in stress test and much, much more. To use it: Open up a unRAID Terminal and type in 'corefreq-cli' (without quotes), hit "F2" or "SPACE" to open up the menu inside CoreFreq. Please note that not every combination of CPU and motherboard is supported! Intel Systems: It is recommended that you append 'nmi_watchdog=0' (without qutoes) for better accuracy to your syslinux configuration (this is only recommended if you are using it directly on Unraid with a physical monitor and keyboard attached, if are using it over SSH it's not necessary because of the added network delay). The Plugin is based on CoreFreq from the excellent work of @CyrIng. You can get more information here: https://github.com/cyring/CoreFreq https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/unraid-corefreq/master/corefreq.plg WARNING: KEEP IN MIND, FREQUENCIES/CORE RATIOS ARE APPLIED IN REAL TIME, PLEASE ONLY CHANGE THE VALUES IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! Please note that any changes persists between reboots, to remove the already made changes simply delete the plugin and reboot or remove the file '/config/plugins/corefreq/corefreq.cfg' on your USB Boot device and reboot. Troubleshooting If you got any problems, crashes when installing, random crashes of Unraid please be sure to always include the Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drop the downloaded zip file here in the text box) in your post. If you want to get in touch with @CyrIng or got any problems head over to his Github: Click
  22. As you know Unraid 6.10 is a test release not even in public beta state... Anyways it is possible to run GVT-g in 6.10.0 beta 1-18 but it needs a little workaround, I'm currently in contact with Limetech about that... From my side there is currently no support for 6.10.0 test releases and GVT-g.
  23. Das ist zB mit DirSyncPro möglich, der mounted dir deine komplette Nextcloud als Verzeichnis in den Container mittels WebDAV und du kannst dann aussuchen wo du es hinsynchronisierst (ist pro Ordner möglich und du kannst einzelne Ordner in verschiedene Shares syncen) und da DirSyncPro auch eine Schedule Engine hat kannst du Synchronisationen in definierten Intervallen ausführen lassen. Wahrscheinlich, nur würde dies wesentlich komplizierter ausfallen. Du kannst dir auch oben den rclone Container ansehen aber ich weiß leider nicht genau wie der funktioniert.
  24. Das würde auch mit anderen tools funktionieren wenn du dich mittels WebDAV verbindest und dann auf deinen Server in einen Share synchronisierst in fixen intervallen. Sieh dir mal Docker wie rclone, oder DirSyncPro an, dann brauchst du keine VM.
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