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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Is the part for the cross-platform right, you wrote that it's not cross-platform capable... So this would make no sense to make a server for this if you're on windows if they are not cross-platform capable. Edit: Uploaded the template and should work fine, tested everything Should be available in a few hours
  2. Hello, i don't understand the question... Did you mean how to connect to the Minecraft screen from the console? It's in the description of the docker, type in 'screen -xS Minecraft' (without quotes). Or simply click on the docker icon and on 'Restart' If you need a scheduled restart you can do this with a cronjob in unraid. If you don't mind me asking for what did you need to restart the container?
  3. Hello, yes i will take a look at this in the next few days, but can you explain whats different to the standard minecraft server? Is this a version without java?
  4. Bad to hear that it's not a valid command but they changed a lot of the commands recently, you will find valid commands on the Dockerhub documentation. Yes, would recommend to buy a cache drive, a single 500G or 1TB spinning drive should do the work perfectly fine (and nowadays the are not that expensive) but i would recommend you to buy two for redundancy. (Also don't forget to change the appdata setting 'Use Cache' to 'Prefer' so that all data is copied over when the Mover process starts).
  5. Oh you run your cache on XFS? I've run my cache pool on btrfs and got no problems - almost for 3 years now (i use XFS only for my array drives). If you want to add this command edit the docker and switch from 'Basic View' to 'Advanced View' in the upper right corner and enter it at the 'Extra Parameters' - only viewable if you enable the Advanced View - like this (i think 10G should do the work for The Forest even less should do it, check the size of the folder for The Forest after the installation and change it to that size even a little bigger and you're good to go): (I don't know if that works but give it a try)
  6. I will look into that, give me a few moments, must install the Docker again... Where did you put the folder for steamcmd and theforest? If it's in the standard directory you need plenty of space on the cache drives. I will report back. Edit1: No problem so far Edit2: @AnyColourYouLike Server is running now, i noticed that i also got the wine32 error but it keeps on and starts the server (since it's a 64bit game it could run without win32 - no need to install it because the docker will even get bigger) attached 2 screenshots.
  7. Where did you put in the -automanagedmods? In the 'Game Parameters' or in the 'Extra Game Parameters' if you put it in the 'Extra Game Parameters' it should work fine. Click again on the log button on the Docker overview page, this is because you changed something in the Docker on Unraid (maybe a 'Game Parameter' or 'Extra Game Parameter' or something else) and it runns now under a differnt Container ID (look at the picture underneath), the log is still there but the ID has changed from '8c4de0864230' to something else so it can't find the log for the Container ID: 8c4de0864230, like above click again on the log button and the window will show the log with the new Container ID. I will look into that but if you specify another name in the ini file doesn't it overwrite the server name from the docker (i actually don't know...)? This is also a thing i must look into, should be possible but i thought for security reasons i implimet it so that it has to be in (You could also try to disable that this field is required - go to the docker page edit the ark docker, click on 'Advanced View' on the top left, click on edit at 'Server Password' and change required from Yes to No and then leave it blank - but keep in mind i don't know if that works if it works it will eventually also work with the 'Server Name'. Wich tag did you run 'latest'? Since it is not my docker (i've only created the template for it). But from what i see the last version of the docker is 0.17.50. You can head over to github and create a issue or go to dockerhub and look at the 'Tags' tab wich one is the latest version for the docker Links: Github & DockerHub But also i want to say, give the maintainer a few days, that is really much work to maintain all of the different versions.
  8. So it doesn't show up in the server browser? Please note that the ark server needs a connection to the internet and all the required ports open and that the server can actually talk to the ark master server to show up in the list (even if you only want to play on LAN you need all set up right with the ports configured). This was also discussed a few pages before. As always i can set up a docker on my server and you can test if you can connect and see it on the list.
  9. Overlooked your post sorry... No, this is just the standard steam error that it can't find any instance of steam running but that's normal for a dedicated server. Server should run after the 'Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 346110' message, everything should be fine.
  10. Please join the steamgroup so that we can chat over steam
  11. Yep, that's the file i edited but i only changed the server name and password. I think you don't understand that this file is downloaded if the docker can't find the file and has nothing to do with the startup, i've only made this so that the servername and password is fixed (You can find this file also on github *click*). Can you please send me the logs from the mordhau docker, i think your server hasn't even started...
  12. Everything is completely vanilla, don't changed a single setting except for the configuration file in the 'Mordhau/Saved/Config' folder. Edit: Can you see your server in the steam server browser when you enter your internal ip of the server and the port 27015 (eg:
  13. You should find it now, i've only changed the servername and the password. Servername: chipsDocker Password: unraidDocker
  14. No that's fine, change it to host mode and all ports will be forwarded to the host (nothing shows up because i don't expose the ports in the docker for easier host mode like in your case - one thing is the steam query port you can't nat that it has to be the port that you specified eg: 27015 has to be 27015 and not 27016 or another number). That's really strange i can set it up on my server if you want and you can try to connect in bridge mode and in host mode if you want... But give me some time, weekend is family time for me and i've got little time on the weekends. Also i don't know your firewall. Haven't you specified a ip for the ports to forward?
  15. Thank you fo using my dockers. Can you post a picture from the port forwarding from your router/firewall? Wich ISP are you using? I think there is something wrong with the forwarding, have you changed anything else in the docker?
  16. I think this is something for the dev's or eventually @Squid Maybe i've done something wrong in my templates but i'm not excatly sure...
  17. @Jo7410 First of all thank you for using my dockers... This should not happen, are you sure that this happens when you restart the container? In my case that's not an issue, the standard ports are only there if you create a new one from the template, if you delete it they should be gone. Have you installed the 'Fix Common Problems' plugin? I've uninstalled it since it made some problems with Docker (not only my created Dockers). Also check on the Docker page in Unraid (with advanced options on - upper right corner) if the ports are really forwarded.
  18. Have you set another port as the standard RCON port in the docker? Every port is forwarded correctly? Have you set a password for RCON? Also for what did you need access to the console? For the admin menu within sourcemod?
  19. RCON from within the game add the start parameter '-console' without quotes on your local PC inside of steam.
  20. You must rename the forge.jar to server.jar and the vanilla minecraft.jar (that you've renamed to server.jar) to minecraft_server.jar (according to the forge wiki, forge is not my favourite choice because i've got 3 servers running and the stopped working after a while because some library had a problem with some plugin and also all clients must have the plugins installed, spigot is much easier to handle and maintain).
  21. You only have to configure these few variables (leave the ports as the are and increase the XMS and XMX Size a little bit if you have many mods to let's say: 4096 and set Accept EULA to true). Look on how to set up a forge server on google and copy then the files over to the server directory (don't forget to stop the conatiner, delete everything in the folder and then put copy everything over and start the conatiner again).
  22. You can simply install a forge server yourself, drag it into the directory and start it up (you must also set up the Docker Variables right).
  23. I've looked for the two games you requested, both of them are only available for windows, it should be doable with WINE but that's not the best solution because there is much overhead and it will take a lot of resources (you can download my 'The Forest' Docker to test that). If your interested please conatct me again. Btw added you to the group...
  24. Sorry but i am not able to find a good documentation how to set up Barotrauma as a headless Linux dedicated server. If you can provide me more information how to set up the files and where to get them i can look further into that (i've found a little bit on github and a little bit on the forum from 2017 also the youtube videos are outdated... 🙈 ). With the information that i've found it's not possible for me to make such a docker... @Freyer I've now buyed Barotrauma (thank you stranger for the donation) and finaly been able to make a Docker. The Docker should be up in the next few hours.
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