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Djoss last won the day on April 12 2019

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  1. So the container has its own file system and by default /storage inside the container is mapped to /mnt/user of your unRAID server. Also, the web interface you are accessing when opening the link under the Docker page is the X11 Tixiati application running inside the container. So in this context, yes there are some limitations (it's like a remote desktop). However, you can use the Clipboard from the side panel to share text between the host and container. For the other point you mentioned: Tixati also offers a native web interface that you need to activate. To access this native web interface, you need to edit the container's settings and add a new "Port": this will setup a port mapping between unRAID and the container. By default, the port is 8888. So you would have to set the "Container Port" and "Host Port" to 8888. Once done, you can access this via <unraid ip>:8888.
  2. I would instead mount the network share on unRAID itself. Then, you can map the folder to the container.
  3. Are you able to connect another FTP server (e.g. one from Internet) ? Also, just to make sure: this container is not a FTP server, but a FTP client. So when you say that you are trying to "connect from one filezilla server to the other", I'm not exactly sure what you mean.
  4. Note that you can copy the displayed URL and paste it in your browser to do the login yourself. If you would like to provide more details about the failure, you can edit the container setting and add a new variable named "CONTAINER_DEBUG", with a value of "1". You can then reproduce the problem and get the file /tmp/cp_login.log inside the container. You can send me its content in a private message.
  5. You are using the wrong thread (this one is for a different container). Under the Docker page, click the container icon and then select "Support".
  6. I never saw this problem... are you using the container with default settings ? You may also try to start with a clean /mnt/user/appdata/MKVToolNix
  7. @alturismo, do you get the same behaviour with all kind of videos? Just tried one on my side and the preview worked correctly.
  8. Try this: su-exec app env HOME=/config avidemux3_jobs_qt5
  9. Thanks for reporting. This was working for me when I worked on the new version, but I will check if I forgot something.
  10. The current beta key is expired. We need for a new one to be published.
  11. No, nothing resets everything You can check the uptime of the container to see if it has been restarted.
  12. Did you change "Automated Media Center: Input Directory" ?
  13. FileBot tries to work with /Movies, which doesn't exist. What are you trying to achieve exactly ? Are you using the GUI or the AMC ?
  14. Do you have more details about the crash ? Something in the container's log ? Just so we can better understand, what is the "original" path of your medias and what is the path where you found the medias after the crash ?
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