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  1. would this work as a replacement? IO Crest Internal 5 Port Non-Raid SATA III 6GB/s M.2 B+M Key Adapter Card for Desktop PC Support SSD and HDD. JMB585 Chipset
  2. 20 ours and 16 passes on memtest with 0 errors.
  3. It's at 3.9 TB with over 100k sync errors. I am canceling the parity check and am sending diagnostics. I will reboot and start memtest. tower-diagnostics-20200104-0409.zip
  4. Hi, I could sure use some help. I have been upgrading my server with new drives over the past year and I am getting enormous number of sync errors. Most recently I installed a new 8 TB Parity drive and 2 new 8TB data drives. All pre-cleared 2 full cycles. Moved files from older 4 TB drives to 8 TB. Ran sync. Everything was okay. Copied some files (about 300GB) through thee cache drive. Moved the files then ran sync. Over 86,000 sync errors reported. I shut the server down afterwards. I have waited several days and just booted the server just over 1 hour ago. No files have been accessed no addition made to the server. After 256GB synced out of 8 TB there is over 600 sync errors and climbing steadily. 75% of my hours on all my drives is parity checks. Prior version of UnRaid 4.7 there wasn't a parity error for years. Since moving to UnRaid 6 series 6.4 & 6.5 I have had a constant barrage of sync errors. I thought it was a problem with the parity drive but that has been replaced and the problem persists. I also replace every disk drive cable. I have uploaded my hardware profile
  5. Dolphin worked like a champ. I am rebooting now so I will verify that it is done. It appears to be fine parity is now rebuilding. Hoopster & itimpi Thank you for all your help
  6. Hoopster, I relocated to Raleigh a few years ago and one is place under substantial pressure to choose which color blue you are. I finally opted for Duke. March madness is unbelievable here. itimpi, I will try your recommendations and let you know how it turns out.
  7. itimpi I have an old system that is in need of substantial upgrades. I use it to store media files 20+ TB. It was recommended awhile ago not to use dockers with my old Sempron CPU. I still have a few old plugins but that's it. In a nutshell this has been so reliable all these many years when I do need to do something like upgrade disks I have to retrain myself. The bad part about that is sometimes I think I know what I am doing. Scary. Right now I am upgrading drives to 4 TB and already looking at economics of larger and fewer drives. The expense is that I maintain two full backups. Next will be everything else. Yes I can see the individual drive across the network. I am not sure how your recommendations will work with the directory structure being "disk 3/S/DRAMA" creating "S/S/DRAMA". Although I could probably move the drama directory up one level and the delete the other S directory
  8. It is definitely user shares. After reading your recommended threads I think the best way is to format a blank disk and then delete the share. My question is the share name on the disk itself and will it pop up when I reinstall the disk? Yes I did name it disk 3 and it didn't have a problem with that. Perhaps they need to add disk with a space and number to the reserved list. I am going to prep a small 1 TB drive and put that in the disk 3 slot and try renaming that. I will let you know the results. BTW are you a Duke or North Carolina fan?
  9. I just tried pulling the drive and run reconfig. Showed disk was deleted. rebooted with drive installed and configured my disks and of course it was disk 3 again and I still can't rename it. The last option I can think of is to format a drive and plug it in then reconfig with a blank drive and hopefully be able to change the name then. If there is any other method that is less time consuming I would certianly appreciate any recommendations.
  10. What is described in those posts is exactly what I tried. In the share I changed the name to "S" and when I clicked apply it reverted back to Disk 3 stating it is a non empty disk.
  11. I just added a new 4 TB disk replacing a 2TB drive. I apparently errored in naming the share name as disk 3 instead of S where all my videos are. I have already copied 3.3 TB onto the drive and I can't change the share name. Any ideas on how I can correct my faux pas?
  12. Perhaps I am missing a big piece of the issue of an unclean shutdown. A power failure will cause an unclean shutdown. This will create massive parity errors. Does that mean if I lose a data drive in a power failure and parity is now erroneous, I won't be able to reconstruct my damage drive?
  13. That's what happens when you look into the glass of water from the top instead of the sides.
  14. Ask Trurl, I find things that are impossible, I've been driving him crazy for weeks. I think I will need to get a room there, my bar bill in Greensboro will be HUGE...
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