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Everything posted by dee31797

  1. I haven't tried this with macvlan networking recently, but I'm pretty sure it works. Can you send me the docker container logs as well as the dhcpd.conf file?
  2. I'd like to help but I need information to do so. Can you post your settings for the dhcp docker?
  3. no problem! for that error, you'll have to work with the docker container's creator.
  4. yes you can run that in a command window, but the downside is it won't show up in Unraid's docker tab the way you're use too. ' You can add this from the apps tab as well. Here's a blog post on how: https://synaptiklabs.com/posts/setup-unraid-to-pull-from-docker-hub/ It's not straightforward, you will have to do a lot of google'ing to get it going.
  5. It depends on the docker container and it's creator. For your specific request frigate, he mentions the required volumes, paths, etc in that github link. Its a bit advanced to convert to Unraid, and this isn't the right forum thread to work that out, but here's the info you need: docker run --rm \ --privileged \ --shm-size=512m \ # should work for a 2-3 cameras -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb \ -v <path_to_config_dir>:/config:ro \ -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ -p 5000:5000 \ -e FRIGATE_RTSP_PASSWORD='password' \ blakeblackshear/frigate:stable
  6. I believe you can request a docker container here: Since that docker container exists on Docker Hub, you can install it on Unraid through CA Apps, but you would have to manually add the necessary volumes, ports, etc.
  7. Sure! This is what I did, could be a better way but it does work. First, in Home Assistant create an input boolean, more info here: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/input_boolean/ After that, use the curl command to turn that input boolean on and off based on motion on or off. More info here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/motioneye-home-assistant-camera-motion-automation/41712/87 Now that the input boolean is being controlled by MotionEye, you can write an automation or whatever you need to trigger based on that input boolean. Hope that helps.
  8. Hello @karldonteljames Unfortunately, the MotionEye Docker does not include any MQTT/Mosquitto software. It only contains the necessary software for the base image and MotionEye to function. Not sure if it helps, but an alternative to using mosquitto_pub is using curl. I've used it in the past with this MotionEye Docker and Home Assistant to send a command when there's motion.
  9. If it's happening intermittently my guess is the audio settings as well. On the audio tab there's a little pencil to the right of the audio selection that you can check and make changes in. I package the software up in a docker image, but I'm not that knowledgeable about the Handbrake software itself.
  10. No sorry I haven't run into that issue. I did a test on a video with AC3 and it worked. Please check the handbrake log in the appdata folder log/hb/conversion.log and that should give some insight into what's going wrong. Here's mine from my test I did. ... [11:48:05] * audio track 1 [11:48:05] + decoder: English (AC3) (5.1 ch) (384 kbps) (track 1, id 0x101) ... [11:49:04] ac3-decoder done: 4676 frames, 0 decoder errors ...
  11. I added that dbus command to the container to run at startup. Force an update to the container and let me know if that helps, and thanks for bringing this to my attention.
  12. Sure I'd like to help. Lets confirm a bit of info. Are you using Unraid? (its docker so shouldn't matter, just in case) What values did you assign to the variables "USER_ID" and "GROUP_ID" ?
  13. I only use one connection currently, but after adding a connection once it does indeed stay persistent through reboots/docker container rebuilds. The information for the persistent connections list is in "config/xdg/config/dconf/user" file (this is the container's path, on your server it's probably /mnt/user/appdata/Virt-Manager...). Check and see if you have this file, and if not, verify that the USER_ID has write permissions to the config folder. From what I can tell this is all handled by the container's base image and Virt-Manager, I've never had to do anything for it to save my connection(s). Add connection -> QEMU/KVM -> check "connect to remote host over SSH" -> user/pass -> click connect. After that the connection is saved for me.
  14. I'm not sure what SSHCert is, but another user previously setup setup something that didnt require him to use the yes/no prompts: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/77603-virt-manager-intel-gpu-tools-and-more-dockers/?do=findComment&comment=784718
  15. recordings-converter puts it back into the directory where it found the file.
  16. no prob Ok since you've provided the actual paths, please follow my instructions exactly. docker settings add path host path: /mnt/disks/Kingston_SHPM2280P2_240G_50026B727604BA4C/appdata/auto-comskip/comskip.ini container path: /opt/comskip.ini why not? I've said that several times, definitely with comskip.ini after the last / please... That's because you mapped the whole folder instead of the comskip.ini file, now the container can't find the scripts it needs to do its thing
  17. Forget about that string and it's formatting, that's for running docker from the command line. From the webgui you have to add what unraid calls a "path" to the comskip docker container. In the path, on the host side will be your comskip.ini file, and on the container side will be " /opt/comskip.ini ". example: docker settings add path host path: /mnt/user/myshare/comskip/comskip.ini (just an example, please use your directory path) container path: /opt/comskip.ini
  18. cherrybullet, Please update to the latest image and let me know if it works for you. Docker tab -> advanced view -> force update intel-gpu-tools is my prefer method. long version For some reason this error has started occurring with the latest base image update and xfce terminal, I found that if I opened a webbrowser to the webui of the docker container and set the docker container to auto-restart on failure, it would then work on the next restart. Obviously this shouldn't happen, but I didn't care to investigate it further so I just switched terminals. Seems to work well on my test machine, please let me know if you still have issues.
  19. if you're talking about "/dev/dri: /dev/dri" vs " /dev/dri" thats fine either one works. The other user had it mapped twice, "--device /dev/dri: /dev/dri" and another "--device /dev/dri: /dev/dri".
  20. You have the /dev/dri mapped twice. Please remove one and retry, let me know if the error goes away or not
  21. can you please post the complete docker settings you're using?
  22. That line is referring to the volume that needs to be added to the container. Instructions on volumes in Unraid can be found here: https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Docker_Management#Volume_Mappings and if you prefer video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISJczs06pD8 You can place the comskip.ini anywhere you want on Unraid's side, but on the container side it has to be at " /opt/comskip.ini ".
  23. Hi, Yes certainly! Please find that info here: https://hub.docker.com/r/djaydev/auto-comskip
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