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Everything posted by NewDisplayName

  1. I found it. But i dont know how to use it in your docker.. BTW i got my first greens, so i guess its working
  2. Thats all what should be supported: https://github.com/uklans/cache-domains Tweaking Cache sizes Two environment variables are available to manage both the memory and disk cache for a particular container, and are set to the following defaults. CACHE_MEM_SIZE 500m CACHE_DISK_SIZE 500000m In addition, there is an environment variable to control the max cache age CACHE_MAX_AGE 3650d
  3. Okay, its very good hidden on the site. But i found for Steam: *.content.steampowered.com content1.steampowered.com content2.steampowered.com content3.steampowered.com content4.steampowered.com content5.steampowered.com content6.steampowered.com content7.steampowered.com content8.steampowered.com cs.steampowered.com steamcontent.com client-download.steampowered.com *.hsar.steampowered.com.edgesuite.net *.akamai.steamstatic.com content-origin.steampowered.com clientconfig.akamai.steamtransparent.com steampipe.akamaized.net edgecast.steamstatic.com steam.apac.qtlglb.com.mwcloudcdn.com If thats the same as u uploaded here, then u can pretty much cache all important things with it, windows update, origin and so on. Also the implementation also has limits on caching (https://github.com/steamcache/generic)
  4. Thanks for your help. My my problem is more, where i can change the cron? Is there a plugin for?
  5. I guess, thanks. lol Ehm, could u atleast tell me if i need the dns if i use my own dns server? (router)
  6. Blablablabla im angry thats why i blablablalba. Caching useless steam chunks which even sometimes getting new generated every download IS THE WORST OPTION IN THIS WORLD. YES CORRECT. Im not even sure if he invented it, because theres already a nginx cache solution, i think he "just" did it in a docker. Iam ofc really thankfull to him. But the solution as it is now, is atleast not working. Do you know how i can make a sheduler which is running like every week and removing files older then 1 month?
  7. Oh, thats probably the worst cache option ever... Why should i want to store all steam downloads forever? I wonder why its not correct working. I dont use your DNS i use my routers DNS options: (am i right that i dont need ur steamcache-dns then?) *.steamcache.cs.stea... *.cm.steampowered.co... *.steamcontent.com I tried installing and deinstalling 2 games, i get yellow (omething like /server status) and red (chunks) but no greens. I really need a way to limit it e.g. only 1 month or something. Do you know how i can make a sheduler which is running like every week and reoving files not edited 1 month?
  8. I dont want to flame, but the first part is already broken!? I did change -p 81 but its still on 80...? Edit: i thought maybe ts because i edited it via smb /flash/ but also if i ssh into it, it displays: #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp -p 81 & ~ Read /boot/config/go, 3 lines, 74 chars But when it reboots, its still on 80...?? i have the latest "next" branch. EDIT: Okay it seems they changed it in 6.4, you can edit it via settings identification.... How can i change how long he cache? And how much GB?
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