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Everything posted by NewDisplayName

  1. Why u wanna try it via powershell instead of just changing it inside the network adapter? Edit: ah i got it wrong, you try to set that dns in your dns server. No idea about powershell, i use steamcache dns container + pi hole container.
  2. Trust me, get unraid, its like heaven... if i just knew unraid some years ago... Also, its free trial, just try it, u will love it. For best performance, get some cheap ssds for cache drives.
  3. Is the a new version for the newest unraid version for libre? When i go to unraid DVB plugin, it just loads forever "Updating available builds"
  4. What a great replacement for plex requests. One of the few dockers which nearly works 100%. It just seems like he doesnt understand which series i already have in plex. If i search for movies, he shows what i already have, if i search for series, he doesnt show that i already have some series. Known?
  5. Seems like 60% is image traffic, so maybe google pagespeed could help with all those pictures and css files. Makes it also easier for Cloudflare to cache all the things. In case you use Apache.
  6. Yea, as this forum starts to grow, it gets slower, @limetech could try to install and use google pagespeed and or a reverse proxy for static content, if they didnt have already. Easiest would be cloudflare, which also cache some things. (and free CDN) Now its not that bad, but it will get worser and worser. Its probably because of that "bad" first time byte, could be speed up by CDN, i guess.
  7. Someone know why plex request is not saving the profiles i entered? I select profile for radarr and sonarr and click update, if i go to any other site or reload, its again as "SELECT PROFILE". I cant add aynthing bc of this. I use linuxserver/plexrequests
  8. wohoooho. I wonder, i always had br0 without problems for days. I changed now to eth0 also, does work now again, also admin cp. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Why it says br0 when you need to have it eth0 anyway? Oo 1. Edit: only one super small "problem". I want to use as my favorite DNS because its the fastest, so i entered and as backup but he always do it exact the other way around and use first.. wtf? 2. i would like to enable "log rotation" and expose the pihole.log to /etc/pihole/pihole.log, i changed the config, but it doesnt write anything to it...?
  9. after running this command, pihole doesnt show anything in admin, again...
  10. Im nto sure how to use it. Just place it inside the userscripts plugin and run once a day? What you do? How does it delete logs? I added as daily, removed the outcommented lines and added logging
  11. Why you think "low" peers would be a problem? As far as i know, the server contacts the nodes when he chooses to give them something to store, and then they need to react (responsetime and timeoutrate). I might be wrong tho. I never cared for peers. And just btw, its beta atm, no real users, so things will change, like how storj reputation works. (so a big node should make the same as 1000 small ones - which is currently not implemented...) THE ONLY thing i noticed was, before i switched to this docker, i had a update every day and so the dockers automatic restartet and updated. But anyway, i dont notice any difference.
  12. Okay, guys, i mightg found something out. Yesterday i had to change my network from 192.168.0.X to 192.168.86.X because of this, dvr failed again, ofc. 1.) This time i entered IP:PORT of the tvh proxy (the one i posted above) (look picture, for configure) 2.) i didnt wait or anything, i just clicked next 3.) it didnt worked, like always 4.) But this time i didnt wait for it to come up under known devices, i just tried it some seconds after again with IP:PORT and next.... 5.) and it worked, the device appeared AFTER i clicked next (oO) 6.) the coolest thing now is, you can use the EPG from tvheadend to configure your channels in plex (automatic! :D) -> at EPG you can select use your own blabla you can enter there "http://test:[email protected]:9981/xmltv" Remember, i have all involved dockers (plex, tvheadend and the tvh proxy) in br0, with own ip adresses in the same subnet (im not sure if that is neccessary, but you should try) Finally working
  13. Now, it seems like its not blocking anything anymore. I will try fresh install.
  14. Ive got it working. But i didnt changed anything. First try, new day, working... I dont know. Seems like crap.
  15. I dont know. At start i had many problems with xeoma, but now it works since months without problem. (archive is correctly created and used)
  16. I must say, it had worked perfectly for 7 channels (and i could watch them), but now, even with new container, i cant again... its crazy it seems plex is just a piece of sh1t. If u add somethin gmanually it says like "oh i already know that device its down" Oo WTF! Does anyone know how to delete old "devices" (ip:ports) from plex? (at this stage i tried to add a as tvh proxy - its so crazy)
  17. I found a working proxy, without any problems so far: just search in apps in dockers for plexheadend
  18. Okay, if im fast enaught i can select hte proxy, and see all channels, but if i click next im back to that old usb and the proxy is dissapeared... wtf? DO i need to wait until tvheadend is finished with epg grabbing?
  19. Okay, it might have something to do with security build into dockers. Im not sure tho. It might be the case that bridged containers cant reach each other. So i put plex, tvheadend and tvhproxy on a br0 adress. Finally no errors in logs, but it still just show up in plex, i click next it shows one transmitter "VOX" and then, it switches back to an old USB device and say it cant search for numbers. BTW after EVERY test it seems you NEED to restart plex docker.
  20. What did you enter in plex? IP IP:PORT of tvhproxy?! i Tried both, if i manually access IP:PORT i get the error above, if i enter it in plex, nothing happens, besides plex tells me that it cant connect.. Do you have plex in br0 mode?
  21. I never saw a working docker which doesnt display any network infos, but anyway, i tried it again. I get JUST in the logs OR
  22. I guess its the same "cant donwload" thing. Try placing the .rar / . zip manual inside the directory.