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Everything posted by NewDisplayName

  1. Hi, could you please disable mail if i disable mail? I disabled it and still i get: Dec 20 00:20:01 1e39b5376f82 /USR/SBIN/CRON[3010]: (smmsp) CMD (test -x /etc/init.d/sendmail && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp)Dec 20 00:40:01 1e39b5376f82 /USR/SBIN/CRON[3026]: (smmsp) CMD (test -x /etc/init.d/sendmail && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp)Dec 20 01:00:01 1e39b5376f82 /USR/SBIN/CRON[3042]: (smmsp) CMD (test -x /etc/init.d/sendmail && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp)
  2. Yeah, its cheap, bc it wont has a encoder. I really wonder for what u want it? It can just use CPU to encode, so you dont need that card. Except u want to use a different CPU to process.
  3. Might i ask for what u need that? U know it wont speed up processing? (i also wanted to buy)
  4. Not working. If this is your first time running the WebUI you need to set a password via the command line by running `flexget web passwd <new_password>` -> docker exec -ti activ-flexget /bin/bash [root@978034ffbd5b /]# flexget web passwd flexget 2017-12-17 19:56 CRITICAL manager Failed to find configuration file config.yml 2017-12-17 19:56 INFO manager Tried to read from: /, /home/nobody/.flexget, /home/nobody/.config/flexget Could not instantiate manager: No configuration file found.
  5. I dont have this options, but i dont have problems (besides that sonarr and radarr are not really working for torrent downloading for non en movies)
  6. I have the auto fan plugin installed. How do i configure multiple PWR thingys? Or is it for all of them shown? I mean i can select multiple pwr controllers!? On Mainboard i see 2 of them. 1 is cpu, 1 is chassis but it shows 3
  7. OKay, i fixed my issue. Not even debug shown that port was wrong. (why does delunge ask for port, it should be if no port == use standard port) And it seems liek if it cant connect (which doesnt show in log) u cant access webui... How do i know the VPN is correct working and my ip wont show anywhere?
  8. I cant connect to the webui. (its 8112, correct?) Ive set so it should be correct. Ive seen no errors in log but where comes this ip from? -A INPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT Doesnt make sense for me, it accepts on 172, which i dont use and accept 192.. on (not webui?) port..
  9. Nonono.... but you got me on the right track, many many many, thanks, its owrking now. I didnt saw that i can adjust the "scripts" folder in settings under paths. It was relaying on the maindir (which i use for /downloads/) so i had to put it in /downloads/scripts/. I was so hard googleing for the path that i didnt see i can adjust it... Sorry im dumb asf. Its working now, thanks for your help... is there a way to redo all downloads with this script
  10. I dont know. I tried: root@Unraid-Server:~# chmod +x /mnt/user/appdata/nzbget/ppscripts/SafeRename.py root@Unraid-Server:~# chmod 777 /mnt/user/appdata/nzbget/ppscripts/SafeRename.py restartet docker, no change....
  11. To be sure, i restartet the docker, and it still works. 90MB/s ... Thank god! Only question is, if the variables for max age and max memory and max size works. But i will report back. Edit: Blizzard also works!
  12. Nop. It just creates random folders /fs/ud/uf/ds/aj and so on. Like i said, also changed the other options above in the screenshot. If u have questions, tell me!
  13. Wooohooo. Okay. News! I got it working, i could test: - Windows Update, - Riot (LoL) and - Steam. Its caching. Its working! Many many, thanks! Origin does not work, because i dont know how to do the SSL thingy.... Cool would be a logfile analyser which shows how many misses/matches and how many traffic was saved. I have slow internet and many family (and pcs) so this is a huge thing for me!
  14. This *.1 -> *.mp4 really gets to an problem because my cache drive is filling up because it cant find a movie file and so the dir wont get moved, anyone has an idea?
  15. I dont know what changed, but now its working again. Im feeling lucky and just tried replacing steamcache/steamcache:latest with steamcache/generic:latest (and it seems to work!?) 1. What unRAID version are you running? newest 6.4 2. What containers do you have installed and working? you mean Dockers? Couchpotato nzbget PlexMediaServer Sonarr SteamCache SteamCache-DNS TeamSpeak (disabled) Do you have an idea how i can setup this: Caching Multiple Services If you want to cache multiple game services then you should run multiple instances of the cache and use different IP addresses on the host machine. The first thing is to add an extra IP to your network interface. You should then create a second data directory on the host and then run the container for the service you want to cache: docker run \ --restart unless-stopped \ --name cache-blizzard \ -v /cache/blizzard/data:/data/cache \ -v /cache/blizzard/logs:/data/logs \ -p \ steamcache/generic:latest Repeat this for as many services as you want to cache. It is best practice to keep the caches separate for each service to prevent the possibility of overwriting the same data. With your current container? Btw, this seems to work just fine with your DNS Container:
  16. Ehm, how do i get the extentions to work? Ive setup like u worte on first page /mnt/user/appdata/nzbget is /config and i place in /mnt/user/appdata/nzbget/ppscripts/SafeRename.py but doesnt show in drop down!? Also does someone know a fast way to rename many files /*/*.1 to /*/*.mp4? Should i still change it to 000 (and why)? Bc it seems to work just fine. Its set to 1000 for me.
  17. This is no attack on me? Right? Its okay guys, you are so smart you know what ppl want! Im out.
  18. What is wrong with you? Thats the question, and all of u. I jsut make a suggestion and getting attacked from all sides. He didnt said to me "i wont add it" and YES, i didnt read 30 pages.
  19. Are there any news to get this working on unraid?
  20. Okay, id ont know why, but if i use the dns docker, it seems to work (atleast better). Before i redirected the dns myself with my router. Just to be sure, are all games/services enabled on both container? Like Steam, Riot, Windows Update, Origin? Or do i need to make any adjustments? I wanted to reinstall now i get: Pulling image: https://hub.docker.com/r/steamcache/steamcache-dns/ TOTAL DATA PULLED: 0 B Command: root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="Steamcache" --net="br0" --ip="" -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" https://hub.docker.com/r/steamcache/steamcache-dns/ /usr/bin/docker: invalid reference format. See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'. The command failed. Pulling image: https://hub.docker.com/r/steamcache/generic/ TOTAL DATA PULLED: 0 B Command:root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="SteamCache" --net="br0" --ip="" -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" https://hub.docker.com/r/steamcache/generic/ /usr/bin/docker: invalid reference format. See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'. The command failed. Other containers seem to work just fine: Pulling image: hurricane/sonarr:latest IMAGE ID [latest]: Pulling from hurricane/sonarr. IMAGE ID [73fbde4ef9a4]: Pulling fs layer. IMAGE ID [28e8cff6e8e8]: Pulling fs layer. IMAGE ID [ddd5baf81b29]: Pulling fs layer. IMAGE ID [0338b83240d4]: Pulling fs layer.
  21. Yes, ofc, i BUY a software and develop a free addon for it. "You realize it's way more likely they would try to hack the server/app than your VPN, right?" Thats just wrong. Why should anyone invest so much time and effort to hack this app to turn your array off...... SSH is also widley used and was servival times hacked already. Why i dont want VPN? BECAUSE I DONT NEED IT... But: I dont care, do what you want, in this state, this app is useless for me. Its a suggestion, which many ppl would like, if you dont want to use it, make it configurable, its that easy.
  22. a simple vps costs at 1€ a month. Just make a subscription for 1€/mon and your good to go. Oh you want to open your door to enter your home? Just install a teleporter so you can transfer your home around you.
  23. Yes, he need server. But you dont understand, you dont let the server connect to your lan, Its the LAN connect to the server. VPN provide access to your WHOLE NETWORK. My solution would only allow access to the unraid interface. Also whats more likely to happen? Someone hack VPN (18923798127398127312749812931893891 mrd user) or someone hack a app which has <1000 user? Also the server side part could be secured pretty easy, like with certificate, https, encryption, what ever.
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