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Everything posted by driph

  1. Are there any issues that existing users should keep an eye out for when migrating to linuxserver/calibre from RDP? I'm planning to update soon, but am currently still running RDP Calibre (with its black screen issue) with a calibre-web client.
  2. Ahh, that makes sense. So yeah, looks like the best option for now is as you stated, map the library to both the docker and native client (or keep separate libraries and sync them), but never have the docker active when using the native client. Looks like managing remote instances is on the Calibre development roadmap, at least: https://github.com/kovidgoyal/calibre/blob/master/src/calibre/srv/TODO.rst
  3. First off, thank you for these! I've got RDP-Calibre up and running, my library is good to go, and calibre web is humming alongside it for remote access. Is there a proper way to safely access the same library share that RDP-Calibre is using with a standalone Calibre client? For example, when I'm on the same network as the server I'd love to be able to manipulate and add books to the library using a native client. Is it as simple as pointing the native client to the share as its library, or are there issues that could spring up as a result?
  4. It's supported if used with AFP (Apple's own network filesystem). Since AFP will be deprecated, we are discussing the usage of SMB as successor of AFP. Aye, it was via SMB that I was referring to. If support is a ways out, I'll go with AFP or hack up something in the meantime, but if it's around the corner I'll just be patient and back up the machines locally. :]
  5. Welp, my old Time Capsule finally died, so I'm going to set up my Unraid box to serve as the Time Machine backup host. What's the status of this? Should I wait for official support, or use one of the manual setup methods posted here and there? Thanks all!
  6. Thanks for these. Just set up a gaming VM using the videos as a guide, and the process went without a hitch!
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